今日、キリストの見本から学ぶことができることは謙遜ということです。キリストは王です。仕える王です。つまり、王であり、同時にしもべなのです。トップでありながら低く生きることです。私たちはどのようにすれば、僕となることができるのでしょうか。 まず、6節を読みましょう。
I. 神のあり方を捨て
6 キリストは神の御姿である方なのに、神のあり方を捨てられないとは考えず、
6 Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,
7 ご自分を無にして、仕える者の姿をとり、人間と同じようになられました。人としての性質をもって現れ、
7 but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.
ヨハネ 8:58 イエスは彼らに言われた。「まことに、まことに、あなたがたに告げます。アブラハムが生まれる前から、わたしはいるのです。」
58 "I tell you the truth," Jesus answered, "before Abraham was born, I am!"
II. 人の姿をとり
次に、私たちは王になるのではなく、王族になります。ですから、イエスは王の見本を見せることはされませんでした。私たちは英語ではroyal familyです。それが本当の地位です。イエスが王として来られる時に、それは実現します。royal familyは王の側近ですが、王ではありません。王に仕える者たちです。罪とは、自分が王になることです。自分の人生、自分の好きなことだけ、自分の所有、自分は特別だ、これらはみな罪の結果です。そして、世界中の人たちは罪の力によって神の裁きに向かっています。ですから、イエスは王ですが、あえてしもべのように生きることで見本を見せたのです。
ヘブル12:2 信仰の創始者であり、完成者であるイエスから目を離さないでいなさい。イエスは、ご自分の前に置かれた喜びのゆえに、はずかしめをものともせずに十字架を忍び、神の御座の右に着座されました。
2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
9 それゆえ神は、この方を高く上げて、すべての名にまさる名をお与えになりました。
9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name,
神が「この方を高く上げて」とありますが、これは詩的な表現です。イエスが良い仕事をしたのでご褒美がもらえるという意味ではありません。イエスは神ご自身ですから、最初からすべての名にまさる名をもっています。しかし、それが明らかになるのはイエスが再臨する時です。その時、主を信じる者たちの身分も明らかになります。私たちは神の子どもたちですから、royal familyです。そして、神の国のために働く者たちですから国家公務員です。
10 それは、イエスの御名によって、天にあるもの、地にあるもの、地の下にあるもののすべてが、ひざをかがめ、
11 すべての口が、「イエス・キリストは主である」と告白して、父なる神がほめたたえられるためです。
10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
III. 王としてのほまれを受ける
The Humility of Jesus
October 13, 2024
Scripture Reading: Philippians 2:6–11
Today, let's learn from the humility of Christ and apply it to our own faith lives.
In the previous message, we learned about the causes of division within a community, as described in Philippians 2:3—selfishness and pride. Selfishness is when we insist on our own opinions, making unity difficult. Each of us comes from different backgrounds and perspectives, so it’s not easy for people to come together. Whether in politics, business, or schools, when people work together in unity, it saves time and allows them to focus on what really matters. Pride is seeking your own glory, trying to show others how great you are, which can exhaust those around you.
The situation in the Philippian church was serious, and there was a risk of division unless two leaders reconciled. Paul wrote this letter, sent his messenger Epaphroditus, and eventually visited himself to resolve the issue. Because of these efforts, we can now read the "Letter to the Philippians." Even a spiritually devoted church that supports missionaries can struggle with these problems.
In this letter, Paul presents Christ’s humility as an example. Christ came to earth for two reasons: first, to take on our sins and die on the cross; second, to live as a sinless example, showing us how to live as followers of God.
Today, we learn from Christ’s example of humility. Jesus is King, but He is a servant King. He is both at the top and yet lives humbly. How can we live as servants? Let’s first read Philippians 2:6:
I. Letting Go of Divine Privileges
Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped.
