
9 だから、こう祈りなさい。『天にいます私たちの父よ。御名があがめられますように。
10 御国が来ますように。みこころが天で行われるように


 あがめられるという言葉は、英語で hallowed という単語が使われています。hallowedとは神聖であるという意味です。原語ではἁγιάζω(ハギアゾー)で、聖とされるという意味です。
 英語では hallowed
マタイ5:16 このように、あなたがたの光を人々の前で輝かせ、人々があなたがたの良い行いを見て、天におられるあなたがたの父をあがめるようにしなさい。

II. 神の支配する国が来るように


 黙示録20:4b また私は、イエスのあかしと神のことばとのゆえに首をはねられた人たちのたましいと、獣やその像を拝まず、その額や手に獣の刻印を押されなかった人たちを見た。彼らは生き返って、キリストとともに、千年の間王となった。




 ローマ6:17 神に感謝すべきことには、あなたがたは、もとは罪の奴隷でしたが、伝えられた教えの規準に心から服従し、18 罪から解放されて、義の奴隷となったのです。


 エペソ2:2 そのころは、それらの罪の中にあってこの世の流れに従い、空中の権威を持つ支配者として今も不従順の子らの中に働いている霊に従って、歩んでいました。


エペソ6:18 すべての祈りと願いを用いて、どんなときにも御霊によって祈りなさい。そのためには絶えず目をさましていて、すべての聖徒のために、忍耐の限りを尽くし、また祈りなさい。19 また、私が口を開くとき、語るべきことばが与えられ、福音の奥義を大胆に知らせることができるように私のためにも祈ってください。


III. みこころが実現するように





ヨハネ15:7 あなたがたがわたしにとどまり、わたしのことばがあなたがたにとどまるなら、何でもあなたがたのほしいものを求めなさい。そうすれば、あなたがたのためにそれがかなえられます。 



Prayer Series 2 The Lord’s prayer1
April 21, 2024
Scripture: Matthew 6
9 "This, then, is how you should pray: "'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.
10 your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
 Last week, we learned hypocritical prayer. Prayer that is not directed to the Lord God is hypocritical. We also learned that religious superiority that boasts in prayer is not rewarded by God and is far from salvation. Also, prayer is a matter of the heart, and God hears prayer when the heart is directed to the Lord alone, not to a form or good words.
The prayers of pagans show their relationship with God in their prayers. In other words, whether they are trying to beat God into submission or to get God in a good mood through sacrifice, God will not listen to a simple prayer, so they repeat the same words persistently.
 But the real God made us children of God through the cross of the Lord Jesus so that the Father seems to listen to the wishes of His children.
 Today we have what is called the famous "Lord's Prayer.”
 The Lord's Prayer does not mean what He usually prayed because the Lord Jesus did not commit any sins, so there is no need to pray for forgiveness of sins. By the Lord's Prayer, the prayer that the Lord Jesus taught us to pray. The prayer that the Lord Jesus prayed is written in John 17.
 The prayer that the Lord taught us is a prayer that can be understood, memorized, and used by even children. Its content is so deep that many things can be prayed at length on this basis. At the same time, the content is brief, but it contains all that is necessary.
 The Lord's Prayer is for practice. Listen to today's message to make this prayer more meaningful.
 This prayer is sometimes recited in church, but it is originally a prayer that we do during personal prayer time.
 You can memorize this when you recite it in church. However, the text of the Lord's Prayer recited by the church and the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6 are different.
 There are two reasons for this. One is that the Bible has been rewritten in a more understandable Japanese. The other reason is that the Bible lacks the phrase, "The kingdom, power, and glory belongs to no one but to God.” This is because it is not written in any reliable manuscripts. In other words, it has been judged to be a later addition. So, if you are asking if the "Lord's Prayer" needs to be changed, I don't think so. That is because it is a suitable content to conclude the prayer. However, it is good to remove it from the Bible. This is because the original Bible is inerrant in all its contents. Therefore, it is necessary to keep it as close to the original as possible in the manuscripts.
 Now, the Lord's Prayer is divided into two parts. The first part is a prayer for God, and the second part is a prayer for oneself. This week, we will study the first half.
 First, verse 9.
 I. Hallowed be our Father's name
 First, this prayer begins with an invocation. In other words, the object of the prayer is clear. It is not some vague God, nor a God who has nothing to do with us.
 “Our Father in Heaven" indicates that we are children of God the Father. This means that our God is the perfect father who loves his children, meets their needs, and guides them on the right path.
 There are those who are not good fathers in their earthly family. They are selfish, only looking out for their own interests, unloving, verbally abusive, violent, and unfulfilling of their children's needs. But even if you have such a father on earth, if you believe in the Lord Jesus and start living as Christians, a new life awaits you.
 The God of the Bible is the one who becomes the father of those who accept the cross of the Lord Jesus.
 Now, if you know this prayer, you will see that the Father's desire is not for us to realize our worldly material blessings or our own dreams and ambitions. God is not the One who helps us fulfill our desires. It is the same with earthly fathers. He wants His children to be truly happy, and He will not give them anything that will prevent them from being so.
 We also know that this prayer is a priority prayer for the glory of God the Father. In other words, the biblical truth that the reason for our existence on earth is not for our own glory but for the glory of God is manifested in this prayer.
 Therefore, the first prayer is a prayer that this Father's name may be hallowed.
 The word hallowed is the English word hallowed, meaning holy. The original word is ἁγιάζω (hagiazo), meaning to be made holy.
 First of all, since God is perfectly holy, He cannot be more holy than He is now, and this is not a prayer to make Father more holy. Holiness is complete separation from sin. God has never experienced any sin.
 It is we, not God, who should be holy. We are sinners who are tempted and influenced by sin every day. In other words, we are daily dishonoring God's holy name.
 Therefore, our prayer is that God will help us know that He is holy and praise Him properly.
 And we pray that our lives, our thoughts, our words, and our actions in praise may be worthy of the knowledge of God and that God's name may not be dishonoured by us.
 In other words, Christians will come to know that the God they believe in is a holy God.
Matthew 5:16 In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

