
20 テモテのように私と同じ心になって、真実にあなたがたのことを心配している者は、ほかにだれもいないからです。
21 だれもみな自分自身のことを求めるだけで、キリスト・イエスのことを求めてはいません。
22 しかし、テモテのりっぱな働きぶりは、あなたがたの知っているところです。子が父に仕えるようにして、彼は私といっしょに福音に奉仕して来ました。



I. 愛の人たち

19 しかし、私もあなたがたのことを知って励ましを受けたいので、早くテモテをあなたがたのところに送りたいと、主イエスにあって望んでいます。


 20 テモテのように私と同じ心になって、真実にあなたがたのことを心配している者は、ほかにだれもいないからです。

 21 だれもみな自分自身のことを求めるだけで、キリスト・イエスのことを求めてはいません。



II. 仕える人たち
22 しかし、テモテのりっぱな働きぶりは、あなたがたの知っているところです。子が父に仕えるようにして、彼は私といっしょに福音に奉仕して来ました。




 マタイ 23:11 あなたがたのうちの一番偉大な者は、あなたがたに仕える人でなければなりません。



ガラテヤ5:22 しかし、御霊の実は、愛、喜び、平安、寛容、親切、善意、誠実、
23 柔和、自制です。

1 さて、過越の祭りの前に、この世を去って父のみもとに行くべき自分の時が来たことを知られたので、世にいる自分のものを愛されたイエスは、その愛を残るところなく示された。

 日本語ではその愛を残るところなく示された、英語では、showed them the full extent of his love. とあります。どれほどの愛を見せてくださったのかなあ、と思います。私たちの一番残念なことは、キリストが居た時代と場所に生まれていない事です。当時、イスラエルとその周辺に居た数千人の人たちしかキリストに会うことはできませんでした。しかし、幸いなことは、聖書を通してキリストを知る事ができることです。また、キリストに会った人たちの変化を見て、神が何を望んでいるかを知れることです。この福音書を書いたヨハネは、もともとは雷の子とよばれるような荒々しい気質でした。彼がキリストを知る事によって愛の人と変えられていったのです。






A Church that loves and Serves
October 27, 2024
Scripture: Philippians 2:19-22
A certain person’s company ran into trouble and finally went bankrupt. In the midst of the greatest crisis of his life, he thought of taking his own life. However, he remembered a warm fellowship he once experienced at a church, so he opened up about his struggles in that fellowship. Hearing his words, the brothers comforted him from the bottom of their hearts and pledged to stand by him and not give up, even in the face of this crisis. They started meeting once a week to study the Bible together, seeking God’s strength and grace. Gradually, his broken spirit began to heal, and with the encouragement he received, he was able to start working bit by bit again.Eventually, he managed to recover and went on to run a company comparable to his previous one. Looking back on that time, he says, “If it hadn’t been for the brothers at church who didn’t judge or shame me but cried with me, encouraged me, and prayed for me, I would have ended my life.”

There’s another story about a woman. She had an embarrassing failure in her past. She also joined the fellowship at church, where she was told, “We are brothers and sisters in Christ, so let’s share anything and pray together.” Trusting in Christ’s love and the warmth of the church, she shared her shameful past. After she shared, one sister said, “I also went through something similar but overcame it through prayer and faith.” Another sister added, “I think challenges like that should be overcome with patience and prayer.”
Listening to these words, she felt as if she were on stage, with everyone watching and laughing at her. At that moment, she made a vow: “I will never speak of my weaknesses again. Especially in this group, I’ll only share surface-level things.” She felt a deep loneliness in her heart.

I. People of Love
Let's read today’s passage. Paul wrote this letter after hearing from Epaphroditus about the issues in the church at Philippi. Not only that, but he also writes that he plans to send Timothy.

19 I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, that I also may be cheered when I receive news about you. (Philippians 2:19)

When we read today’s passage, we see that Paul is a person of love. A person of love cannot ignore others’ problems when they hear of them. Love moves a person to act. However, since Paul was in prison, he could not go himself, so he decided to send Timothy.

Timothy was Paul’s disciple, and he, too, was a person of love. Timothy had been involved with Paul in planting the Philippian church and had visited the church several times before. When he received the report from Epaphroditus, he shared Paul’s concern. We can see that Timothy was also a person of love.
Let’s read verses 20 and 21.

20 I have no one else like him, who takes a genuine interest in your welfare. (Philippians 2:20)
21 For everyone looks out for his own interests, not those of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 2:21)

Here we see two types of people, both Christians. The first group is those who seek only their own interests, and the second is those who genuinely care about others.

Paul was likely referring to the Christians in Rome when he spoke of “those who look out for themselves.” They didn’t support or cooperate with Paul. They prioritized their own positions and reputation and even harbored competition against Paul. Although they were Christians, they were still living for themselves, not in alignment with God’s will but according to their own desires.

