I. 国家の上層部に福音が伝わった
13 私がキリストのゆえに投獄されている、ということは、親衛隊の全員と、そのほかのすべての人にも明らかになり、
ピリピ4:22 聖徒たち全員が、そして特に、カイザルの家に属する人々が、よろしくと言っています。
14 また兄弟たちの大多数は、私が投獄されたことにより、主にあって確信を与えられ、恐れることなく、ますます大胆に神のことばを語るようになりました。
II. 兄弟姉妹が熱心に福音を語るようになった
III. 反対者によっても福音が語れていた
15 人々の中にはねたみや争いをもってキリストを宣べ伝える者もいますが、善意をもってする者もいます。
17 他の人たちは純真な動機からではなく、党派心をもって、キリストを宣べ伝えており、投獄されている私をさらに苦しめるつもりなのです。
Let's change our perspective and rejoice
Sunday Worship Service - September 8, 2024
Scripture Reading: Philippians 1:12-18
There are times in our lives when we suffer because we are seeing things from the wrong perspective. When we view life negatively, it feels harsh, but when we see it positively, life seems good. Those who perceive their life positively can live with optimism and confidence.
Living with a positive mindset leads to not only mental well-being but also physical health. Medical research has shown that "when people laugh, their immune systems become more active." This is why optimists tend to get sick less often.
One person found that out of ten worries, eight are things that cannot be controlled, regardless of how much we worry. Another one of those worries tends to resolve itself naturally, leaving only one out of ten that might actually be worth worrying about. Thus, worrying about things we cannot control is a habit we should aim to break as soon as possible.
To become an optimist, it is essential to always look at things from a positive angle, even when things don’t go the way we want. In his letter to the Philippians, Paul wrote multiple times, "Rejoice in the Lord." The foundation of this joy in the Lord comes from the belief that the Lord is always working for the best.
Paul spoke to the Philippians about how their faith was influenced by an event where, despite being imprisoned, Paul and Silas prayed and sang hymns, leading to the Lord’s intervention and the salvation of the prison guard (Acts 16).
This shows that even when situations arise that don’t seem joyful, the outcome can still turn out well. This is the joy that comes from faith. However, faith must be grounded in truth; otherwise, it’s merely wishful thinking. When it is rooted in truth, it becomes the correct way of seeing things.
Today's theme is about finding joy by changing our perspective. Paul shifted his focus from himself to the kingdom of God, which became the reason for his joy.
Christians have many sources of joy. One of them is witnessing the progress of the gospel. Even if things are not going well for us personally, we can find joy when the work of the gospel is advancing. To experience this joy, we need to shift our perspective from being self-centered to focusing on God's work. When we do that, joy becomes possible.
Today, let’s explore Paul’s joy and learn about the Christian perspective.
I. The Gospel Reached the Upper Echelons of Society
First, through Paul’s imprisonment, the gospel was delivered to the heart of the world. Paul was imprisoned for the sake of the gospel and spent a considerable amount of time in prison. Nobody, including Christians, enjoys being imprisoned, and when faced with such adversity, it’s easy to fall into disbelief and question why God would allow it. From the church’s point of view, Paul’s imprisonment might have seemed like a major setback. Undoubtedly, Paul's opponents likely claimed that his imprisonment was proof that he was not blessed by God.
However, as we read in Acts 24 and beyond, Paul had the opportunity to speak the gospel before important figures such as the Roman governor, Jewish leaders, and King Agrippa. By being imprisoned, Paul gained access to an audience that he normally wouldn’t have been able to reach with the gospel.
Philippians 1:13 states: "As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ.”
The "palace guard" refers to the elite soldiers who served as the emperor's personal guards. Since they were closely connected to the upper echelons of the empire, Paul’s imprisonment allowed him to encounter influential people in the nation.
Philippians 4:22 also states: "All the saints send you greetings, especially those who belong to Caesar’s household.”
Here, "Caesar’s household" does not refer to the emperor’s family but to those who served the emperor. This indicates that among the palace guards and their families, there were people who heard the gospel and believed in the Lord Jesus.
Before Paul’s arrest, he had been freely preaching. In one sense, his time in prison might have limited the range of his missionary work. If he hadn’t been imprisoned, he might have been able to preach the gospel to many more people. However, God allowed Paul’s imprisonment so that the gospel could be proclaimed to the Roman elite. Through his imprisonment, God gave Paul the opportunity to preach to the leaders of the nation and their families.
From Missiology perspective, preaching the gospel to the nation's leaders is often more effective. When national leaders become Christians, it encourages many others to believe without fear. Historically, many nations where Christianity took root had Christian leaders. This includes the Roman Empire, Britain, Northern Europe, and the United States. More recently, South Korea has followed this pattern as well. By allowing Paul to be imprisoned, God gave him the chance to preach the gospel to the nation’s leaders and their families.
II. Brothers and Sisters Proclaimed the Gospel More Enthusiastically
Next, let’s look at Philippians 1:14: "Because of my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear."
It is written that because Paul was imprisoned, the brothers and sisters became more confident and began to testify. This is a mystery. Normally, when a leader is captured, everyone becomes fearful and abandons their faith.
