

12 いのちを喜びとし、しあわせを見ようと、日数の多いのを愛する人は、だれか。


I. 口を制御できない

詩 34:13 あなたの舌をおさえて悪を言わせず、あなたのくちびるをおさえて偽りを言わすな。



 ヤコブ3:6 舌は火であり、不義の世界です。舌は私たちの器官の一つですが、からだ全体を汚し、人生の車輪を焼き、そしてゲヘナの火によって焼かれます。
6 The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.


II. 対人関係で不公平や不利益をこうむる

詩 34:14 悪を離れて善をおこない、やわらぎを求めて、これを努めよ。

 まず、人は罪人です。ある程度は罪をコントロールできますが、完全には無理です。ですから、人が集まりところにはいつも悪の問題が起こります。ひどい時はいじめられます。それでなくても、不公平に扱われたり、不利益を受けます。そして、自分の力で悪の問題を解決しようとしてしまうのです。つまり、裁判官になるのです。しかし、聖書は私たちが裁判官になりなさいとは教えていません。 相手に悪いことをされたから、倍にして返してやるなどとは思わないことです。

 ローマ 12:19 愛する人たち。自分で復讐してはいけません。神の怒りに任せなさい。それは、こう書いてあるからです。「復讐はわたしのすることである。わたしが報いをする、と主は言われる。」  



III. 苦難と痛み


詩 34:15 主の目は正しい人をかえりみ、その耳は彼らの叫びに傾く。
詩 34:17 正しい者が助けを叫び求めるとき、主は聞いて、彼らをそのすべての悩みから助け出される。


詩34:19 正しい者には災が多い。しかし、主はすべてその中から彼を助け出される。
  20 主は彼の骨をことごとく守られる。その一つだに折られることはない。
IV. 高慢
詩 34:18 主は心の砕けた者に近く、たましいの悔いくずおれた者を救われる。





詩篇119:71 苦しみに会ったことは、私にとってしあわせでした。私はそれであなたのおきてを学びました。




詩 34:16 主のみ顔は悪を行う者にむかい、その記憶を地から断ち滅ぼされる。
詩 34:21 悪は悪しき者を殺す。正しい者を憎む者は罪に定められる





A Life of Always Thankful 2

Today we continue where we left off last week.
 In order to always be thankful, we must make the right decision each time. The psalmist teaches us once again in verse 12 the blessedness of a thankful life. 

12 Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days

 Those who are grateful are happy in life. On the other hand, those who are ungrateful are unhappy. To all people come problems and hardships. But some people get through them with gratitude.
 Today let's learn from the Bible and deal with the gratitude killer, or what is keeping us from being grateful. The first thing is a bad mouth.

I. Lack of control over your mouth.

Psalm 34:13 Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies.

 In turn, we say evil things because we have evil hearts, but some people say evil words because they speak evil words all the time. Either way, the words that come out of our mouths enter our souls through our ears and make our character worse. Of course, it also robs us of gratitude.

 Therefore, the first step is to control our mouths. We must control the words that come out of our mouths. In the book of James,

 James 3:6 The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. it corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
 Fire is a flame. When it burns, it is out of its control. The mouth gives energy to the soul. When you say bad words, you fill the soul with evil energy. When you say good things, you fill it with good energy. When bad things happen, you can still say good words. It is a prayer and a decision. The words that come out of our mouths determine our lives. When we force ourselves to say good words, we will have a good life. Next, relationships.

II. Injustice and disadvantage in interpersonal relationships.

Psalm 34:14 Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.

 First, humans are sinners. We can control our sin to some extent, but not completely. Therefore, wherever people gather, there will always be problems of evil. In the worst cases, people are bullied. Even if they are not bullied, they are treated unfairly or disadvantaged. Then they try to solve the problem of evil by themselves. In other words, we become judges. But the Bible does not teach us to be judges. We are not to think that because someone has done us wrong, we are going to double down and pay them back.

