I. 愛とあわれみに富む人たち
1 こういうわけですから、もしキリストにあって励ましがあり、愛の慰めがあり、御霊の交わりがあり、愛情とあわれみがあるなら、
2 私の喜びが満たされるように、あなたがたは一致を保ち、同じ愛の心を持ち、心を合わせ、志を一つにしてください。
II. 自己中心や虚栄心を持たない人たち
3 何事でも自己中心や虚栄からすることなく、へりくだって、互いに人を自分よりもすぐれた者と思いなさい。
次に、ではどのように他人を自分よりも優れていると思うのでしょうか。これは評価ではなく、優先順位です。原語ではὑπερέχωフペレコーで、勝るという意味と価値があるという意味という意味です。つまり、他人の価値を認めた上で、優先順位を自分ではなく、他の人に置くという意味ことです。NIV聖書では"value others above yourselves”,とありますが、これがちょうど良い訳です。この考えは4節に続きます。
4 自分のことだけではなく、他の人のことも顧みなさい。
5 あなたがたの間では、そのような心構えでいなさい。それはキリスト・イエスのうちにも見られるものです。
III. キリストに学ぶ謙遜
29 わたしは心優しく、へりくだっているから、あなたがたもわたしのくびきを負って、わたしから学びなさい。そうすればたましいに安らぎが来ます。
The True Unity in the Church
October 6, 2024 Scripture: Philippians 2:1-5
The world is moving toward unity. The internet allows us to connect with people from all over the world. We can hear the voices of people worldwide without relying on the news. As translation functions on smartphones advance, conversations with people who speak different languages will become smoother. Nations that were once closed off by cultural and linguistic barriers are now coming together. People around the globe will soon be able to travel to the countries they wish to visit and relocate to places they want to live. We are entering an era of "All human beings are brothers.”
However, we cannot fully rejoice. The idea of the world becoming one is also a frightening prospect. When we read the Book of Revelation, it tells us that in the end, people will unite under the Antichrist. In other words, the times are surely moving toward the end. The Book of Genesis mentions that originally, there was only one language. However, when humanity united, they greatly rebelled against God. This is the story of Babel. Historically, empires like Rome, Spain, England, France, and the Netherlands expanded into the world and increased their colonies. As a result, wealth flowed into a select few, and the gap between the rich and poor widened.
Dictatorships, communism, and socialism also seek unity. However, what results is a reign of terror. Dissenters are eliminated or purged, creating a unity driven by fear—merely a superficial unity.
There are two types of gatherings when people come together: a "collective" and a "community." A collective is brought together by external pressure, with rules or outside forces binding people. In this case, people are not gathering of their own volition but are being gathered. When that external pressure disappears, the group disperses, like balls placed inside a bag that scatter when the bag is opened. On the other hand, a community is drawn together by an internal force, so no external pressure is needed. It is like individuals possessing magnetic force, pulled together from within. Even when the external bag breaks, they remain united. The church is unified by the work of the Holy Spirit and faith in God.
Therefore, when the Bible calls for unity, it must be the right kind of unity—unity as a community, not as a collective. True unity is possible only through true Christians.
I. People Rich in Love and Compassion
First, righteous people are those who have received the Holy Spirit and follow God's Word.
Philippians 2:1
"If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion,"
These points are crucial, so let's explain them one by one.
First, the “encouragement in Christ.” The word “encouragement” in the Bible carries great significance. In the original Greek, it is called ‘paraklesis.’ The Holy Spirit is also referred to as ‘parakletos’, which means "one who is called alongside." This doesn't merely mean being together physically. It involves counseling, advising, encouraging, and comforting. Christ not only remains with us but helps us daily. We receive encouragement from Christ through the Bible and through messages.
Next is the “comfort of love.” Love is another important word in the Bible. In the original Greek, it is called ‘agape’, which means a strong or perfect love. Here, it refers to the latter, signifying the absolute comfort that comes from God's perfect love. We cannot experience this absolute love from family members or those around us. Absolute love is given regardless of how we respond. God's love is absolute; no matter how far we stray from Him, He brings us back. No matter how much we sin, He sanctifies us. Yet, because of this, hardships and difficulties come. But at the same time, God always provides comfort in times of suffering and disappointment.
Next, we have the “fellowship of the Spirit.” The word "fellowship" is also important here, translated from the Greek word ‘koinonia.’ The Holy Spirit is the God who dwells with us. He is a gentleman, meaning He is polite and respectful. The devil tempts and forces us into submission, but God respects our free will, offering guidance and advice through love. The Holy Spirit is the one who brings us into Heaven, preserving our faith until the very end. He continually shows us the right direction and empowers us to walk the correct path.
Lastly, "affection and mercy." These are emotions that arise when we receive God's grace. The nature of sin is hatred and murder, but by God's grace, we develop hearts of affection and mercy. This is why it is important to always be filled with God's grace, as it will eventually shape our character and transform the way we live.
Philippians 2:2 "then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.”