II. May the kingdom come where God rules.
 Next, "May the kingdom come.” First, the Kingdom is the Kingdom of God, and the Kingdom of God is a country where God's will is done 100%. This means that the inhabitants of God's Kingdom are those who follow God.
 First, the Kingdom of God is divided into two stages.
 The first is the Kingdom of God in the hearts of Christians, which is invisible. This Kingdom of God is a Kingdom that grows and influences the world as the number of Christians increases. However, because it is a spiritual kingdom, it is a kingdom that only Christians can know. Also, it does not physically exist like the nations of the world.
Second, this Kingdom will become a visible Kingdom, an actual Kingdom, when the Lord Jesus comes again, that is, the Second Coming of Jesus.
Revelation 20:4b And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word of God. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
 This passage means that with the return of Christ, evil will be judged, those who died believing in the Lord will be resurrected, and the Kingdom of God will be established with those who continued to believe in the Lord Jesus during the time of the Great Tribulation. It means that it will be Christ who will be King and that He will build up His Kingdom with Christ.
 These thousand years mark the visible completion of the Kingdom of God in the world. It is also called the Millennial Kingdom when all the prophecies of the Bible will be fulfilled. 
 So, which kingdom should we pray for? Both.
However, the content of our prayers is different. For the invisible Kingdom of God, our prayer is for the increase of the inhabitants of the Kingdom of God, that is, for the advance of the mission. For the invisible Kingdom of God, it is a prayer for the increase of the inhabitants of the Kingdom of God, that is, for missionary progress; for the sin and disobedience in us that hinders it; and for the attacks of the enemy, the devil, and his falsehoods.
 For the visible Kingdom of God, it is a prayer for the speedy return of the Lord Jesus. This prayer, "Lord, come quickly," is called maranatha.
  Maranatha (1 Corinthians 16:22)
  Aramaic: "Marana is my Lord," "Sa is come."  
 Come quickly is not a prayer for a passive way of life, just waiting, but for us to obey His Word, to live by His Word and the Holy Spirit, and to develop His Church.
 It is also to pray and ask that the demonic and spiritual forces that seek to thwart the Lord's plans, as well as teachings and values that are contrary to His Word, will be weakened by His power.
 The Lord has already given us the Holy Spirit to bring us from the dominion of sin to the dominion of righteousness. If this Holy Spirit works with the Word, He will transform us from the inside into the same form as the Lord, that is, into the likeness of the Lord Jesus' character.
 Romans 6:17 But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to which you were entrusted.
 Therefore, the prayer that the Kingdom may come is, first, that I may be a sure inhabitant of the Kingdom. Secondly, it is a prayer that the Church will advance in mission and evangelism, firmly proclaiming the Kingdom of God.
 However, missions are constantly attacked and obstructed by the devil. This world is a nation ruled by the devil.
 Ephesians 2:2 in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.
 The devil deceives and tempts with lies and rules through sin. Therefore, we must pray against this devil. 
 Read Ephesians 6:11-20.
 First, fight spiritual battles. To do so, defend yourself firmly with the Word so that you will not be defeated. The Bible also says that the weapons of warfare are the Word and prayer, and intercessory prayer for the churches and missionaries who are preaching the gospel.
Ephesians 6:18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. 19 Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel,
 Some people think that by making the world a better place, it will become the Kingdom of God. However, the Lord Jesus never said any message of "let us make the world a better place.” His message was to repent and become residents of the Kingdom of God.
 Social movements and political activities can help a little to prevent the world from getting worse, but the inhabitants of the world cannot become inhabitants of the Kingdom of God, no matter how good they do. The Church is here on earth to speak the message of repentance and God's forgiveness.

