祈りシリーズ1 間違った祈り
1 人に見せるために人前で善行をしないように気をつけなさい。そうでないと、天におられるあなたがたの父から、報いが受けられません。
つまり、自分を高めるために生きてはいけないという原則です。全ての被造物は神の栄光を表すために創造されたので、常に神の栄光を表すために生きるのです。主イエスは、祈り、行動する時に、常に神の栄光を求めました。ただ、神にのみ栄光を!Soli Deo Gloria が、偽善のない生き方なのです。
I. 自分を高める祈り
5 また、祈るときには、偽善者たちのようであってはいけません。彼らは、人に見られたくて会堂や通りの四つ角に立って祈るのが好きだからです。まことに、あなたがたに告げます。彼らはすでに自分の報いを受け取っているのです。
6 あなたは、祈るときには自分の奥まった部屋に入りなさい。そして、戸をしめて、隠れた所におられるあなたの父に祈りなさい。そうすれば、隠れた所で見ておられるあなたの父が、あなたに報いてくださいます。
7 また、祈るとき、異邦人のように同じことばを、ただくり返してはいけません。彼らはことば数が多ければ聞かれると思っているのです。
II. 同じ言葉を繰り返す祈り
I列王記18:19 さあ、今、人をやって、カルメル山の私のところに、全イスラエルと、イゼベルの食卓につく四百五十人のバアルの預言者と、四百人のアシェラの預言者とを集めなさい。」
20 そこで、アハブはイスラエルのすべての人に使いをやり、預言者たちをカルメル山に集めた。
26 そこで、彼らは与えられた雄牛を取ってそれを整え、朝から真昼までバアルの名を呼んで言った。「バアルよ。私たちに答えてください。」しかし、何の声もなく、答える者もなかった。そこで彼らは、自分たちの造った祭壇のあたりを、踊り回った。
27 真昼になると、エリヤは彼らをあざけって言った。「もっと大きな声で呼んでみよ。彼は神なのだから。きっと何かに没頭しているか、席をはずしているか、旅に出ているのだろう。もしかすると、寝ているのかもしれないから、起こしたらよかろう。」
28 彼らはますます大きな声で呼ばわり、彼らのならわしに従って、剣や槍で血を流すまで自分たちの身を傷つけた。
29 このようにして、昼も過ぎ、ささげ物をささげる時まで騒ぎ立てたが、何の声もなく、答える者もなく、注意を払う者もなかった。
36 ささげ物をささげるころになると、預言者エリヤは進み出て言った。「アブラハム、イサク、イスラエルの神、主よ。あなたがイスラエルにおいて神であり、私があなたのしもべであり、あなたのみことばによって私がこれらのすべての事を行ったということが、
37 私に答えてください。主よ。私に答えてください。この民が、あなたこそ、主よ、神であり、あなたが彼らの心を翻してくださることを知るようにしてください。」
38 すると、主の火が降って来て、全焼のいけにえと、たきぎと、石と、ちりとを焼き尽くし、みぞの水もなめ尽くしてしまった。
8 だから、彼らのまねをしてはいけません。あなたがたの父なる神は、あなたがたがお願いする先に、あなたがたに必要なものを知っておられるからです。
Prayer Series 1: Wrong Prayers
April 14, 2024
Scripture: Matthew 6:5-8
People of all religions and even non-religious people pray when they are in difficulty or hardship. The recipient may be God or something else that controls the natural world and our destiny. People who believe in materialism cannot pray even if they wanted to. I don't think they will pray until the end of their lives. However, this decision not to pray itself shows that people are weak and must rely on something to survive.
In Japan, there is a saying, "When in trouble, ask God for help.” In movies and TV programs, there are scenes in which mothers "step on the hundredth step" for their children. This is ‘Ohyakudo’ prayer in which the mother repeats her wish while walking back and forth 100 times around the temple grounds. It is an impassioned prayer.
According to the Bible, a man named Seth was born of Adam and Eve. It says that when Seth had a child, they began to pray to the Lord. People are separated from God by sin, but deep down in their hearts, they are seeking God.
Now, prayer is very difficult. The main reason for this is that God is invisible. It is because we are anxious to communicate with someone we cannot see. In the past, we communicated by letter. There must have been times when they did not reach. It would be very anxious. Today, we have text messaging. First of all, you know in an instant whether or not the other person received your message. The anxiety disappears. And if you wait, you will eventually receive a response. We are so used to this kind of communication that it is difficult to pray to God.
According to the Bible, God is omnipresent. That is, He can be in two or more places at the same time. Therefore, every word we utter is heard by God. He also hears our prayers. In that sense, God is always “read.” The problem, however, is that replies are slow. Some people get anxious when they don't get a response right away; they think, "This person doesn't care about me. Some people get angry because they think that God doesn't care about them and therefore doesn't reply immediately. The important thing to remember is that God is not a vending machine. It is not a matter of putting money in and pushing a button to get what you want. Since God is God, we can ask, but it is up to God to decide when and how to respond.