Some people act only based on emotion, while others control their will and act according to emotion. Ideally, our will should be governed by the Word of God and the Holy Spirit, with our emotions following suit. Emotions fluctuate like a roller coaster, making it difficult to act steadily. First comes knowledge, then comes decision, and finally, emotions follow.
True unity is when the comfort, encouragement, love, and mercy from God flow through Christians. Unity from God brings joy to everyone.
II. People Without Selfishness or Conceit
Let’s read verse 3:”Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves"
Selfishness is the opposite of being centered on God. Without God, people are inherently selfish. Originally, we were meant to be centered on God, but sin caused us to take God's place and become self-centered. One characteristic of selfishness is not following God's Word. Some claim to follow God’s Word, but only do so when it aligns with their own thoughts. This, too, is selfishness.
Conceit is seeking only one’s own glory. We were originally created to seek God's glory, but sin caused us to seek our own.
The opposite of conceit is humility. Humility is one of the most necessary qualities for a Christian, though it is often seen as foolishness by the world. Humility seems like a loss because society tends to reward those who make bold self-assertions. Those who refuse to acknowledge their weaknesses or sins and keep claiming superiority are often the ones who rise to the top of society.
Humility does not mean undervaluing yourself. Humility is recognizing real you, and acknowledging that God created all people for His glory.
There is a man named Moses in the Bible. Before meeting God, Moses lived in selfish ambition and conceit. He was a highly capable man, believing himself to be superior and acting for his own glory. But his plans failed, and he fled into the wilderness as a murderer. After 40 years, he no longer considered himself superior to others.
To consider others better than yourself, you must first recognize that you and others are the same. Society measures people by relative evaluation—comparing who is better, and the winner is deemed superior. Those who live by relative evaluation feel inferior when they see someone better than themselves and superior when they see someone less capable. They believe life is a competition, always seeking to be better than others. This leads to envy. Envy arises when someone else receives a higher evaluation than you. But birth, abilities, talents, and even the ability to work hard are all gifts from God. It is foolish to compare the things we have received for free with others. It's like receiving three cookies from your father and seeing that your younger brother received only two. You feel superior because you think you're better than him. But then you see your older brother received four cookies, and you feel frustrated. Your father gave more cookies to the older child, but because you don't understand this, you fluctuate between feelings of superiority and inferiority.
So how can we consider others better than ourselves? This is not about evaluating others but about prioritizing them. The original Greek word ‘hyperechō’ means "to excel" or "to have value." Thus, it means recognizing the value of others and placing them ahead of yourself in priority. The NIV translation captures this well: "Value others above yourselves." This idea continues in verse 4.
Let’s read verse 4: "not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others."
In English, "interests" can mean concern, but it also means profit or benefit. Therefore, this verse instructs us to consider the welfare of others, just as the Bible commands us to "love your neighbor as yourself."
Selfish people only think about their own needs, and conceited people seek only their own glory. For them, everyone is either an enemy or an ally. Those who support their goals are allies, while those who get in their way are enemies. But those who view others only in this light live in a sad reality, where eventually, everyone becomes an enemy, leading to a lonely, friendless life. On the other hand, if we see others as objects of love, we are blessed. Rather than trying to get something from others, we seek to give to them. When we give, there are no enemies or allies—only people to love.
The church must rid itself of selfishness and conceit wherever they are found in our hearts. Instead, we must move in the opposite direction, toward humility and love. Finally, let’s read verse 5.
Philippians 2:5 "In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:"
III. Learning Humility from Christ
Our hero is Jesus, and our example is also Jesus. The most humble person in the Bible is Jesus. I will explain more about what makes Jesus humble in our next message, but for today, let's look at a key point about His humility.
Matthew 11:28-29 (NIV)
28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
Jesus Himself describes Himself as humble. Since Jesus is God, this reveals something about God’s nature. The idea of God being humble may be difficult to grasp, but once we understand the meaning of humility, it becomes clear.
Humility, in general terms, is often seen as having a low posture or looking down on oneself. However, biblical humility means not being self-centered. Since God is without sin, and self-centeredness comes from sin, we can understand that God is truly humble.
A humble person is someone who brings peace to those around them, while a self-centered person exhausts others. This is because everything has to revolve around the self-centered person. When you're with someone full of vanity, you must constantly pay attention to them, always praising and focusing on them. On the other hand, you don’t feel drained when you are with a humble person. You feel at ease because there is no need to cater to their ego; rather, you feel comforted. A humble person serves those around them.
When Jesus was on earth, many people came to Him. Among them were sinners, weak individuals, and the brokenhearted. They found joy in being with Jesus because He loved and served them.
There are places that leave you feeling exhausted, and others where you feel deeply rested. The difference isn’t about the physical space, but about the people who are there. The church is a place of rest because it is a gathering of humble people. To learn humility, we must know Jesus because He is the perfect model of humility. When Christians become humble, there is unity and peace in the church.
There is always peace in God's presence because He accepts us as His children. In God’s presence, there is no competition, no winning or losing, no need for self-promotion or the anxiety of being evaluated. God knows everything and controls everything.
Let us pray.