On the other hand, Paul’s group was different. They prioritized Christ above themselves and lived for God, even at personal cost. They were people of love, but not a self-centered, humanistic love. It was the love of Christ, a love that sacrifices itself to help others. They sought Christ daily and allowed His character to be formed within them. They also received the work of the Holy Spirit daily. These were people empowered by God, who lived in love and served others.

II. People who serve
22 But you know that Timothy has proved himself, because as a son with his father he has served with me in the work of the gospel. (Philippians 2:22)

The word "serve" here is derived from the Greek verb douleuo, which means “to serve.” This word comes from the noun doulos, meaning “slave.” In the Bible, when the word "slave" is used, it doesn’t imply exploitation or abuse; it simply means working not for oneself, but for one’s master. In the Bible, the Master is the Lord Jesus, who is God.

When Timothy met Paul, he was probably in his twenties. He was from the region of Galatia, with a Greek father and a Jewish mother. His grandmother was a devout worshiper of God. Timothy was a third-generation Christian raised in faith by his grandmother and mother. Paul met him on his first missionary journey and saw his potential. Paul invited Timothy on his second journey, and they worked together from then on. Paul trained Timothy as a next-generation leader, preaching the gospel, ministering to churches, writing letters together, and sometimes sending Timothy as his representative to different churches.

However, Paul didn’t consider Timothy merely his disciple; he always called him a coworker. Christians are not servants of a particular person but servants of Christ. All Christians are disciples of Christ, and all are coworkers. We serve in different ways according to our gifts, but all serve the Lord.

The term "serve" is not a favored word in the secular world, as serving implies an act of a lower person toward a higher one. People in service industries earn income by serving their customers, and in Japan, there’s even a saying, “The customer is God.” In any case, many people think that those who serve are inferior to those being served.

But the Bible reverses this idea: the one in authority serves those below them. God has given us this example by serving us.
The greatest among you will be your servant. (Matthew 23:11)

In the Christian church, those who serve are considered to be on a high spiritual level. However, the act of serving is something that must be learned from Christ, not from general society. Serving is not about self-deprecation or lowering oneself for approval. Two weeks ago, we looked at Christ’s example: serving means refraining from pride, being obedient, showing humility, and being a person of love.

As people grow older, they often begin to look down on others, thinking themselves superior due to their skills or experience, and expecting a life befitting this status. But Christ was different. He was born not in a palace but into a poor family, walked on foot rather than riding camels, and spent time not with servants but with his often hard-to-understand disciples. He used God’s power only for others, not for himself. Christ was humble and full of love; he was gentle with those aware of their sin and firm with the proud. He didn’t live for his own desires but always sought and obeyed the will of God the Father. He endured suffering, pain, attacks from enemies, and even betrayal from his followers. Though he was God, he didn’t get angry with those who didn’t recognize or ignored him; instead, he persistently shared the gospel. He endured the pain of the cross, resisted temptation from the devil, and carried out the will of God the Father to the end. This is what “serving” means in the Bible. Christ is the example, and the apostles, having seen this, sought to live in closer likeness to him. This legacy was passed from Paul to Timothy as well.

The Holy Spirit guides us to know Christ and desires for us to become like him. In other words, to be a servant means to have this character:

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23)

Let’s also read John 13:1 together:
1 It was just before the Passover Feast. Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love. (John 13:1)

I wonder just how much love he showed them. Perhaps our greatest regret is not having been born in the time and place when Christ was present. Only a few thousand people in Israel and the surrounding areas were able to meet Christ. But thankfully, we can know Christ through the Bible and understand God’s desires by seeing the changes in those who met him. The gospel writer John, originally known for his fiery temperament as a “Son of Thunder,” was transformed into a person of love by knowing Christ.

How impactful would it be if churches were filled with people of love, people who serve? However, many churches today are filled with a cold, legalistic spirit, with relationships that are just as challenging as those in secular organizations. Often, if someone sins, they are collectively condemned. On the other hand, the sins of those who donate generously or contribute significantly are implicitly tolerated. Glory is given to people instead of Christ. Some pastors interpret the Bible for personal convenience, and some believers fail to practice what they preach. They criticize those outside the church for not believing in God but fail to see how similar they themselves are. If people chose groups to belong to based on members’ character and love, many Christian churches might not be chosen because they fail to reflect Christ. The word “Christian” means “follower of Christ” or “disciple of Christ,” coming from the Greek Christianos, yet Christ has become more of an adornment than a model for the church.

A church filled with love and people who serve reflects Christ on earth. A church without love, filled with prideful people, communicates a different god, not Christ. Paul loved the church at Philippi and was deeply concerned for them. Thus, he worried, prayed, and did what he could. Timothy shared Paul’s concern and willingly went to Philippi. However, it seems the problem was not easily resolved, as Paul himself eventually decided to go as well.

Love and service do not prevent problems from arising, nor do they guarantee swift solutions. But if we trust in Almighty God, it’s not about what we can accomplish. Rather, it’s about seeking and doing the Lord’s will. Faith and obedience are more important than results and accomplishments. And we must always pray, for it is through prayer that we understand God’s will and receive his strength. Next time, we will learn about Epaphroditus.
Let us pray.