III. May your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven.
 Next, “may your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven.”
 This is an appropriate summary of the first half. In other words, it is a prayer that the Lord's will, or thoughts and desires, be done on earth.
 The Father's thoughts and desires will be fulfilled 100% in heaven. This is because innocent angels are doing the Lord's work. Unfortunately, however, the Lord's wishes are not realized on earth.
 This does not mean that the Lord's plan has not been fulfilled or that God does not have sovereignty. Nor does it mean that the future depends on human choices and efforts. 
 The Lord's plan is 100 percent done, and He has determined all of it. But His desires are not being fulfilled.
 That is, the Lord is not being worshiped, sinners are not repenting, sinners are not turning away from sin, and people are not heeding His word. As a result, sin and Satan rule the world, justice is not done, and many people suffer and die as victims of evil.
 These are the people who are choosing to rebel against the Lord. Non-Christians live without knowing the Lord's desire. Therefore, we who know the Lord's desire must pray. Through prayer, the work of the Holy Spirit is strengthened, and we ourselves are changed by prayer so that we can do the Lord's work. This is our prayer that His will be done.
 Today's Conclusion
 Prayer is not about unilaterally imposing one's wishes on the Lord and having them fulfilled. Rather, it is a process in which the Lord's desires and thoughts through prayer transform our fleshly desires and thoughts through the work of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, our prayers and desires need to be changed.
John 15:7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given to you.  
 This means that when my desires are transformed into the Lord's will through communion with Him in prayer, His desires become my desires, and I will ask for them, and they will be granted.
 Finally, the object of our prayer is the real Father, the Creator One. This One loves to commune with us. Just as no father wants to talk to his children, God the Father is always waiting to hear what we have to say through prayer. We speak many words, thoughts, heartaches, and desires through prayer. Our Heavenly Father hears them all the time. He is trying to cleanse us of our earthly filth, free us from sin, and enable us to live a life of joy in Him. Daily fellowship with the Lord is essential for Christians to live holy lives. Without it, we cannot continue to receive the work of the Holy Spirit. In other words, in this prayer, we are praying that first of all, we will have daily fellowship with the Lord and receive the work of the Holy Spirit so that our mouths will sing praises and our actions will bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
 Let us pray.
Dear Father, thank you that we know that you are our true Father, the parent of our souls. Thank you that we were not born for your own sake but were sent to earth to show the glory of God the Father. Please help us commune with the Father through prayer and live our original purpose and way of life. And please use our prayers to be transformed by the Holy Spirit so that we can offer prayers that fulfill your will and the Lord's desire on earth. First, please erase the problems of sin, unbelief, and thoughts of disobedience that are inside of us. Then, help us to bear good witness as people of the Kingdom of God. Also, please guide our lives in the right direction. And use us to be able to intercede for our brothers and sisters, especially against the lies and attacks of the enemy who sabotage the Kingdom of God. Bless us so that we may finish our earthly life faithfully. Protect us so that after death, we may awaken in the Kingdom of God.