








2テモテ4:7 私は勇敢に戦い、走るべき道のりを走り終え、信仰を守り通しました。
8 今からは、義の栄冠が私のために用意されているだけです。かの日には、正しい審判者である主が、それを私に授けてくださるのです。私だけでなく、主の現れを慕っている者には、だれにでも授けてくださるのです。



I. 真理とは何か







 人権とは弱い者を守るという事です。しかし、最近の世界からこの考え方は消えつつあります。確かに、ブラックライブズマターと言われています。しかし、北米やオーストラリアでは、Asian lives matter, too.であるべきですし、はっきりと言えば「All lives Matter」でなければいけないのです。それが人権です。

II. 自由とは何か。


 33 彼らはイエスに答えた。「私たちはアブラハムの子孫であって、決してだれの奴隷になったこともありません。あなたはどうして、『あなたがたは自由になる』と言われるのですか。」


 ヨハネ 8:34 イエスは彼らに答えられた。「まことに、まことに、あなたがたに告げます。罪を行っている者はみな、罪の奴隷です。 」

36 ですから、もし子があなたがたを自由にするなら、あなたがたはほんとうに自由なのです。


ガラテヤ5:22 しかし、御霊の実は、愛、喜び、平安、寛容、親切、善意、誠実、
23 柔和、自制です。このようなものを禁ずる律法はありません。




The Truth Will Set You Free
April 7, 2024
Scripture: John 8:32-36

 We live in a time when everything is changing. It is hard to read a year, let alone a decade, ahead at all. Things have changed dramatically, not only in Canada, but around the world, from pre-Covid19 to post-Covid19.
 Those who are in business are in a situation where they cannot read what will happen to the economy at all in the future. In the old days, if you got a job at a good company and remained loyal, you could design a life plan where you would be stable until retirement, buy a house, pay your children's school fees, get a promotion, and enjoy a stable retirement with a pension after retirement. But that was a long time ago. Workers are in danger of being laid off, and managers are living in fear of bankruptcy. No one can rest easy. But historically, society has been mostly in a period of instability. We never know what will happen tomorrow in our lives.

 Last year, Israel started a war in response to Hamas terrorism. The war between Russia and Ukraine continues. We are suffering from Covid19 inflation and are too busy looking out for our own country. The world will be dichotomized into rich and poor countries. Even in the richest countries, there is a disparity in society, and if you lose your job, you are homeless.

 However, it is precisely because we live in such an era that we need to firmly grasp and stand on unchanging values, in other words, the truth.

 Without truth, we set wrong standards. Without truth, we act according to what seems best in the moment. And when that action is wrong, we start over. The more sincere and dedicated a person is, the more terrible the consequences of a wrong decision. If you take the wrong path for ten years, you have to go back for ten years. If it is 50 years, it is harder to go back.

 I heard the Christian gospel when I was 21 years old. I had heard it before, but that was the first time it was clearly explained to me. And I seriously thought about whether there is heaven or not, and if there is no heaven, so be it. But I made the decision to believe in the Bible because I knew that if there is a God and there is heaven and hell, I could not go to heaven. I then decided to become a pastor because I felt I had to share this gospel with more people. Since then, I have had many doubts. I wondered if Christianity might be the biggest lie of mankind. For Japanese people, only one percent believe in it. Japanese who love the West do not become Christians. But the more I study the Bible, the more I am convinced that the Bible is right and the world is wrong. Times change. But the Bible does not change. Organizations outside the church change. However, the main message of the church remains the same. Another characteristic is that I started living abroad right after I graduated from college. There, I began to meet people from all over the world. At first, it was mainly people from the U.S. and Europe. Next were people from Korea, China, India, and Africa. As I interacted with people of various races, the one thing they had in common was the teachings of the Bible. People from all over the world are moved by the same message and the same teachings resonate in their hearts. On the other hand, the world is changing at an incredible pace. Worldviews and values can completely change in a decade. From a life centered on work to a life centered on leisure and freedom. From a life that valued marriage to a life that enjoys romance, from a world where men and women fall in love and get married to a life where same-sex couples fall in love.

 I believe that if people like me, who have a tendency to be carried away by the world, had I not known the Bible, I would have always been carried away and my life would have become a life with no goals and no destination. I think my biggest fear is that when I get older, younger people will tell me to shut up because my uncle's ideas are old-fashioned. But I am grateful to be able to teach the Bible to the younger generation in this way.

2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
8 Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day--and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.

 If we do not want life to be a regret and disappointment, we should not say, "If I am doing what others are doing, that is good enough.”

 Now, truth is not what many people think while looking around them.

I. What is truth?
 Now, then, what is truth? Truth is a word that is not used very often in everyday life. Truth is the absence of lies and the absence of error. In simple terms, it is a law or principle of this universe that never changes. For example, the law of universal gravitation and the theory of relativity are truths. They will never change at any age.

 Let us consider together here the conditions for being true.

 The condition of truth:
It must remain unchanged over the centuries.
      It adapts the same to people in every region of the world.
      To realize that when you do it, it certainly works for you.

 Truth should not be something that is true for me but may not be so for you. Truth must be something that transcends culture and history.

