2024年3月31日 イースター礼拝
カナダでは、Good Fridayは休日です。しかし、本当はイースターが最も大事なのです。イースターがなければ、キリスト教信仰は他の宗教と変わりません。イースターは聖書の教えが真実であることの証明なのです。
I. イエスの死体が発見されたか
II. 聖書は歴史書として信頼性があるか
ケンブリッジ大学の考古学者、ウィリアム・ラムゼイ博士(William Mitchell Ramsay FBA (15 March 1851 – 20 April 1939) はルカの記述を読み、当時の歴史資料を研究していくうちに、ルカの記述が歴史的に非常に正確であり、これは、紀元50年当時でなければ書けない書物であると結論を出しました。
III. 確かな証人である弟子たちの行動
そして、 弟子達は革命家ではありませんでした。革命家とは、信念のためには命を捨てる人々の意味です。彼らはイエスが十字架で処刑される前までは勇敢でした。しかし、実際にイエスが逮捕されると、恐ろしくなって逃げてしまった人たちです。ペテロに関して言えば、恐怖心から三度もイエスとの関係を否定しました。
Is the Resurrection True?
March 31, 2024 Easter service
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:1-8
Why is Easter important? It is because the resurrection is a historical fact. If the resurrection is a fact, it means that Jesus is God, and the Bible is the Word of God.
In Canada, Good Friday is a holiday. But the truth is that Easter is the most important. Without Easter, the Christian faith would be no different than any other religion. Easter is proof that the teachings of the Bible are true.
Now, we live as witnesses of Christ.
1 Peter 3:15 But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,.
The quickest way to prove that Christ is God is if He is resurrected.
So, let us examine the resurrection of Christ using the scientific method. Here is the scientific method.
Science = making hypotheses, proving them, and revealing universal truths.
Forensic science: it is the science of pursuing the truth of things that cannot be repeated, such as a trial or historical truth. It seeks to determine the truth through witnesses and evidence.
Today, we want to scientifically investigate whether Christ was really resurrected.
By the way, there is a difference between resurrection and resuscitation. Resurrection is only a temporary return to life, but you die again. Resurrection is to live forever. If you live forever, you are not human. Jesus declares Himself to be God in the Bible.
I. Was Jesus' body found?
First, the disciples began to proclaim that Jesus was resurrected 40 days after Christ's death. Even before then, the Bible says that they had seen the resurrection of Jesus, but the disciples were afraid of the Jewish leaders and hid when they saw the resurrection. But after 40 days, they proclaimed it in public places. Since Christianity is a heretical teaching in the eyes of Judaism, they proclaimed it in the midst of many opponents. The only way to expose the disciples' lies was to find Jesus' dead body. So the authorities mobilized to find information about Jesus' body. Jesus was buried in Joseph of Arimathea's tomb, not in the common cemetery, so is it there? The disciples must have hidden it somewhere. First of all, the disciples were not in a position to steal it, but even if they had been, they would have only had to find the traitor. When Peter preached on the 40th day after Christ's death, 3,000 people believed in Him, so the search for the body must have been done very diligently. However, they were not found. In other words, Christianity increased and spread because the body of Jesus was not found.
II. Is the Bible reliable as a historical book?
The question is whether the Bible is reliable as a historical book. There is a possibility that the biblical accounts of Jesus' resurrection are false. It is possible that the resurrection is something the church came up with hundreds of years after the fact.
First, in the New Testament, "Luke's Gospel" and "Acts of the Apostles" are written as historical testimonies dedicated to a man named Theophilus. Many historians have concluded that these epistles were written roughly around 70 AD. Both books describe the resurrection of Christ.
Dr. William Mitchell Ramsay FBA (15 March 1851 - 20 April 1939), an archaeologist at Cambridge University, read Luke's account and, in studying the historical documents of the time, found that it was historically very accurate. He concluded that it could only have been written in A.D. 50.
Second, what about the objection that someone changed the Bible entirely and inserted the resurrection account? However, copies of the Bible are scattered all over the place, and it is easy to check the Bible for any insertions. Even recently, as manuscripts have been discovered, more and more copies of the Bible have been found to be accurate. The resurrection accounts are so numerous in the Bible that it is impossible to insert them later.
