
 カナダに住んでいるならば、バンフ国立公園の山と湖の美しさに感動します。また、夜は綺麗な星空とオーロラを見ることができます。しかし、何よりも素晴らしいのは、生命です。生命は機械やロボットと違い、美しさと神秘を兼ね備えています。人の体は約60兆個の細胞でできていると言われています。わたしは価値がないという人がいますが、世界の最先端の科学技術でも、これだけ多くの機能があるロボットを造ることなどできません。できても、量産して安く市場に出すことなどできないでしょう。しかも、一人一人が違う姿と性格をもって誕生しているのです。スターウォーズのクローン・トルーパー(Clone trooper)の様に、みんな同じ顔で、同じ身長で、同じ格好をしているのではありません。バラエティに富んでいるのです。日本語のバラエティは、落語とか漫才などのことですが、本来の言葉の意味は多様性です。
 今日は、「しゅろの日曜日」です。英語ではPalm Sundayと言います。しゅろとは日本語では椰子の木です。しかし、イスラエルで生えるしゅろ葉は硬く、しっかりとしています。主イエスが王としてエルサレムに入場した時に、人々がしゅろの葉で歓迎したからです。しかし、イエスは王として君臨するためではなく、私たちの罪のために十字架にかかるために入場したのです。
5 神は、みむねとみこころのままに、私たちをイエス・キリストによってご自分の子にしようと、愛をもってあらかじめ定めておられました。
I. 私たちを新生させ、神の子どもとしてくださる 
4a すなわち、神は私たちを世界の基の置かれる前から彼にあって選び、


ローマ9:11 その子どもたちは、まだ生まれてもおらず、善も悪も行わないうちに、神の選びの計画の確かさが、行いにはよらず、召してくださる方によるようにと、



II. 私たちを神の子にふさわしい姿にしてくださる
4b 御前で聖く、傷のない者にしようとされました。



ローマ3:23 すべての人は、罪を犯したので、神からの栄誉を受けることができず、


ガラテヤ5:16 私は言います。御霊によって歩みなさい。そうすれば、決して肉の欲望を満足させるようなことはありません。



1コリント 9:27 私は自分のからだを打ちたたいて従わせます。それは、私がほかの人に宣べ伝えておきながら、自分自身が失格者になるようなことのないためです。





III. 私たちを罪のない姿にし、新しい身体をくださる



ローマ人への手紙7:24 私は、ほんとうにみじめな人間です。だれがこの死の、からだから、私を救い出してくれるのでしょうか。


 1テモテ 1:15 「キリスト・イエスは、罪人を救うためにこの世に来られた」ということばは、まことであり、そのまま受け入れるに値するものです。私はその罪人のかしらです。



 1コリント15:52 終わりのラッパとともに、たちまち、一瞬のうちにです。ラッパが鳴ると、死者は朽ちないものによみがえり、私たちは変えられるのです。




The Master God's Plan
March 24, 2024 at CJGC
Scripture: Ephesians 1:4-5

 Today, I would like to talk about God's plan. Today’s message title in Japanese is “Takumi naru Kami’s plan.” ‘Takumi’ means master in English. Takumi means "a craftsman, one who excels in skill" or "a person who excels in scholarship or the arts. In Japanese, we also use this kanji for "maestro, master painter, and master artisan. God is our Creator and the one who creates great works of art. In that sense, God is a master.

 If you live in Canada, you will be impressed by the beauty of the mountains and lakes of Banff National Park. Also, at night you can see beautiful starry skies and the Northern Lights. But the most wonderful thing of all is life. Unlike machines and robots, life is both beautiful and mysterious. It is said that the human body is made up of about 60 trillion cells. Some people say that I am worthless, but even the most advanced science and technology in the world cannot build a robot with so many functions. Even if they could, they would not be able to mass produce them and bring them to market cheaply. Moreover, each of us is born with a different appearance and personality. They are not like the clone troopers in Star Wars, who all have the same face, the same height, and the same outfit. We are rich in variety.

 God is more creative than any artist or writer. When we look at people as God's created beings, each person is a work of art in this world.

 However, the world measures people by their looks and abilities. The message continues to be broadcast that those who are needed by society are the valuable ones. So young people are entering a competitive society in order to increase their value as much as possible. Those born with disabilities and the elderly are worried that they are not worthy and struggle to live a life that does not cause them trouble. And there are many who are tired of living in a society that is like a competition between the weak and the strong, and choose to die.

