
15 こういうわけで、私は主イエスに対するあなたがたの信仰と、すべての聖徒に対する愛とを聞いて、
16 あなたがたのために絶えず感謝をささげ、あなたがたのことを覚えて祈っています。




ダニエル9:1 メディヤ族のアハシュエロスの子ダリヨスが、カルデヤ人の国の王となったその元年、2 すなわち、その治世の第一年に、私、ダニエルは、預言者エレミヤにあった主のことばによって、エルサレムの荒廃が終わるまでの年数が七十年であることを、文書によって悟った。
3 そこで私は、顔を神である主に向けて祈り、断食をし、荒布を着、灰をかぶって、願い求めた。

19 主よ。聞いてください。主よ。お赦しください。主よ。心に留めて行ってください。私の神よ。あなたご自身のために遅らせないでください。あなたの町と民とには、あなたの名がつけられているからです。」






15 こういうわけで、私は主イエスに対するあなたがたの信仰と、すべての聖徒に対する愛とを聞いて、16 あなたがたのために絶えず感謝をささげ、あなたがたのことを覚えて祈っています。



ヤコブ2:19 あなたは、神はおひとりだと信じています。りっぱなことです。ですが、悪霊どももそう信じて、身震いしています。20 ああ愚かな人よ。あなたは行いのない信仰がむなしいことを知りたいと思いますか。


16 あなたがたのために絶えず感謝をささげ、あなたがたのことを覚えて祈っています。










 6:18 すべての祈りと願いを用いて、どんなときにも御霊によって祈りなさい。そのためには絶えず目をさましていて、すべての聖徒のために、忍耐の限りを尽くし、また祈りなさい。


 ローマ8:26 御霊も同じようにして、弱い私たちを助けてくださいます。私たちは、どのように祈ったらよいかわからないのですが、御霊ご自身が、言いようもない深いうめきによって、私たちのためにとりなしてくださいます。


 また、「絶えず目を覚ましていて」とは、英語では、be alertです。悪魔は様々な方法によって祈らせないようにします。彼は、クリスチャンが祈ろうとすると別のことを考えさせたり、眠くさせたり、集中できなくさせるのです。主イエスがゲッセマネで祈っていた時、弟子たちは眠ってしまいました。夜眠る前に祈ろうとすると、不思議と眠くなることを経験するでしょう。ですから、祈祷会は大事です。みんなと一緒に祈ると眠くなったり、他のことを考える誘惑から守られます。


 ルカ18:1 いつでも祈るべきであり、失望してはならないことを教えるために、イエスは彼らにたとえを話された。」


8 あなたがたに言いますが、神は、すみやかに彼らのために正しいさばきをしてくださいます。しかし、人の子が来たとき、はたして地上に信仰が見られるでしょうか。」



Paul's prayer I
May 12, 2024
Scripture: Ephesians 1:15-16

 We are doing a series of prayers. First, we went over "Wrong Prayers" and then "The Lord's Prayer" in two parts. So, from today, I would like to consider how to pray specifically. I would like to use Paul's prayer as a sample.
 First of all, as a recap, prayer is not an effort to "make God fulfill your wishes". Religion in this world is basically using God to meet one's own needs. People in some groups try to solve everything with prayer, saying "If you pray, it will work out" instead of doing what they should be doing. They bind people with fear, saying, "If you don't pray, your life will get worse.” On the other hand, there is the opposite approach. They don't pray at all. They believe that God is love and will always do what is best for them even if they don't pray. Both are extreme and wrong.

 We have two pillars. One pillar is that God is sovereign. Sovereignty means that God has everything planned and done accordingly. The other pillar is that God fulfills His plan through prayer.

 So, prayer is not "to change God's plan" but "for God's plan.” In other words, we do not pray because we have a problem; we pray so that the problem will be resolved according to God's will.

 A good example is Daniel's prayer. Daniel was a man who prayed three times a day (Daniel 6:10). He did not wish to hear "God's plan" and then change it (Daniel 9).