III. the actions of the disciples as sure witnesses
Third, it is the disciples' actions that show how the resurrection actually happened. Jesus died on the cross. Even if this were to be resurrected in the tomb, it would not motivate the disciples enough to create Christianity. So the point is whether or not the disciples lied, acted on a lie, and deceived many people.
There are several points to be made in order to know the truth.
First, 11 of the 12 disciples were executed in a cruel manner. The reason for their execution was that they proclaimed that Jesus was God because he had risen. At the time, the Roman Empire was protecting Judaism, so once they returned to Judaism, the persecution would cease. Aside from Peter, who was the leader, the question is whether the rest of the disciples could also choose to die for a lie. They were not revolutionaries. By revolutionaries, I mean those who would lay down their lives for their beliefs. They were brave before Jesus was executed on the cross. But when Jesus was actually arrested, they were the ones who fled in fear. Peter denied his relationship with Jesus three times out of fear.
Here, the disciples' message is picked out from the Bible,
Repent, for Jesus was God, and you crucified Him.
Jesus went up to heaven, and if you believe in Him, you will go to heaven.
I am not afraid of death because I can go to heaven.”
As a result, they were judged heretics, persecuted, and executed as criminals. What reason did they have to lie about themselves as criminals?
And those who believed their words were also martyred. Stephen, the first member of the Church, was not an eyewitness of Jesus' resurrection. He was a man who believed the words of the disciples. That Stephen believed their words and was martyred. And the persecution of Christians by the Roman Empire continued for more than 300 years.
If the disciples lied, they have no motive. If Jesus had not risen, then dying for that lie would have been a completely worthless death. They would not have started a revolution, they would not have taken over the Jews by force of arms, and they would have lied just to die. It eventually became the state religion of the Roman Empire, and some countries still persecuted Christianity. And even though people may be deceitful on the surface, their lies will one day peel off the plating. It is impossible for such a persecuted religion to win many people as a historical religion.
And by resurrection, we mean that he is still alive today. After Jesus' death, there was a man who gave up his honour, position, and property to become a missionary, claiming to have met Jesus. He initially persecuted Christians, but when he said he met Christ, he changed his life 180 degrees, and he, too, was martyred. His name is Paul.
Also, in the 2nd century, a man named Polycarpos was the overseer of the Church of Smyrna. He is said to be a disciple of the apostle John. He was taken captive under persecution. He, too, was told, "If you only deny Christ, I will set you free.” But he replied, "In my 86 years of life, the Lord has done me no wrong. Therefore, I cannot insult my King and Savior.” And he was burned at the stake.
The words, "The Lord could do no wrong to me," could mean that he, like Paul, had encountered the living Christ. It is also the fact that the next generation would make a similar confession and be martyred.
Let us now consider that Jesus is indeed resurrected. It all makes sense. First, the disciples actually saw Jesus' resurrection, and then they saw him ascend into heaven. Then, they were promised by that resurrected Jesus that they could go to heaven if they believed in him. Then there is the motive. They can go to heaven if they die faithful. Then you can convince people. It is not difficult for many people to believe because they are persuasive if they are acting on the truth. And if those who believe in Christ have experienced Him living in some form, it is not difficult for them to end their earthly life young for eternal life.
This evidence and witnesses clearly prove that Jesus is resurrected. Historically, many scholars have tried hard to discover the body of Christ to prove the Bible was wrong. But their efforts were in vain. On the contrary, scholars who seriously examined the writings of Jesus one after another believed in the resurrection of Christ and became Christians. This is another proof.
Modern science denies the existence of God and brands those who believe in God as "unscientific," even though it has not been scientifically proven that God does not exist. Many people also consider the resurrection of Christ to be a fairy tale despite the incredible credibility of Christ's resurrection. Science is supposed to be a search for truth. The Bible's veracity is being persuaded more and more every day by archaeology. If this is so, then the Bible is not only consistent with science, but science should prove the correctness of the Bible and the validity of Christianity.
Let’s pray.