 The reason God created works of art with life is to show His glory. All of nature is a celebration of the Creator's splendor. Likewise, we exist for God's glory. 

 Today's passage describes the wonderful grace of salvation. Salvation is not just about getting into heaven, but is part of God's plan. That sequence is election, salvation, sanctification, and glorification.

 Today is ”Shuro no Sunday.” In English, it is called Palm Sunday. In Japanese, shuro is a palm tree. However, the palm leaves that grow in Israel are hard and firm. This is because when the Lord Jesus entered Jerusalem as King, people welcomed Him with palm leaves. But Jesus did not enter to reign as King, but to die on the cross for our sins.

 At the outset, I will tell you that our salvation is solely through Christ. Some people say. Why Jesus? Why not Buddha or Mohammed? And why not the spiritual power of the gods living in Japan?

 Let us read verse 5.
5 He predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will--

 Here it says "through Jesus Christ". Let me explain this. Creation is the story of God making a finite world out of an infinite one. He created time and space and created certain loose matter and life. In the planning stage, God decided to create two special beings: angels and men. Unlike animals, angels and humans were to be life forms that lived not only by instinct but also by thought and will. However, during the planning stage, there was one troubling fact. That is, if God gives them free will, they can choose to do evil. They can choose destructive evil that does not follow God's rules. God knew that some angels and men would choose sin. And He knew that if Adam, the first man, fell, all human beings born from him would be born with a sinful nature, and the world would be covered by sin. God hates sin. He must punish those who sin.

 At such a time, Jesus makes a proposal to God the Father. I will go to earth, bear their sins, and be punished in their place. Therefore, forgive the sins of those who accept Me as their Savior." The proposal was spoken at the Trinity Council. God the Father said to Jesus the Son. This will not be easy. It will be a very painful experience for you. You will be punished as a sinner, and our eternal bond will be broken if only for a moment. Also, you will experience all the pain that humans feel because you will have to become human for it." Jesus said, "It is all right. Send Me." He replied, "It is all right. God the Father made a decision. I understand. I will make you a human being and give you birth on earth as the Savior of mankind. But you must know this. If the sins of one person are too great to bear the sins of many, you must undergo the most painful crucifixion. By suffering and dying, I will forgive all the sins of those who follow you. Not only that, but I will accept them as my children because of You, and welcome them into this new world that I will create after creation as those who have chosen no sin." Then the Holy Spirit said. 'Then I will make alive the spirits of those who have died to sin, so that they may understand the word of truth. Then I will enter those who believe in Jesus and help them to live firmly according to the Word of God on earth. Thus, the plan of salvation by the triune God is completed. The Father planned it, Jesus the Son went to the cross, and the Holy Spirit renewed, making the elect believe in Jesus and empowering them to obey the Word of God.

 And the creation took place according to God's plan. One-third of the angels and Adam and Eve chose to sin, and sin spread throughout the world. But God's plan of salvation is also realized.

 Now, God the Designer's plan for us is a three-step process. Today we will review these three steps from the Bible. First is salvation.

What God does in the Lord Jesus
I. He gives New birth, and we become His children

Let us read today's scriptures.
4a For he chose us in him before the creation of the world

 The word "election" is used here. The word "election" divides the evangelical churches. Either God chose us or we chose God. The original language says that God chose us. But if God chose us, then what happens to those who are not chosen? It becomes, "What about those who have not been chosen? Let us assume that we have chosen God. Then the question becomes, "Am I really choosing God properly? What happens to my salvation if I quit choosing God in the middle of my life? This is both. It goes both ways. God chooses, and we choose. We are chosen by God because we choose God. If we accept the gospel, we are chosen by God. If we reject the gospel, we are not chosen by God. This is consistent with God, but it is incomprehensible to human reason.
 Salvation is about being born again. There is nothing we can do to help a baby be born. God has chosen us in Christ. First, the Holy Spirit causes us to be born again, to understand the truth, and to have faith. At the same time, we accept Jesus as Lord of our own volition and obey the Word of God of our own volition.
 There is a verse that explains this well.

Romans 9:11 Yet, before the twins were born or had done anything good or bad--in order that God's purpose in election might stand.

