











28 神を愛する人々、すなわち、神のご計画に従って召された人々のためには、神がすべてのことを働かせて益としてくださることを、私たちは知っています。


1 私のたましいは黙って、ただ神を待ち望む。私の救いは神から来る。
2 神こそ、わが岩。わが救い。わがやぐら。私は決して、ゆるがされない。






II. ゆるがされない

 人や人の言葉を気にすると動揺します。悪魔は人に悪い心を入れます。悪魔の得意わざは、人間関係を壊すことです。お互いに不信感を起こさせ、それを助長し、コミュニケーションを閉ざし、つまづかせ、お互いを孤立させます。赦せない怒りを持たせ、教会から離れるようにしむけます。悪魔は仲の良い人、信頼している人を用いて、傷つけます。 ですから、周囲の環境と周囲の人たちに焦点を合わせないで、神に焦点を合わせることです。

6 神こそ、わが岩。わが救い。わがやぐら。私はゆるがされることはない。
7 私の救いと、私の栄光は、神にかかっている。私の力の岩と避け所は、神のうちにある。


III. 心を注ぎ出す
8 民よ。どんなときにも、神に信頼せよ。あなたがたの心を神の御前に注ぎ出せ。神は、われらの避け所である。セラ


ピリピ4:6 何も思い煩わないで、あらゆる場合に、感謝をもってささげる祈りと願いによって、あなたがたの願い事を神に知っていただきなさい。
7 そうすれば、人のすべての考えにまさる神の平安が、あなたがたの心と思いをキリスト・イエスにあって守ってくれます。

 エレミヤ 29:11 わたしはあなたがたのために立てている計画をよく知っているからだ。‐‐主の御告げ‐‐それはわざわいではなくて、平安を与える計画であり、あなたがたに将来と希望を与えるためのものだ。
 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.(NLT)



 2コリント5:17 だれでもキリストのうちにあるなら、その人は新しく造られた者です。古いものは過ぎ去って、見よ、すべてが新しくなりました。





My Salvation comes from God
March 17, 2024
By Pastor Ichiro Okiebisu
Scripture: Psalm 62:1-8(ESV)

  The following is a summary of an article by Health Canada on stress.
 Stress is a fact of everyday life and is the result of both good and bad events that occur. Too much stress can cause serious health concerns.
 Stress can result from major life events, such as getting married or changing jobs, or from small everyday events, such as work pressures or vacation planning.

 Good stress, such as winning a game or going on vacation, can make us feel more engaged and energized. However, the negative effects of excessive stress associated with being under pressure can affect your health.

 When a stressful event occurs, the body responds in a series of ways. First, the body releases adrenaline, which causes the heart to beat faster and breathing to quicken. Both good and bad events can trigger this reaction.
 Second, as the energy mobilization phase continues, the body begins to release sugar and fat. Then you feel pressured and tired. Symptoms include drinking more coffee, smoking more, and being a risk factor for alcohol and drug abuse. They may also experience anxiety, negative thoughts, irritability, sadness, guilt, loss of interest in things they used to enjoy, loss of enjoyment, loss of energy, memory loss, and their body's immune system may weaken, and they may catch a cold or get the flu. In severe cases, it can lead to heart disease, bowel disease, herpes, and mental illness. Stress has even been identified as a possible risk factor for Alzheimer's disease. It can also put you at risk for developing serious illnesses such as heart disease and other mental illnesses.

 The following are ways to cope with stress, but there is no definitive way to deal with it.

 First, identify the problem. Explore the cause of the stress. It could be a major event such as getting married, changing jobs, moving, divorce, coping with the death of a loved one, or it could be a long-term concern such as financial problems, children's future, work, an ongoing illness, or everyday problems such as rude people or machines that don't work. Once we know what the problem is, we can take some action to address it.

 Next, you can come up with a solution. If you cannot solve the problem on your own, you can consult a medical professional or financial counselor. Also, talk to friends, co-workers, and family about the problem. Simply venting your feelings can reduce stress. Sometimes, they may be able to suggest solutions to your problem.