We tend to think that zealous Christians who do not sin will receive worldly blessings, while those who are not as devout will receive fewer blessings. This belief in blessings is fundamentally wrong, yet many people seek blessings through religion, so it has deeply penetrated the church. When we read the Old Testament, we see that Abraham, Joseph, and David were blessed financially. In the story of Job, it is often thought that God wanted to bless him, but because of Job’s sin, trials were given to him. And after Job repented of his sins, he was blessed even more. However, the New Testament completely clears away such notions. First of all, Jesus led a life of perfect faith without any sin. Yet, He did not receive financial blessings. The apostles and Paul were also devout believers. Although they were not entirely without sin, they must have lived lives much more distanced from sin than ordinary Christians. But they were like Christ in this respect too. Rather than experiencing financial blessings and stability, they faced continuous trials and suffering.
Christian blessings are different from worldly blessings. It is not that things go well because we are loved by God, but rather, we are loved by God because we are spiritually fulfilled. Moreover, the devil, who rules this world, opposes zealous Christians.
John 15:18 "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you."
The people around Paul understand this principle. By observing Paul's sufferings, they saw an example of what happens when Christians live zealously for the gospel. It is natural for believers to endure suffering. Last week, I mentioned that having a fervent faith can win favor from some people, but also incite hatred from others. Our struggles may encourage some, while others, viewing our lives as foolish, may advise us to "give up on faith," especially if they are living comfortably.
What’s important to remember about life is that it doesn't end in this world. For those who believe in materialism, death is the end. However, the Bible teaches that everyone will face God's judgment after death. Jesus said this:
Mark 8:35"For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it."
Where should we find happiness? If this world is all there is, then by all means, strive as hard as you can to live happily for the next few decades. Do everything you want, fulfill all your desires, and leave nothing undone to avoid regrets. However, if you believe life doesn't end with death, you must live carefully, with a sense of tension. Even Christians will stand before God, and at that time, we will be asked how we used our time and gifts.
But our true life is stored up in heaven. It is kept safe for that time, and in heaven, there is no death—it's eternal. How we live that eternity depends on how we live now. In times of hardship, we must remember that the present is not everything. We shift our focus to the grace of our future destination.
For Paul, the next point was undoubtedly difficult, but he rejoiced because the gospel was advancing.
III. The Gospel Was Preached Even by Opponents
Philippians 1:15 "It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill."
Some people were increasing Paul's suffering in prison.
Philippians 1:17 "The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains."
These people were a great burden to Paul. They did not acknowledge Paul and criticized him while zealously spreading the gospel. Their motivation was competition. Although the content of their preaching was correct, their character was flawed. Nevertheless, Paul put aside their attacks on him and rejoiced that they were spreading the gospel.
Of course, being opposed and criticized was painful for him. No one can remain unscathed by attacks. However, Paul directed his perspective toward the Lord and rejoiced that the gospel was being preached. Whether we can focus on the Lord or only on ourselves becomes a key distinction.
Currently, the abuse of power by the governor of Hyogo is causing a stir in Japan. The current governor punished an executive who opposed him, and both that person and the whistleblower committed suicide. Many in power prioritize their own security, and as a result, they purge those who oppose them. This is common in communist and militaristic countries, but in Japan’s democracy, such actions are unacceptable and inhumane. Leaders, by virtue of their position, will inevitably face attacks. Pastors, though not necessarily seeing themselves as being in a position of authority, are often attacked too. Personally, my weak heart makes it hard to cope with such attacks, and I become quite depressed. But Paul found joy in the fact that those attacking him were contributing to the Lord's work.
In my previous church, there were many who attacked me. These people changed over time—when person A stopped attacking me, person B would take their place. The issue was that these individuals were passionate about the church. Sometimes there were heated arguments in the board meetings. I've shared before that a new chapel was built during my time, but back when we still had the old chapel, board meetings took place on Sunday afternoons. The room had a thin window, and the entrance was next to it. So, when people raised their voices in the meeting, those passing by the entrance could hear. Imagine the shock when they heard the pastor and board members fighting loudly. It was troubling for some. Initially, the treasurer was the one who disagreed with me most. He often made remarks that belittled me. In arguments with him, I often raised my voice in defense because his criticism was relentless. But in hindsight, I wish I had just ignored it. Though he attacked me, he was a devoted church member and managed the church’s finances while balancing a busy job. He wasn’t trying to split the church or form an anti-pastor group to oust me—perhaps he simply disliked me or thought little of me, or both.
In life, we encounter various people. God is the one who brings them into our lives. Some people will favor us, while others may dislike us, and that's fine. No one is perfect, and it’s impossible to be liked by everyone. What matters is where we place our focus. If someone is contributing to the Kingdom of God, we should rejoice in that. This applies not just to pastors, but also in the workplace and at home. If someone contributes to the company, the company prospers, and this benefits everyone. It may even prevent bankruptcy. In families, maintaining good relationships brings peace, which serves as a good testimony.
Paul could focus on God. He viewed life not in terms of personal gain but whether God gained from it. This is essential for Christians. Our earthly lives exist for God’s work, and our true happiness will be realized in heaven. While we also seek happiness in this life, there are many cases where that may not happen. In fact, it would be foolish to sacrifice eternal happiness for fleeting happiness here. Let us focus on the Kingdom of God—that is wisdom.
Let us pray:
Father God, we thank you for giving us the example of Paul, a model of faith. He always rejoiced, and the secret was that he had more than one source of joy. Even in his suffering, he could open another "box" of joy. May our source of joy not be limited to our own happiness. His perspective was different from others; he believed in Your plan and found joy in the spread of the gospel, even if it brought him suffering. It is easy for our hearts to be wounded and for our bodies to feel pain. But help us to change our perspective. In this sinful world, we cannot avoid pain, but let us not focus on the injustices and pains of this world. Help us to focus on the hope we have in heaven. In Jesus’ name, Amen.