沖胡 一郎牧師
ヘブル11:1 信仰は望んでいる事がらを保証し、目に見えないものを確信させるものです。
I. 愛と信頼の関係を望んでいるから
II. 私たちにはできないから
民数記13:31 しかし、彼といっしょに上って行った者たちは言った。「私たちはあの民のところに攻め上れない。あの民は私たちより強いから。」
民数記13:2 「人々を遣わして、わたしがイスラエル人に与えようとしているカナンの地を探らせよ。父祖の部族ごとにひとりずつ、みな、その族長を遣わさなければならない。」
民数記14:8 もし、私たちが主の御心にかなえば、私たちをあの地に導き入れ、それを私たちに下さるだろう。あの地には、乳と蜜とが流れている。
III. 信仰によって神の力を受けるから
ピリピ4:13 私は、私を強くしてくださる方によって、どんなことでもできるのです。
ヘブル11:6 信仰がなくては、神に喜ばれることはできません。神に近づく者は、神がおられることと、神を求める者には報いてくださる方であることとを、信じなければならないのです。
About Faith
February 25, 2024
Pastor Ichiro Okiebisu
Scripture: Hebrews 11:1, Numbers 13, 14
Today's message is about faith. When it comes to faith, many people misunderstand. First of all, a Christian is a person who lives by faith. If you subtract faith from a Christian, he or she is a non-Christian.
First, let us consider what faith is.
The definition of faith is found in the Bible.
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Here, we see that faith is being sure of certain information. In Japanese, the word, guarantee is here, but in English, the word for certainty is used twice. In other words, by convincing of the information, to live according to that information.
The world is full of all kinds of information. Some of it is false, some of it is good information to believe, and some of it has bad consequences if believed. Sometimes, I wonder how non-Christians view the information in the Bible. Maybe for them, the Bible is one of thousands or tens of thousands of pieces of information. But for Christians, what is written in the Bible is information that God has given to mankind, information that is inerrant and the most important.
Today, we will consider why God requires faith.
I. Because He desires a relationship of love and trust.
When God created mankind, He not only made man the object of His love, but He also created him to respond to His love. God gives everything because He loves. Jesus even gave his life. Salvation, in other words, is to become aware of this love and to love God. Because the response to love is freedom, we can choose not to love. Some say that unrequited love is pure love. That is not biblical love. Unrequited love is not a relationship. Love is a relationship, not a one-sided love. Some people marry without love. But biblical love is different. Love is a relationship that is always based on the love of both people.
The reason God requires faith is because He requires a loving relationship with us. And mutual trust is essential to a love relationship. Usually, love relationships are reciprocal. To love is to give. But even if we say we love God, we cannot satisfy God's lack. For God has no lack. Therefore, we can love God by trusting Him.
The Bible compares our relationship with God to that of parents and their children. What do parents expect from their children? Is it that they will listen to their parents or be filial? Some people may think so. However, children listen to their parents for their own sake. Also, even if we talk about filial piety, parents will only need their children for a period of time in their old age. The love that parents want for their children is to recognize their parents as parents and to be grateful to them.
To trust God is to acknowledge God as God. And it is to be secure in God's love. If you want to please God, you must trust His love. Trust that God loves me, even when things go bad.
Religion is a perspective of what man can do for God. But the Bible is a perspective of trusting, thanking, and rejoicing in what God does for people. What God asks of us is to believe and to trust.
II. Because we cannot
God created man as a finite being. Finite means limited in capacity. If a person's body is stabbed with a knife, shot with a gun, or pulled over by a car, it will break and will not regenerate. It can be defeated by strong pathogens. Nor can one know the future. We cannot predict disasters, nor can we prevent them. We cannot know what will happen tomorrow. This is because we are created with the assumption that we are dependent on God.
Furthermore, because man is born with a sinful nature, he is incapable of perfect righteousness by his own efforts. We can choose to do good, but we no longer have the ability to always make the right choice.
If we did not have a sinful nature, God might have demanded perfect righteousness. But since we do not have that power, He demands that we believe in the cross of Jesus.
God does not ask for what we cannot do. He asks for what we can do. That is faith. It is believing. There is not much a child can do. Children can trust their parents. They can sleep soundly, trusting in the love of their parents.
There are tragedies in the Bible because of a wrong understanding of what God requires. One example is Numbers 13 and 14.