In Japanese, this verse says that Christ did not think of “holding on to His divine form.” In simple terms, it means He didn’t try to cling to being equal with God. What does this equality refer to? Let’s continue with verse 7:
- but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. Here, we see that Jesus took on the role of a servant. In other words, He became like a slave—not a slave exploited by others, but someone who lives according to their master’s will. This means living not by one’s own desires but by God’s will. Jesus, being God, could have chosen to live however He wanted. But He chose to live as a servant to God the Father, showing us the example of how to live. The Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—are three yet one, always in perfect agreement. In prayer, we don't offer advice to God; instead, we seek to understand His will and ask for it to be done. When Jesus obeyed God the Father, it wasn’t because their wills were different but to show us how to live as obedient servants. Unlike us, who are not all-knowing and struggle with decisions, Jesus demonstrated the perfect example of submission. The Bible says that we are like sheep. Sheep have no sense of direction, and without a shepherd, they will wander into dangerous places, where they could be killed or die. Obedient sheep are easier to handle, but there are also disobedient sheep that cause trouble for the shepherd and the sheepdog. I once told you a story about a sheepdog struggling to keep just three sheep walking in a straight line, showing how difficult the task can be. Sin is like becoming a disobedient sheep. The Triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—works together as a team to guide these wayward sheep. God also uses angels, pastors, elders, brothers and sisters in faith, and sometimes even non-Christians to help guide the sheep onto the right path. Do you now have a better understanding of the effort God puts into this? Let us obediently follow His Word. Next, the phrase "became like a human" appears. To avoid misunderstanding, we must be clear that Jesus is 100% God and 100% human. Altering either of these would be heresy. Jesus was born through a human, but He is not a created being. He is God Himself, who has existed eternally. Jesus said that He had met Abraham, who lived more than 2,000 years before Jesus. John 8:58, Jesus said: “I tell you the truth, before Abraham was born, I am!” Additionally, "became like a human" does not mean that Jesus was reduced to the level of humanity. God possesses the attributes of omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence. Omnipresence means being able to exist in more than one place at the same time. However, Jesus intentionally chose not to use these powers. At times, Jesus revealed His divinity, such as when He healed the sick, raised the dead, or multiplied food to feed over 10,000 people—things only God can do. However, He only performed these miracles when necessary.
Jesus also experienced the pain and limitations that humans feel. He suffered from hunger, and when He was struck, He felt physical pain. He also experienced emotional pain. He mourned the death of His friend Lazarus, and on the night before His crucifixion, He even felt fear. God is spirit and does not have a physical body, but Jesus took on a human body in order to bear our sins and to provide us with an example to follow. In Japan, there is an animated movie called Howl's Moving Castle. In the story, the young female protagonist is transformed into an old woman by magic. She experiences the limitations that come with old age: her back is bent, she can't walk quickly, her memory declines, and she tires easily, which she complains about. In a similar way, Jesus experienced significant limitations by becoming human. However, Jesus did not become human reluctantly; He chose to become human out of His love for us. As I mentioned before, God knew that Adam would sin even before he did. Adam's sin meant that all humanity, born from him, would be judged as sinners. In response, Jesus offered a solution: "I will become human and bear the sins, so that those who believe in Me will have their sins forgiven." Although this story is not explicitly written in the Bible, it is a theologically sound interpretation. The Father planned salvation, Jesus carried it out, and the Holy Spirit made it possible, working together to save our souls.
II. Came as a man
The phrase "He humbled Himself" appears here, and I will explain what it means. To humble oneself doesn't just refer to becoming miserable or poor on the surface. It means that although He was a King, He did not act like one. God, as the Creator, is far greater than a king, but He did not display that status. A king is someone who lives in luxury, wears splendid clothing, and is praised by the people. However, Jesus temporarily gave all of that up.
The reason for this was twofold: to die on the cross and to show us an example of how to live. The crucifixion was not just about suffering for a single day in His life; it also involved experiencing the hardships and sorrows that we would endure. He was born in a manger, raised as the child of a carpenter, and spent three and a half years with His often foolish disciples. Jesus' life was full of suffering because He was taking our place. While a king enjoys the highest social status, Jesus lived a life of a much lower social position.
Furthermore, if He were to show us an example of how to live, He could not do so by living as a king. We are not destined to become kings, but members of the royal family. In English, it’s called the “royal family,” and that is our true position. This will be realized when Jesus returns as King. A royal family member serves the King but is not the King. Serving the King is our role. Sin is when we try to make ourselves kings—living only for our own desires, and our own possessions, and thinking we are special. These are all consequences of sin, and because of sin, people all over the world are heading toward God's judgment. So, Jesus is indeed the true King, He chose to live as a servant to show us the example to follow.
Jesus always prayed. As God Himself, He did not need to seek the Father's will. If obedience meant aligning one’s will with another’s, Jesus wouldn’t need to obey the Father since their will was the same. Yet, Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane to surrender His human desires. Becoming human meant experiencing the temptations that come with the weaknesses of the body. No one likes pain, and since Jesus felt both emotional and physical pain, He was continuously tempted. But Jesus never gave in to temptation, not even for a moment. His heart was never moved by sin. His prayer in Gethsemane showed us how to overcome temptation through weakness, providing an example of how to fight against sin.