 Romans 12: 19 Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.
 We should leave the trial of others to God, and we should try to guard our good hearts. That is the path to gratitude. We are rather commanded to love. Love is neither fair nor unjust. Love is to do good unilaterally, not according to the other person.

 I have been reading a book on the brain lately, and it says that when we think good thoughts, our brain produces good hormones, and when we interpret them badly, our brain produces bad hormones. Good hormones make you feel good and make your body healthy. Bad hormones, he says, not only make us feel bad but also make our bodies sick. God created our bodies that way.

 In Christian terms, it is about victory over evil. Victory means not to be defeated in any situation. It is about not living a life in which negativity precedes us.

III. Hardship and Pain
 The third thankfulness killer is hardship, which we all suffer. In addition to environmental hardships, Christians also suffer spiritual attacks.

 The natural reaction of anyone who has suffered a terrible blow would be anger and disappointment. But it is a gratitude killer. The Bible commands us to "be thankful in all things." I told you last week why we can do that. God is omnipotent and is our Father, so we just need to be secure. Some Christians cannot trust God if God is their Father. Certainly, earthly fathers are not perfect, and some fathers hurt their children. Some fathers are selfish, have no love at all, and do not care about their children. However, what we must know is that the devil's number one target is the father. If the father is inclined to evil, the family will be destroyed. If the family is broken, the child will have no good example to follow, so he or she will break the family as well. And if good families disappear from the earth, love will grow cold. The family is also the place where ethics and morality are taught, so ethics and morality will disappear. The world will become a place for all kinds of bad things. God is a good father. It can only be understood through the Bible and experienced in the actual life of faith. Faith is to trust and be secure in God's character.
 The reason why we can be thankful in the midst of hardship is because the Lord helps us.

Ps 34:15 The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their cry;
Ps 34:17 The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles.

 When the Bible speaks of the righteous, it does not mean "those who do a little evil and a lot of good.” A righteous person is one who is totally without evil before God. That is what the Bible calls a righteous person. To become a righteous person, one must be born again, that is, born anew. The born-again person accepts the Lord Jesus and receives the work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gradually transforms him into a good character, but it is when he goes to heaven that he becomes fully righteous.
 Now, here we read that the Lord, that is, God, does not abandon the righteous. He hears their cries and helps them. A cry is an appeal in prayer rather than an actual shout. Prayer is not something we do only in prayer meetings, but it is a daily communion with the Lord. A healthy Christian life is to read the Bible daily and have time to pray. In that prayer life, there are times when we cry out. The Lord answers those cries of prayer.
 When we came to Calgary, there were many difficulties. There still are. But in the midst of those difficulties, help is mysteriously given. Problems arise, problems become serious, and just when the problem is out of control, someone comes along or the problem is successfully resolved. But God's timing is different from ours. Sometimes help does not come until the last moment. But God does not ignore prayer.

Verses 19 and 20 tell us that woe to the righteous.

Psalm 34:19 A righteous man may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all; he protects all his bones, not one of them is broken.
20 he protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken.

In addition to environmental and human evil problems, the Christian's life is also subject to the attacks of the enemy, the devil. The devil rules this world. His target is Christians. He wants Christians to lose their faith and turn against God. Therefore, we must not doubt or be hostile to God's love and truth under any circumstances. First of all, there is nothing evil in God's nature. In particular, since Christians are God's children, no parent would do evil to his or her own children. Rather, God is love and blessing. The devil increases doubt and dissatisfaction with God in our hearts and makes us ungrateful. We must be careful.

 In the Hymn, there is a phrase, "Count it all, the blessings of the Lord.” This is a confession of faith that the Lord, who has done good in the past, will do good in the future. The Lord is preparing a good life for His beloved children. The greatest good life the Lord will give us is not riches and pleasures here on earth, but eternal blessings in heaven. Christians born in countries of poverty and religious persecution may not have good things on earth, but the greatest blessing awaits them: heaven. And the final thankfulness killer is pride.
IV. Pride
Let's read verse 18
Psalm 34:18 The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

 A proud heart is a heart that is not satisfied with anything. Everything is grumbling and discontent because it is fixated on being on high. It is oblivious to God's grace because it places itself in a high place.