 Learn stress management. Take a walk, exercise, or do some gardening. Give yourself a "mental vacation" by participating in relaxation exercises, reading, hobbies, and sports, such as deep breathing and full-body stretching.

 Avoid negative thoughts "I can't, I won't, I should, I have to," etc.
 That's all.

 Okay, so many people exercise, have long conversations at coffee shops, or spend money on leisure activities as a solution to stress. Various stress management methods are effective when they fit together in their own way. If you exercise diligently, you can forget about your problems for that time, and you will be happy when your muscles build up. However, in some cases, if you force yourself to exercise while your mind is sick, you can damage your body or even make your symptoms worse by adding physical exhaustion.

 However, there is actually a better solution to stress. It is God's solution. God's resolution of hardship is beneficial in two ways. One, God is omnipotent and can either solve the problem itself or use the problem to make a good life.

 Romans 8:28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.(ESV)
 Another thing is that God gives us peace and strength to overcome even in the process of suffering.
 In the midst of suffering, it may be good to do something, but a better way is to ask God for help at three points, as David did today.

I. Be still and wait on God
1 For God alone my soul waits in silence; from him comes my salvation.
2 He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. (ESV)

 Waiting in silence for God does not mean doing nothing. Rather, it means that we want to do everything, but we are on standby until God gives us guidance, wisdom, and strength. We also trust God and wait. Not in a passive attitude that God will do something about it, but in trust that God will definitely help us, and we wait for God's guidance.

 Our family members have become much more accustomed to waiting since coming to Canada. Private services are available if we make an appointment and wait a half hour. However, in the government, we cannot contact them and just wait. But this is actually an exercise in waiting for God. God does not respond with an email each time. You have to trust and wait.

 By the way, waiting is not always a bad thing. In fact, there are several good things. First, there is the saying, "Hunger is the greatest sauce.” How delicious is food that you wait until you are hungry rather than food that you eat when you are not hungry? I heard that Japanese ramen restaurants intentionally make their customers wait by reducing the number of seats. Then, while you are waiting, you get hungry. The smell of the ramen enters your body and makes the ramen taste better than usual.

 Waiting makes a difference in how grateful you are when you are given it. Nowadays, we don't teach children to wait. So, more and more children are not patient. Because we are in an environment where anything they want is given to them immediately, they cannot wait, they are not grateful, and eventually, they become self-centred and violent when they do not get what they want.
Second, waiting is about knowing if it is worth it. You know if it is worth waiting or not when you are made to wait. Young women measure their boyfriends' love for them by deliberately being late to appointments.

 Finally, waiting gives us back the time we have lost in our busyness. Even if you think a day is short, waiting for 30 minutes makes it seem longer. “Time is money," they say, but being busy is not the only good use of time. Waiting gives us back our sense of time.

 So, it is not more difficult to wait for a God we cannot see, but waiting on God is a blessing if we know that God's answer is never too early or too late.

 Second, David is confident that he will not be shaken in the face of attacks.

II. Not to be shaken
 Many things happen in life. If you are attacked when you are weak, or if you are in the midst of continuous hardship, you may want to quit life.
 The secret to not being let loose is to look only to God in the midst of hardship.

 If you worry about people and what they say, you will be upset. The devil puts a bad heart in people. The devil's specialty is to destroy relationships. He causes and encourages distrust between each other, closes communication, pinches, and isolates each other. He causes unforgivable anger and tempts people to leave the church. The devil uses those who are close to us and whom we trust to hurt us. Therefore, do not focus on your surroundings and the people around you, but focus on God.

6 He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken.
7 On God rests my salvation and my glory; my mighty rock, my refuge is God.

Expect God to provide both the solution to your problem and the peace you need until then. God is the rock and the refuge. In other words, He protects us from the devil's attacks on our minds.
 And there is one more thing to do.