 So, is there anything that passes the three conditions? One that lives on unchanged in every culture and every age, and that applies to me as well. There are some things that remain far beyond history and culture. But there is one that stands out among them all. It is the Bible.

 The Bible passes the three conditions I just mentioned. The Bible continues to shine across history, across cultures, and across races. No other book is read by more people in the world than the Bible. The Bible is the same inspiration for children, women, and the elderly, regardless of educational level, and in a world so complex and full of values.

 So, let us consider why the Bible can be called truth.

Human Rights
 Human rights are about protecting the weak. However, this concept is disappearing from the world these days. Indeed, it is called Black Lives Matter. But in North America and Australia, it should be Asian Lives Matter, too, and to be clear, it should be "All Lives Matter". That is human rights.

 I recently saw a Korean drama in which the villain lived by the motto "the weak is eaten by the strong,” but in the end, he was eaten by someone stronger than himself. “A weak is a strong’s food" is a phrase from the animal world that is being applied to the human world.
 What is spreading in the world today is human trafficking. It is a crime, but in many countries, it is practiced as a matter of course. This concept is also being advanced for murder cases. In the old days, "motive" was the clue to arrest in a murder case. Murder without a motive was unthinkable. But now, murders without motive are increasing and cannot be apprehended. Lives are being disregarded. In today's world, there seems to be no clear answer to "why we should not kill people" or "why we should not commit suicide.

 There was once a feature in a magazine in which a celebrity wrote about "why we should not kill people" and the reasons why. The reasons were "because it is pitiful," "because people around you will be sad," and "because it will become a world of the weak and the strong like animals.” There was also "No, we will be able to reproduce humans by cloning in a little while, and then we can kill them, but not before.” These are all relative. They are not absolute reasons. Relative reasons mean that under certain circumstances, it is OK to kill. Or, if you can't come up with a convincing reason, then killing is permitted.
 What does the Bible say? The Bible says in the Old Testament book of Exodus, written 3,500 years ago, "You shall not murder. The reason for this is that man was created by God and, therefore, must not kill. Furthermore, the Bible says, "Love your neighbor as yourself" and "Do not take revenge.” It is also a defence of human rights, saying, "Be at peace with all men" and "Overcome evil with good.
 Now, let us consider the latter part, freedom.
The truth will set you free.
II. What is freedom?
 Some mistake freedom for doing whatever one pleases. But that is debauchery and the road to unhappiness. Freedom is being able to do the right thing that we ought to do.

 We all have strengths and weaknesses. The cons sometimes become bad habits or addictions. These days, many people are addicted to alcohol, gambling, shopping, and other addictions. It starts out as a little temptation. Then, when they realize it, they find themselves in a bondage that they cannot control.
 Mr. Mizuhara, who has been supporting Otani, is a gambling addict, and he has changed the people around him into a lot of trouble. I do not think he is a bad person. However, he could not escape from his addiction.

 Let's read verse 33.
 John 8:33 They answered him, "We are Abraham's descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. how can you say that we shall be set free?"

 Here, the Jews who heard these words replied that we were not slaves and had never been slaves. Many people believe that if you do not have the status of a slave, you are a free person. It is about status or social hierarchy. What Jesus is talking about here is spiritual status.

 Let's read verse 34.
 John 8:34 Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.

 The Bible says that we are born with a sinful nature and must live according to that nature.

 The Bible does not tell us that there are bad people in this world, but the Bible does not tell us that there are good people in this world. It declares that all people are sinners. Sin means "to be out of line. It means that you are living a wrong life, not the life God has prepared for you.” In other words, sin is not walking in the truth but in the wrong path.
Verse 36.
John8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
 Jesus came to earth with divine justice and love. And for the sake of justice, he himself bore our sins. Because of His love, He forgives the sins of those who believe in Him and gives them spiritual freedom.

 Spiritual freedom is a life of freedom from sin.
 When most people think of sin, they think of someone who is a criminal. But biblical sin is rebellion against God and disobedience to His Word. And the result is bad thoughts and deeds.

Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Against such things there is no law.

 If you believe in Jesus, you will be given the work of the Holy Spirit, and the fruit of the Spirit will be produced inside you. That is true freedom. To be able to love the unlovable. To be able to rejoice without rejoicing. We can have peace in the midst of suffering. To be able to forgive when we receive evil from others. To be kind to our neighbors. To keep a good heart in our hearts. To be trusting and faithful, not in desire or profit. And if there is a rule, obey it as long as it does not contradict the Word of God. Always be calm. And the ability to control oneself without being moved by emotions. These things are changed little by little, not in comparison with others, but in comparison with one's own past.
 If you live a long life, you will realize that the most important thing is not money or possessions but character. When you have character, not only are you happy, but you also make the people around you happy.

 Knowing Jesus gives us true freedom. Real freedom is not just knowing knowledge but being changed inside. When the inside changes, everything changes. Even if we change our temporary behavior, sin will pull us back again. But when the sin nature is weakened by the work of the Holy Spirit, good fruit will begin to be borne. We change, our surroundings change, and our community changes.

Let us pray.