Numbers 13 is the story of the Israelites whose life in the wilderness was extended to 40 years. It is the story of how the first generation all perished and only the second generation was allowed into the Promised Land. If they had trusted God's word, they could have ended their wilderness life immediately. But they did not look to God but to themselves. In other words, they entered the world of deeds, not faith.
If you can open Numbers 13, please do so.
Briefly, God, through Moses, chose a leader from each of the 12 tribes of Israel and sent them to spy out the land of Canaan. They return 40 days later and report that the land was wonderful. But then they said, however, that they could not do it.
Numbers 13:31 But the men who had gone up with him said, "We can't attack those people; they are stronger than we are."
In other words, we do not have the power to occupy that land. We are weaker than they are, and they will surely beat us.
Caleb and Joshua both tried to convince the people that it would be okay, but they believed the negative ten. Human nature is prone to believe negative things. They lamented and cried out that they would have been better off staying in Egypt.
What was their fundamental problem? Instead of believing that God would do it, they mistakenly believed that they had to do it themselves.
Certainly, it is impossible for Israel, which has no weapons, to defeat the Canaanites, who seem to be at war all the time. Common sense tells us that the words of these ten men are correct. However, when we check what God said, we find that they were mistaken.
Numbers 13:2 "Send some men to explore the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the Israelites. from each ancestral tribe send one of its leaders."
Here it clearly says "God is going to give". This means that God is going to give them the land and they should go and see it, not that they should go and find out if they can conquer it.
Caleb and Joshua had a firm understanding of this word of God.
Numbers 14:8 If the LORD is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us.
The difference between what the LORD does for us and what we have to do is very important.
Someone has said that Christianity is not about “doing,” but about “done.” In other words, it is not "doing" but “done by God.”
If you hear that you must do something for salvation, that is not what the Bible teaches. Salvation comes to those who believe. And in order to believe, one needs only to listen carefully to God's Word.
III. Because by faith we receive God's power
Faith is also the way to receive God's power. Through faith, we can do what we cannot do.
Hebrews 11 is the story of the heroes of faith. They were empowered by faith to do more than ordinary men could do.
Abel, by faith, was able to make the best offering to God. Enoch, by faith, was able to live with God always. Noah spent many years building the ark. People must have laughed at Noah's family for building the Ark in a place where the weather was clear and there was no ocean around. However, he and his family completed the Ark. The design and construction techniques were excellent for the time, and the ark was able to float on the water for a year without flooding. Abraham continued to believe for 25 years that Isaac would be given to him. He was also determined to dedicate the child he had been given. He believed that God could resurrect Isaac. Joseph was hated and despised by the people, yet he did not become desperate; he was able to forgive those who had tormented him and take care of them. Moses was able to live as the poor and lead illiterate Israelites for 40 years, instead of a life of honor, wealth, and possessions as a royal family in Egypt. David went by faith to a big man twice his size. He did so because he believed that with God on his side, he could win. Prophets prophesied to kings even when they knew their lives were in danger. They did so because they were given the strength not to fear losing their lives. Daniel served foreign kings by faith. He believed that God would protect him and that he could boldly speak the gospel to the foreign kings.
God still uses those who stand in faith when He fulfills His plan. Therefore, if we want to be used by God, we must exercise faith. In other words, we must believe and act on God's word and character. Paul was a man who realized many things by faith. He says this.
Philippians 4:13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
But faith is not a way to fulfill one's own wishes and plans. It is a way to fulfill God's desires and plans.
We present the gospel by faith. We believe that if we speak the gospel, the Lord will lead people to salvation. We love by faith. We believe that the Lord will help us to love even those who are unlovable. By faith, we worship in the midst of persecution. We can believe that their persecutors will repent and change their attitudes. We turn away from sin because we believe the Holy Spirit gives us the power to overcome sin. By faith, we confess Jesus as Lord even at the cost of our lives because The Lord convicts us of our heavenly reward.
We must also do the various events of our daily lives with faith. By faith, we persevere; by faith, we pray; and by faith, we rejoice. By faith, we forgive and maintain peaceful relationships.
God delights in faith and celebrates those who stand in faith.
Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
There is a world before us that we can see. But by faith we see the invisible world. There are laws in the unseen world. If we believe God's word and live trusting in His character, He will reward us wonderfully.
Let us pray.