III. Pour out your hearts
8 Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge. <Selah

 Pour out your hearts, in Hebrew, the heart is the will, feelings, and thoughts. In other words, it is an inner thing. And to pour out means to put out. Sometimes problems arise when we let it out to others. Especially when we put negativity, anger, and critical thinking out to others, problems can occur. But when we put it out to God, He receives it. However, there is a way to do it when you put it out to God.

Philippians 4:6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

 Here, thanksgiving and prayer are important. God loves us and has the best plans for us. If we trust that, we can be thankful. But we still have emotions. We can be thankful with our intellect, but our emotions don't follow. That's when prayer comes in. Prayer is about letting God know. There is no mistaking God's plan, but we have our wishes. As it turns out, God's plan is the best, but we will not be quick to abandon ours.

 Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."( NLT)

 In English it is GOOD. This is the Hebrew word shalom. Shalom is GOOD in plain English.
 David trusted in God's good plan as he poured out his heart. He knew the futility of relying on anything but God.
 There is hope in waiting on God. Patience always promises wonderful fruit.

 I will end with the testimony of one person.
On August 5, 1995, there was a wedding of a brother. This brother is a witness who was totally transformed by believing in Jesus. He was a former gangster and had been in jail many times. He was a rebellious young man who had dabbled in drugs. A family with a child like this must be a dark family. The mother became ill because of her concern for her son. The father is a Christian. He was a nominal Christian. He thought that as long as he went to church on Sundays, his religious life would be fine. However, when his wife stopped going to church, and his son became a yakuza, he felt a sense of crisis that he could not go on like this.

 An encounter with a missionary led him to change his faith life. He actively participated in church services and prayer meetings and began to wait on God. However, the problem was still unsolved. His wife would not even come to church, saying, "I can't believe in God anymore that my son has become like this and was still getting into trouble with the police often.” This continued for over 10 years.

 One day, he attended a Christian meeting. It was so blessed that he invited my son to the next one. His son responded, "I think I can make the time, so I can go. He attended the meeting. However, his son's expression was gloomy and rejecting. He thought, "Another waste of time.”

 But although his expression was negative, in his heart, he said, "If God is there, I want to meet Him. If not, then my life is continually ruined.“ And on that last day, his face shone brighter than ever. The father spent the day thinking, "No way," but with a glimmer of hope. At the end of the meeting, there was a testimony time. Suddenly, his son got up from his seat and began to speak with joy and conviction on his face. “I have found God," he said. "As I was praying, I felt the Lord Jesus reaching out His hand toward me. I had denied God, but now that I had been touched by Him, I knew that from now on there was nothing else for me to do but to live with Him."

 From that day on, his son changed. He became passionate about God. He began to evangelize his old gangster friends. He quit his old job. He began to participate in church services and prayer meetings actively. Whenever he had an opportunity, he went out in front of people and gave his testimony. When he spoke of the past, people were amazed; when he spoke of the present, they praised the greatness of God; and when he spoke of the future, they were delighted and moved. 

 But his past was not so easily erased. The tattoo on his back showed it. Even when he went to church camp in the summer, he could not take off his long-sleeved shirt. He was anxious about his life of faith. But the words of the Bible strengthened him.

2 Corinthians5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. (ESV)

 He has risen from the wounds of the past. He began to proudly testify, "I was a gangster, but Christ can change even a gangster.”

 Marriage, however, was a difficult issue. Even if he became a Christian, his family was concerned that a man who had done such things in the past would not be so easily accepted.

A pastor's daughter was attracted to him. This woman did not judge him based on his past. They loved each other, and finally, the marriage was discussed. When the daughter's father was counselled by his daughter about this marriage, after a moment of prayer, he agreed.

 Next, the wife changed. His wife, who had seen the whole process of her son's change, his release from the past, and the marriage, thought, "Only God could do such a thing. The mother, who could not believe it when she heard that her son had quit doing bad things, made a decision to seek God again through this marriage of her son.

 For us, the life of faith to wait for God may be a long one. But if we wait only for God, He will give us wonderful answers.

Let us pray.