Hebrews 12:2 says, "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
Faith is living as if what is unseen is seen. Jesus, within the limitations of being human, became a model of faith for us. Through His crucifixion and example, Jesus completed our salvation and showed Christians the path they should follow. This was His first mission. Where there is a first, there is also a second. Jesus will come again. When He returns, it will be in the form of a King, accompanied by angels, coming with God's glory and majesty. At that time, He will not come as the Savior, but as the Judge.
verse 9, "Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name.”
The phrase "God exalted Him" is poetic. It doesn't mean that Jesus received a reward for a job well done. Since Jesus is God Himself, He has always held the name above all names. However, this truth will be fully revealed when Jesus returns. At that time, the true identity of those who believe in Him will also be revealed. We are God's children, members of the royal family, and we are like public servants working for God's Kingdom.
What Paul is emphasizing here is a principle from Scripture: "He who humbles himself will be exalted." Last week, we talked about how sin is rooted in vanity. People desire to elevate themselves, to be praised by others, to be seen as superior to others. This is the direction of sin. The opposite of this is humility. Humility seeks God's approval rather than the approval of the world. It does not seek to be superior to others. Humility desires not personal glory but God's glory. Living in the right way may seem foolish or disadvantageous in a world filled with sin, but if we walk in the right direction, God will recognize us. Jesus lived a life of humility, and because of this, God exalted Him.
Next, let’s explain verses 10 and 11:
10 "that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.”
III. Receiving Honor as King
First, three types of places are mentioned here. "Heaven" refers to where the angels and saved souls reside. "Earth" refers to the world we live in. Finally, "under the earth" refers to where the demons who opposed God and those who did not believe in the Lord Jesus reside.
Two things can be understood from this. First, even those who were hostile to Jesus will bow their knees to Him. This confirms that Jesus is God Himself. Jesus came as a man and as a servant, which made it difficult for many to understand that He was indeed God. In fact, even His disciples were not fully convinced that Jesus was God for almost two years. God hides Himself. If Jesus had lived as a king, perhaps more people would have believed in Him. However, it takes considerable faith to proclaim that a man born to a carpenter, who travelled with fishermen and was ultimately stripped naked and crucified, is God. But the time will come when all things will be revealed. At that moment, all creation must bow before the Creator God.
Next, we must share the gospel. The Bible does not instruct us to preach the gospel to demons. Their judgment was sealed by a single moment of decision. However, humans are different. They hear the gospel, and the seed of the Word is planted, grows, and leads to salvation. The gospel is information, and it doesn't matter much who shares it. When we came to Canada, we struggled a lot because we lacked information. Good information is a treasure. It leads to a good life. Today, we live in a time where we must carefully choose information, as we are surrounded by lies and deceit. However, those with wisdom select reliable information, and this leads to a good life. The most trustworthy information is that which has been tested historically. The Bible has remained unchanged throughout history and is still read by people all over the world today. Not only do people read it, but their lives are transformed by it. It’s simple enough for a child to understand yet too profound for even scholars to fully grasp. This is because God grants understanding only to those who seek Him.
The term "Lord" does not merely mean "master"; it is actually God's name. It is the name God revealed to Moses. In Hebrew, it is Yahweh or Jehovah; in English, it is written as "Lord" with a capital "L." In Korean, it is "Hananim." Interestingly, in Japanese, the word used is "Shu" (主), which means "master" or "lord," but anyone can be called "Shu," which might cause some misunderstanding. However, Jesus is God Himself. Therefore, when the time comes, all creation will praise and glorify Jesus.
Let’s reflect on humility once more as we close.
Humility is love. When we love ourselves and love our neighbors in the same way, there is no need to elevate ourselves. Humility is obedience. Sin, on the other hand, is self-centered and therefore disobedient, as it complains against the Creator. Humility does not boast because it places oneself on the same level as others. Humility is not attached to possessions because there is no need to boast. Humility is true freedom—it frees us from the bondage of having to exalt ourselves. Humility is kind to others, recognizing the inherent value in every person as a creation of God. Humility can let go when necessary; it does not cling to status or possessions and offers them up for God and others when needed. Though it may appear foolish, humility is a virtue that only the greatest of people can truly possess.
Let us pray. Father God, we are thankful that You, recognizing our limited understanding, came in human form and lived for 30 years among us. Jesus lived a sinless life. Though He is King, He gave up His royal privileges and showed us the example of a servant. When Adam sinned, humanity became proud instead of humble. But You oppose the proud and bless the humble. Please guide us to be transformed into the character that You desire by following Jesus' example. Amen.