 Man was created to obey God, but he is basically proud because he has become hostile to God. It is pride that makes us angry when we are ridiculed in interpersonal relationships. We want to be rich, partly because we want to satisfy our desires, but also because we want to live a good life and improve ourselves. It is pride that makes us want to stand out, to be admired, and to be better than others without being satisfied with God's grace.

 When we look at the non-human creatures, they are all humble. Animals, plants, and trees live as they were created and placed. Compare a lion and a hyena. The lion is the king of the hundred beasts, good-looking and popular with children. The hyena, on the other hand, is not good-looking and disliked. Also, herbivores do not attack themselves but are attacked and killed by carnivores. Isn't that unfair? Compare the towering poplars and beautiful flowers with the weeds on the side of the road. One is bought with money, while the other is removed as an obstacle. They were all created by God for His own glory. They do not curse their fate, suffer from comparing themselves to other plants and animals, or take their lives. Our lives are also not meant to be compared to others or to lament our appearance or the place and environment in which we were born. God created us all as necessary and wonderful beings for His own glory.

 Now, we need not be troubled because we are prideful. The Lord will humble us over time. The word "brokenhearted" means, if you look it up in the original language, "one who is shattered." When glass is broken many times, it shatters. We become shattered and humbled by the hardships and pain of life.

Psalm 119:71 It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees.

 If I could be humbled by joy and happiness, God would do it. But it is not so. This is the same with parenting. What happens if you spoil your children thoroughly because they are cute? What will happen if we listen to everything they say and immediately give them what they want? They will become uncooperative, thinking that the world revolves around them. They will become adults who cannot control their desires because they are given everything they want immediately. Eventually, they will not be able to follow the rules of the world, and they will be the ones who suffer and be hated by others. However, the number of people in the world today who are adults in body but whose behavior is the same as that of children is increasing.

 Recently, brain medicine has been advancing, and it is said that the brain that has gone through hardships will be able to triumph over them. This is exactly what the psalmist is saying.

 The foundation of a life of gratitude is believing that God is good. The command to "be thankful in all things" is because God has a good plan behind it all. If God were not present, there would be no assurance in our lives, so it would be futile to be thankful for everything.

 Finally, if we are thankful and choose to do good, we will be spared from God's judgment. David teaches about the wicked.

Ps 34:16 The face of the LORD is against those who do evil, to cut off the memory of them from the earth.
21 Evil will slay the wicked; the foes of the righteous will be condemned.

 The major problem of our time is that we have forgotten that God is just. God will always punish the wicked. God has punished evil in His timing. In the days of Noah, the world was destroyed, and also Sodom and Gomorrah were burned with fire. The land of Canaan was destroyed by Israel, which was also destroyed by Assyria and Babylon when it was filled with evil. Because of the evil that crucified Jesus, the Jewish people lost their nation for about 2,000 years. And most frightening of all is that after death all men will come into the presence of God. At that time, God will reveal all the sins committed from birth to death and judge them accordingly. God is both loving and just. There is no grace greater than the forgiveness of sins.

 What is gratitude? How can we live a life of constant gratitude? The first step is to remove the ungrateful from our daily lives. This also protects the heart from evil. We must know that a life of gratitude makes our life happy. Hate and sadness darken our lives, and they also involve those around us. To be thankful, we must realize that God the Father knows everything. He guides and protects our lives with love. We also need to take a long-term perspective rather than a short-term view. The Lord's timing is usually later than when we wish for it. We need to trust God who gives us all good things with patience. A thankful life in three points: a life of expectation in God, a life of help from God, and a life of fear of God.

Let us pray.
 Father God, we trust that You are good and lead us to a life that is always thankful. When we are ungrateful, please give us wisdom and help us to guard our thankfulness. Let us not imitate the world, but let our lives be imitated by the world. Also, help us to receive positive thoughts from the trials you give us when necessary.