Daniel 9:1 In the first year of Darius son of Xerxes (a Mede by descent), who was made ruler over the Babylonian kingdom--
2 In the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the LORD given to Jeremiah the prophet, that the 2 in the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the LORD given to Jeremiah the prophet, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years.
3 So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes.

He is praying for God's plan to be realized upon Israel.

From verse 4 to 18, Daniel confesses Israel's sins. Finally, he asks that His will be done.

19 “O Lord, listen! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, hear and act! For your sake, O my God, do not delay, because your city and your people bear your Name."
 He did not pray that the 70 years be shortened. He is praying for mercy on the Israelites again after 70 years.

 Christian prayer is not about trying to change God's mind or make God do our will. As taught in the "Lord's Prayer," our prayer is to realize God's thoughts and to pray for His will to be done.

 In other words, we are standing on God's side. Those who pray the wrong prayer are at odds with God, trying to get God to hear their requests. Many brothers and sisters think of God as a "Buddha" who hears their wishes, praying for problems, illnesses, or the success of their children, and when they are not granted, they are disappointed and turn away from God. Also, they hear in church, "God the Father loves me," but their foundation of faith is shaken by the reality that He is a cold One who does not hear their earnest desires. Every human being prays in times of distress by nature. This is because God created them. It is not wrong for Christians to pray to the Lord in times of distress. However, the essential difference between Christian prayer and non-Christian prayer is that we pray, "God's will be done.”

 Also, God the Father does not love us because we pray, but He loves us even if we do not pray. That love never changes. Things do not get worse because we do not pray; they get worse even if we pray!

 Therefore, "we pray because it is His will, we pray for His will, and we pray that His will be done.
 The Father's love never changes, and His plan is certain. We should not be bound by the fear that if we don't pray, nothing good will come to us, but trust in our Heavenly Father and pray for what we need to pray for.

I. Prayer that begins with thanksgiving
 Now let us look at Paul's prayer for the church in Ephesus and the region of Asia Minor.

15 For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, 16 I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.
 First, his prayer begins with thanksgiving. Prayer does not begin with individual petitions. God gives us many blessings every day. We need time to remember that. Paul's gratitude begins with the faith of the Ephesian church in the Lord Jesus. He had "heard" it. In other words, the Ephesian church at that time had already been settled by Paul and it had been almost 5 years since his stay there. He was praying daily for the Ephesian church and the churches in the Asia Minor area. What he is thankful for is not that "the church he pioneered long ago is surviving. It means that the church is committed to the Lord, with fervent worship, active evangelism, and new souls being added. Second, there was love in this church. Love is, first of all, love for the Lord Jesus, and then love for one's neighbor. Since love of neighbor is the Lord's command, the Ephesian church was a faithful church that kept the commands of the Word.

 Faith is understanding and action (James 2:17, 20). Genuine faith is expressed in obedience to the Word of God, the Bible. Faith that is only knowledge and not action is unsaved faith.

James 2:19 You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that--and shudder. 20 You foolish man, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless ?

 So let us begin our prayers with thanksgiving. Even if you can't think of it at first, if you make it a habit, you will realize the many blessings you received that day.

II. always, for everyone, no matter what.

 If you read verse 16, here it says, "We remember and pray for you continually.
We think about when and for whom we pray. And we pray for certain people at set prayer times. That is fine. But life is always a headwind. There are always problems going on, not only in our lives, but in the lives of our neighbors as well. The word constantly rests on both thanksgiving and prayer. In other words, Paul was always giving thanks and asking for the Ephesian church.
 There are 13 Pauline epistles in the New Testament, and all of them were written by Paul knowing, praying, and writing about the problems of each church. As long as he lived, he prayed daily for the church, for the congregation, and for the many who were unsaved.
 As for the believers, he prayed that their faith would not weaken, that they would not be influenced by false teachings, that they would not fall into temptations and traps of the devil, that they would make good decisions, and that they would walk according to His will.