 The children are Jacob and Esau. God chose Jacob before they were born, in fact, before creation. When they were born, Jacob sought God, and Esau mistreated God. In other words, God's choice does not contradict ours. That is the certainty of the election plan. God chooses, but so do we.

 Second, God the Master sanctifies us.

II. He changes us worthy to be children of God
4b to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love

 The present tense is used in the original language, which means that the Holy Spirit is in the process of making us holy and blameless. The wound is the sin. This means that the Holy Spirit is trying to eliminate sin in us and change us to be like Jesus.

 Sinners cannot show the glory of God. God the Master created us as wonderful works of art. But sin has made us incapable of displaying His glory.

Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

 In church, we hear two messages: "You are wonderful" and "God accepts you just the way you are.” ”You are wonderful ” means that you are wonderful because God created you. In other words, you are a masterpiece of God, the Master Craftsman. On the other hand, "He accepts you just as you are" means that you do not need to make any effort to be saved because your salvation is completed through the cross of the Lord Jesus.
 However, there are those who combine these two messages, which are originally completely different. When you put them together, you get the message that "you are wonderful, so it's fine just the way you are" and that once you are saved, you don't have to do anything. However, nowhere in the Bible does it say that.

 Rather, the Bible says that it is not good as it is. It is a wonderful work of God, but it has been defiled by sin. Therefore, the Bible tells us to remove the stains and dirt caused by sin. Then you will be able to show the glory of God as a wonderful work of art.
Galatians 5:16 So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.

 So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. This means to choose to do what pleases God in each choice you make in your daily life.

 Paul knew the power of sin working in him.

1 Corinthians 9:27 No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

 Some say, "All my sins are forgiven on the cross. So it's okay to sin." Of course, God has forgiven all the sins we commit in our lives because of Christ. But as I said earlier, God's plan is not only salvation. It continues with salvation, sanctification, and glorification. We should not take the liberty of removing sanctification from it. Salvation is a process. If you do not go on to sanctification, you may not be saved.

 Today, the composer, Mana, will sing the praise song, “Takumi no Kokoro,” Made for His Purpose. We are grateful that she will sing to us.

 God the Takumi desires for us to be transformed into the image of Jesus and the glory of God, even if only a little, as we cooperate with the Holy Spirit.

 In the Bible, we are the bride of Christ. These days, some people don't wear white wedding dresses. White represents the appearance of holiness, without blemish, without sin. The Lord Jesus is the Bridegroom who is totally without sin and hates sin. How sad would the groom be if the bride stood next to him in a dress covered with sin stains? Try to wear a dress that is as clean as possible.

 Finally, it is glorification.
III. He makes us sinless and gives us a new body

 But if we overemphasize this sanctification, it becomes a work of the law. We will return to the world of the Law and live in fear of guilt. It will also begin to bind people with discipline, as in heresy.

 In conclusion, we can reduce sin, but we cannot eliminate it. That is the limitation of sanctification.
 Sin has entered deep into our hearts and thoughts, and no one can escape it. Paul, as I mentioned earlier, also confessed this.

Romans 7:24 What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?

 The body of death is the sinful nature that drives us to sin with a powerful force. We are born again by the Holy Spirit, but the sinful nature is still there.
 Paul described himself in his later years as follows.

 1 Timothy 1:15 Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners--of whom I am the worst.

 This does not mean that Paul was actually a bad person or that he became a bad person in his later years. The more we fight against sin, the more we learn of our own weakness in not being perfect. This is similar to cleaning. No matter how much you clean, you will never get rid of the dirt completely. The cleaner you are, the more you know the limits of cleaning.

 Glorification means that God makes us sinless on a different level than our efforts. In other words, instead of washing our soiled garments, we can put on a new robe. That garment is a new body that is no longer sinning.
 When will we be given a new body? It is "when the time comes. It is not when you die.

 1 Corinthians 15: 52 in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. for the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.

 The end is when Christ comes again to earth. The dead will receive new bodies. The living will have their living bodies instantly transformed into new bodies. The new body is a body that can live forever, a glorious body without sin.

 This is our true hope. With this hope, we are to live faithfully in the present moment. We are to live in such a way that we always receive the power of the Word and the Holy Spirit so that we can return to the wonderful work that God the Master made.

Let us pray. After that, let us hear the praise of Takumi no Kokoro, Made for His purpose.