
2024.3.10 合同礼拝

I. 律法の3つの魅力
ヤコブ書2:10 律法全体を守っても、一つの点でつまずくなら、その人はすべてを犯した者となったのです。

II. アブラハムを見本に 
6 アブラハムは神を信じ、それが彼の義とみなされました。それと同じことです。
ルカ18:14 あなたがたに言うが、この人が、義と認められて家に帰りました。パリサイ人ではありません。なぜなら、だれでも自分を高くする者は低くされ、自分を低くする者は高くされるからです。」

Why Faith, not Law?
March 10, 2024.3.10 Joint Worship Service
Pastor Ichiro Okiebisu
Bible: Galatians 3:7-10

 I knew someone who said, "I am not convinced that I am saved," even though he had lived in the church for more than ten years. When I asked him why, he would think that it is because he is not saved when he sins, does not feel good, or something bad happens. When I opened the Bible and explained it to him, he said, "I see, I understand," but after some time, he went back to the way he was. As I watch this person, I realize that faith is not easy.

 Faith is standing firm on the teachings of the Bible. It is trusting the Word of God more than the words of men. Sometimes, the word of man betrays, but the Word of God never betrays. Therefore, if we place our lives on the Word of God, there is real security.

 Why did the people of the Galatian church return to a life of doing the law? I believe it is because the Law has three attractions.

I. Three Attractions of the Law

By doing a certain amount of the Law, you feel like you are not a sinner.
By becoming like the Jews, one escapes persecution.
We are accustomed to habits that rely on the flesh.

 There is a sense of satisfaction and security when we do good things. Because the Torah, the commandments, and the moral rules are fundamentally good. However, no matter how hard we try to do them, they will never be approved by God.

James 2:10 For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. (NIV)

 In other words, if one wishes to be recognized by God for doing the law, one must be perfect.

 Second, Christians of the time were persecuted. Judaism joined forces with the Roman Empire, and both sides persecuted Christians.
 This may not have happened in the West before, but the world may come to hate Christians in the future. In every age, the devil persecutes those who are zealous for the faith.

 Third, the habits of the flesh. The habit of the flesh is not to believe in the unseen world.

 We live in a world where everything we see is visible. We are not accustomed to trusting in the invisible God, waiting and persevering in the work of the Holy Spirit. We are also accustomed to doing things of our own strength rather than praying, not knowing if we will be heard. When hardship happens or we fail, we think of something better to do than to pray.

 Furthermore, we have the desire to be praised by others. Rather than saying, "It's all because of God," we can receive praise from others by saying, "I did it because I worked hard.”

 The law, that is, no matter how hard we try with our deeds, we may not be recognized by God, somewhere, or we may live a life of pride before God. Therefore, Paul is teaching us to return to the world of faith, not the law.

II. Taking Abraham as an example 
 The Bible uses Abraham as a model of faith. This is because he lived by faith.

 Who do you think is the most admirable person in the Bible? Is it Moses? Moses is a murderer. David? He is a man guilty of adultery. Jacob is a deceiver. Joseph is a fine man, but at 17 years old, I wonder if he needed to go out of his way to make fun of his brothers. I think he was a bit prideful.

 What about Abraham? Abraham is a liar. He tried to save himself at the expense of his wife. He caused problems in his family and left them unresolved, and in the end he tried to get rid of Ishmael. This conflict of Abraham's children continues to this day.

 So why is Abraham's excellence?
Galatians 3:6 Consider Abraham: "He believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness." (NIV)

 He believed. He believed fully. He believed that there is a God, and that God rewards those who seek him. The Bible does not speak of his faith wavering. His 175-year life is "a life of faith in God.

 Let us consider faith a little more deeply. In order to believe in God, we must reflect deeply on ourselves. To believe is to rely. Relying can only be done by those who know they must rely. If we are serious about fighting sins, we will come to the conclusion, "I cannot win.” To such a person, God says, "Believe in the cross of Jesus for your sins. Then I will forgive you." and the sins will be blotted out. Furthermore, God gives the Holy Spirit so that one can believe it.

 The prayer of the Pharisees and tax collectors is recorded in Luke 18. I will end by telling you what Jesus said.

 The content is as follows. A Pharisee and a tax collector went up to the Temple to pray. The Pharisee prayed, "God, I thank you, O God, that I am not like other people who are greedy, dishonest, or adulterous, nor am I like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give one-tenth of my income.” The tax collector, on the other hand, stood far away, his eyes not even looking heavenward but beating his chest and saying, "God, forgive me, for I am a sinner.

 Ordinarily, one would think that the Pharisee's effort to do his best to fulfill the law is admirable. And to the tax collector, who makes no effort and relies only on God, we think of him as weak, lazy, and sinful. But Jesus' assessment of both of them is quite different. 

Luke 18:14 “I tell you, this sinner, not the Pharisee, returned home justified before God. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”(NLT)

 The Pharisee, proud of his deeds, is secure in the fact that he is more law-abiding than others. What he is doing is admirable and morally and ethically superior. But he has lowered the standard that God requires, and he is complacent that he is above that lower standard, and he looks down on those who cannot do so.