Now, starting today, we will consider prayer in a three-part series.
First, let us look together at what we mean by wrong prayers.
This is Matthew 6, the Sermon on the Mount. In chapter 5, we had the famous eight blessings. Then Jesus points out that Judaism at that time was a religion of hypocrisy. In chapter 6, he points out the false prayers of the Pharisees. They were religiously zealous and superficially committed to the Old Testament teaching of almsgiving. But they did it not for God's glory but for their own. They were trying to make themselves as prominent as possible by receiving praise for themselves.
The Lord Jesus called them hypocrites. A hypocrite is an actor. The original meaning of the word is someone who puts on a mask and acts on stage. Because it is an act, it does not have to be accompanied by the heart, and if the performance is great, it will receive the admiration of the audience. But it is all for oneself, not for the splendor or glory of God.
First, in chapter 6, verse 1, the Lord said the principle.
1 Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.
In other words, the principle is not to live for the sake of self-enhancement. All creation was created to express the glory of God, so always live to express the glory of God. The Lord Jesus always sought God's glory when he prayed and acted. Soli Deo Gloria is a way of life without hypocrisy.
With this in mind, let us look at verse 5. Here, the Lord Jesus teaches two cautions in prayer.
I. Prayer for self-glorification
5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.”
This does not mean that people should not pray in places where people can see them, such as the synagogue or church. It means that you should not intentionally show or let people hear you praying so that you will receive praise.
The Jews prayed a lot. They were trained to observe the Old Testament from a young age, so they were in the habit of praying. Muslims pray five times a day with their heads on the ground. The Jews of that time also prayed many times a day. But if they are for show, they are not real prayers.
The Catholic Church has a prayer book. They read it aloud. One day, a priest friend of mine said to me, "Protestants pray in their own words.” When I was in college, the principal of the school prayed in front of students. It was a very fine prayer. He prayed for a few minutes about the success of the students, the problems of the economy, and the development of the country and world peace. But that was just reading from a manuscript. Whenever you are in a religious culture, you lose your heart. And we naturally begin to create prayers that are grating when people listen. But true prayer is not such habitual prayer.
Next, the Lord said, "You like to pray standing in the synagogue or on the street square.” There is nothing wrong with standing and praying. The Bible describes three postures of prayer: kneeling, standing, and sitting. There is nothing wrong with praying standing up. However, it is a problem if the motive is to "stand out.” The synagogue is the church building of today. There is nothing wrong with praying in a church because a church is for praising and praying. The problem is the motive of wanting to be seen and appreciated by others. If our prayer is conscious of people's evaluation, our prayer is not to God, but we are pretending to pray to God and showing it to people.
On the other hand, if the heart of the person praying is directed only to God, even if people are present and listening, the prayer is a prayer to God. Therefore, we must be careful when we pray in public. Prayer should be directed only to God. If we want to pray in a fashionable way, it is with people in mind.
When I first became a Christian, I was once embarrassed because I could not pray for a long. I couldn't find the words to pray and it was over too soon. I was embarrassed to be told, "Eh, You have already done it." Since then, I have prayed longer in public. But as I will explain later, the prayers of those who know the Lord God are short and simple.
The leaders of the church always come with this temptation. They pray for more refined words, longer prayers, prayers that people will praise, prayers that will move people…in other words, they pray, but they are very concerned about the reaction of those who hear their praying.
To whom do you pray? To God. It is not for the people present. If you pray with the desire to be praised by others, you are praying for your own glory, not God's.
Seeking one's own glory is pride. Pride is a sin that opposes God. Man cannot be God, and animals cannot be man.
The following verse 6 is a much-misunderstood passage.
6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
The Greek word for "go into your room" is ‘tameion,’ which means storage, a small room, a bedroom, etc. In other words, it is a place where only you are.
There are times to pray in public and times to pray alone. It is not a question of which is better or worse, but rather that you can talk to God more about various things when you pray alone. Which can you talk about more deeply and at greater length, when meeting in a group or when meeting individually?
Prayer is talking to God about your inner self. You have probably had the experience of feeling refreshed by talking to others. But if you tell it as a secret, the next week other people know about it. Or you just want to be heard, but they give you unnecessary advice or blame you for your behavior. But God doesn't do that. With the help of the Holy Spirit, He gives you peace in your heart and frees you from unspeakable pain and suffering. And above all, man does not have the power to solve your problems, but the Lord does.
Prayer is a conversation with God. Therefore, As much as possible, find a time and place where you can be alone and talk to God through prayer.