 As I have told you before, prayer is the greatest service a Christian can perform. This is because prayer transcends human limitations. It is true that we may do several times as good a job as a competent person. But it can never go beyond the human level. If the messenger is great, he or she will satisfy many people. If the music level of the worship service performers is high, it may move people. But without spiritual work, that is, without being backed up by prayer, it cannot spiritually fill the people who gather there. In other words, no work can go beyond the human level without prayer. The Lord's great power and glory will not be manifested.

Let’s read Exodus 17:8-13
 We find this principle in Exodus 17, starting in verse 8, when Israel was in the wilderness and the Amalekites attacked them. Moses found that he needed the Lord's power in this battle, so he sent Joshua to fight as leader. Meanwhile, Moses himself went up the hill with Aaron and Hur. So the Bible says that when Moses’ hands were up, Israel had the upper hand, and when Moses put down his hands, the enemy had the upper hand. That, in other words, shows the power of prayer. When Moses grew tired, Aaron and Hur supported Moses' hands. They continued to do so until the sun went down, and as a result, Israel was victorious.

 In other words, the power of God continued to work over Israel through the continuous prayers of several people, and they defeated their enemies.

 Joshua and his men-at-arms fought on the field. They worked hard, too. But it was the prayers of Moses and his men that decided the victory.
 I think that when I become an old man and my body functions less than it does now, I will finally be able to use my time for my most important service, which is prayer. Most of the information that comes in daily needs prayer. Recently, we have been praying for world problems at prayer meetings. God is governing the world. Sometimes people are left as they are because their sin nature manifests itself so clearly. But God is the Lord of essential peace. He is a God of love. He is a God of mercy. It is right to pray for God to do what is best for us.

 By the way, this is a bit off-topic, but Ayako Miura, in her book "In the Light," writes about sin as follows: "The greatest sin is the one that cannot be felt as sin.
 She says, "The greatest sin is not to feel that it is a sin.”

 In other words, we have two standards by which we measure ourselves and others, and we are hard on others and soft on ourselves. When others fail, they are subject to criticism. But when I make the same mistake, I do not blame myself with the same harshness. You are very forgiving of yourself. This double measure is what I am saying is the essence of sin: self-centeredness.

 Many people cannot realize their own sin. But when the light of the Holy Spirit shines through, they can see the truth in the darkness. That is why we pray for non-Christians at all times.

 Paul writes more about today's passage in chapter 6:18.

 6:18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.

 Here, to pray in the Spirit is to pray to receive the work of the Holy Spirit.

 Romans 8:26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.
 We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit itself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. Therefore, we cannot pray correctly without the guidance and help of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit works when we pray and guides our prayers in the right direction.

 Also, to "be continually awake" is, in English, to be alert. In other words, be awake. The devil uses various methods to keep us from praying. He makes Christians think about other things when they try to pray, makes them sleepy, or makes it difficult for them to concentrate. When the Lord Jesus was praying in Gethsemane, His disciples fell asleep. If you try to pray before going to sleep at night, you will experience that you will mysteriously become sleepy. Therefore, prayer meetings are important. Being with others protects us from the temptation to fall asleep or to think about other things.

 And then there is patience. Patience means to keep praying even when you don't see results.
The Lord Jesus explains this.

 Luke 18:1 Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.

 This story is a parable of a dishonest judge who does not give the widower a fair trial, but through this,

8 I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. however, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?

 Quickly, but that does not mean for a short time. It is not unusual to pray for one thing for several years. It takes a long time, especially for salvation.

 For a variety of reasons, answers to prayers take time. But God's plan will surely come to pass. God uses our prayers. Prayer is also a time of spiritual communion with God. If we stop praying, we will not have time to spend with God.

 To us, problems seem big. But there is no bigger problem than God. God is the One who confronts those problems with His children. Prayer is to stand by God. It is to live with God. It is to experience God's love.

Let’s pray.