Now, the Lord speaks of “rewards." The reward of this sermon on the mount is a reward in heaven. Prayer is the most necessary and important service. It is impossible for a person who works hard at this service not to be rewarded.
Now, the second part of hypocritical prayer is verse 7.
7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.
II. Prayer that repeats the same words
This is another often misunderstood passage. It does not mean that we should pray the same thing more than once. Both Jesus and Paul offer the same prayer to God.
Here, the Lord Jesus addresses the prayers of the Gentiles. Gentile prayer is characterized by two things. That if you pray a lot, you will be heard. And that they repeat the same words of prayer, they will receive answers.
The unusual word used here is βατταλογέω (batarogeō). It is said to come from the Aramaic word batar, which is an onomatopoeic word. In other words, it is a written form of the sounds of flapping, gibbering, dismemberment, etc. In English, a bubble is a sound that has no meaning. In other words, noise. Pagan prayers repeat the same words and sentences for hours. The reason for this is that God does not hear prayers easily. That is why you have to pray fervently to wake God up and make him hear your request.
Let's read from 1 Kings 18:19.
This is a long passage, so let me explain. At that time, Israel was filled with idols. Elijah wants to let the people of Israel know the real God. So, a total of 850 prophets from Baal and Asherah were gathered from all over Israel.
I Kings 18:19 Now summon the people from all over Israel to meet me on Mount Carmel. And bring the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal and the four hundred prophets of Asherah, who eat at Jezebel's table."
20 So Ahab sent word throughout all Israel and assembled the prophets on Mount Carmel.
So Elijah says that a real God should be able to make fire from heaven. So he prepares two bulls. The bulls are cut up and placed on their respective fire pits. Elijah calls on the name of the Lord. They call on the name of the God of Asherah and Baal.
Verse 26. So they took the bull given them and prepared it. Then they called on the name of Baal from morning till noon. "O Baal, answer us!" they shouted. And they danced around the altar they had made.
Elijah mocks them.
27 At noon Elijah began to taunt them. "Shout louder!" he said. "Surely he is a god! Perhaps he is deep in thought, or busy, or traveling. And must be awakened."
The prophets of Asherah and Baal become desperate. And they hurt their own bodies. This is another thing pagans do well. That is, they try to gain God's attention by tormenting themselves.
28 So they shouted louder and slashed themselves with swords and spears, as was their custom, until their blood flowed.
29 But there was no response, no one answered, no one paid attention. But there was no response, no one answered, no one paid attention.
Now it was time for Elijah to pray. Elijah is very simple.
Verses 36 and 37. He says
36 At the time of sacrifice, the prophet Elijah stepped forward and prayed: "O LORD, God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, let it be known today that you are God in Israel and that I am your servant and have done all these things at your command.
37 Answer me, O LORD, answer me, so these people will know that you, O LORD, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again."
The Lord immediately answers this brief prayer of Elijah.
38 Then the fire of the LORD fell and burned up the sacrifice, the wood, the stones and the soil, and also licked up the water in the trench.
In short, a genuine prayer to God is a clear, short prayer.
The right prayer has three points: knowing who God is, having good relationship with God, and requesting the manifestation of His glory.
The most important thing in prayer is to know who you are praying to, and what your relationship is.
8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.
First, the object of our prayer is the God of the Bible, who created heaven and earth.
Second, we are children of that God. Since God is our Father, it is only natural that He responds to the wishes of His children. Furthermore, this Father is the one who knows what we need even before we ask Him.
Some people think, "Well, then, I don't have to pray" because of the fact that He knows. Prayer is not "informing". Prayer is a conversation. Prayer is about confiding the deepest parts of our hearts and receiving the Lord's comfort and strength. Which is the most beautiful parent-child relationship? The father knows the child so well; therefore, does the child not talk to the father at all? Does the child not interested in the father's opinions or thoughts? Rather, the father knows the child so well that the child feels comfortable telling the father anything. Then, he leaves it to the father.
The prayer of the Gentiles is to keep asking until their petitions are granted. But the prayer of the child of God is based on trust in God the Father to make his or her requests known. The Father then meets the child's needs and answers the child's petitions in His own good plan.
Stop praying religiously. Prayer is not a form, but a heart. Prayer is not a request, but a communication. And if you pray, you will receive the work of the Holy Spirit. And your life will be turned around for the better.
Father, we thank you for the privilege of being able to pray. We thank you that our prayers are not to an unliving idol god, but to the living God. We ask you to remove the religious idea that we must repeat the same words and pray continually to be heard. Thank God the Father that He knows our needs and always tries to give us the best. Please help us to always be in conversation with Him so that His thoughts, desires, and plans become our thoughts, desires, and plans.
Also, please help us to pray with the Lord alone in mind, not with prayers that we show to others, Bless us so that we may firmly receive the rewards that the Lord gives us.