日本の石川県で地震と津波で多くの人たちが犠牲になりました。今教会から栗山夫妻が行って助けています。多くの人たちは老人たちで、テレビのインタビューに再建できるかどうかわからないと答えていました。 私がいた2022年まで、日本は地震よりは集中豪雨で村や街が消えてしまうことが起こっていました。自然は美しいですが、恐怖でもあるのです。そして、死ぬ事です。ある人は、人が死ぬ事が罪人の証拠であると言っていますが、創成期の出来事が真実であれば、死ぬ理由は罪を犯したからです。死はいつの時代も恐怖と悲しみを与え続けてきました。最近、テレビのインタビューであるベイプをしている男の子が「どうせ死ぬんだから、ベイプに害があっても関係ない」と言っていました。では彼が死の恐怖から解放されているのかといえば、そうではないと思います。死には死に至るまでの痛みの恐怖と死ぬ恐怖と両方があります。もし、痛みだけが恐怖であれば、安楽死という方法がありますが、安楽死が増えない理由はみなが死ぬことの恐怖が出るからです。「死にたい」と思っている人は多いですが、実際に死ぬ人は少ないのもそれが理由でしょう。
I. 福音は罪の赦しと死からの解放
II. 福音は、神との和解
2コリント 5:20 こういうわけで、私たちはキリストの使節なのです。ちょうど神が私たちを通して懇願しておられるようです。私たちは、キリストに代わって、あなたがたに願います。神の和解を受け入れなさい。
日本語の懇願がしっくりと来ます。英語ではmake his appealとありますが、強い願いは伝わってきません。懇願には、「強い願い、どうしてもなんとかしたい」気持ちが伝わって来ます。
III. 神が共に歩んでくださる人生
ローマ8:28 神を愛する人々、すなわち、神のご計画に従って召された人々のためには、神がすべてのことを働かせて益としてくださることを、私たちは知っています。
If I had a choice, I would still choose to remain blind.. for when I die, the first face I will ever see will be the face of my blessed Savior.
Bad Environment and God's Love
February 4, 2024
Scripture: Genesis 3:16-19
The Bible is divided into three main sections. The first is Genesis 2 and beyond. This is the world without sin and the world with sin in it. Then there is Revelation 21, the last book of the Bible. This is again a world without sin. In other words, the Bible is a history book that begins with a world without sin, then a world mostly in sin, and finally a world without sin made again. We are now living in the middle to the end of the biblical story.
Today, we are looking at the present from the start of the world made worse by sin.
First, Eve sinned, making childbirth difficult. Marital relations also became difficult. Then Adam sinned and work became difficult, the environment became difficult, and death entered the picture.
This has been true in every age since Genesis 3. If we replace the marital relationship with the family, nothing is more fragile than the family. And then there is the environment. Nature is both beautiful and terrifying. The ocean is beautiful and soothing, but at the same time a tsunami can take many lives. Mountain climbing is exhilarating, but avalanches and changing weather conditions can kill climbers.
In Japan, an earthquake and tsunami killed many people in Ishikawa Prefecture. Mr. and Mrs. Kuriyama from the church are now going there to help. Many of them are old people, and they told a TV interviewer that they did not know if they could rebuild. Until 2022, when I was there, Japan had more torrential rains than earthquakes, causing villages and towns to disappear. Nature is beautiful, but it is also terrifying.
And then there is death. Some say that death is evidence of a sinner, but if the events of the Genesis period are true, the reason for death is because one has sinned.
Death has always been a source of fear and sorrow. Recently, in a TV interview, a boy who vapes said, "I'm going to die anyway, so it doesn't matter if the vape is harmful. But then I don't think he is free from the fear of death. Death has both the fear of pain and the fear of dying. If pain is the only fear, then euthanasia is the way to go, but the reason euthanasia is not increasing is because everyone will have a fear of dying. This is probably the reason why so many people want to die, but so few actually do.
Moving on to our lives, we are living in a bad environment due to sin. We live in a broken home, in a natural environment where we don't know what will happen, in a job where we don't know when or how it will happen, and in the reality of death, which also doesn't know when or how it will come.
So many people rely on religion and money to get by.
So what does the gospel solve, and how?
The gospel is good news, but what is good?
Today I would like to talk about the meaning of the gospel from three points.
I. The gospel is forgiveness of sins and deliverance from death
First, the gospel is forgiveness of sins and deliverance from death. Unfortunately, it is not the cessation of sin, nor is it the cessation of physical death. Nor does it mean that you will no longer be sick or that you will be cured of your current illness.
Forgiveness of sins means that all sins committed on earth are forgiven, i.e., you are acquitted. Deliverance from death means that there will be physical death, but then you will be resurrected and given a new and better body.
This does not mean that the God of the Bible has no problem with sin. Usually we think that in order to get to heaven, we have to do a lot of good things, not bad things. But is this really true? If there is a God, and if He is righteous, can He erase sin with good deeds?
I recently watched a drama about a trial in which the son of a judge is on trial because he was involved in an injustice. He is a judge who has lived a serious and uncompromising life of sin for 22 years. But to protect this son and to protect his career, he tries to twist the trial so that his son's crime will not be exposed. However, his fellow judge finds out about it. He says, "This is the only time in 22 years. If you keep quiet, I can contribute more to society." But the subordinate replies. But the subordinate replies, "If I commit a crime, I must be punished. If you commit a crime, you must be punished. He accepts it and admits his sin. He accepts it and admits his guilt. But then he is disciplined and loses his position as a judge. He loses the reputation he has built up. Isn't this the reality? In other words, no crime goes unpunished. This is true no matter how good a person he is, how serious he is, or how much he has contributed to society.
Therefore, there is no such thing as a "light sentence" before God. Because he is going before a righteous God, he must be acquitted. But God, being a loving God, has already taught us how to do that. That is the substitution of Jesus.
Next is death. Many people fear death. Because they fear death, they think that the life they have now is good. Even if they are sick, if they cannot get a good job or occupation, even if they are not born in a good country, even if it is lonely and painful, they think it is better than dying.
But is this really so?
If heaven is certain, we would rather be happy to get there sooner rather than later. In heaven, we will be in perfect health, with no aging, illness, or injury. We will be given a perfect spirit, and there will be no anxiety, no hurt, no heartbreak, no sorrow.
II. The Gospel is Reconciliation with God
The gospel is reconciliation with God. We are sinners who sin before God, but God forgives our sins. And God takes away His anger toward us and puts us in a relationship of love.
Many people think of God as either a cruel God who does not love mankind or a kind God who loves mankind. When we look at the dire situation of the world, God appears to be a cruel God. On the other hand, we think of God as being like Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, who is the loving one and will forgive and accept any sinner in the end, no matter what they do.
The God of the Bible is neither of those things. God is a God of love to those who are angry with sinners and want their sins forgiven.
But God's heart is a heart of painful hurt that wants to love but cannot love the sinner. It is a torn state of heart where the father wants to accept the prodigal son as he is, but if he sees what he is doing, he cannot accept him as he is.
The Bible says that God Himself seeks reconciliation.
2 Corinthians 5:20. 20 We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God.
The Japanese word for entreaty fits nicely. The English has “make his appeal,” but it does not convey the heart. In the plea, it is a strong desire, a feeling of desperately wanting something to be done.
God wants us to be ambassadors of reconciliation and somehow do our best in this work.
Earlier, I told you the story of the pre-creation period. God the Father knew that Adam would sin. However, he does not prevent him from doing so because he has given him free will. Adam's choice to sin made all mankind sinners. Now comes Jesus, God the Son. And he says. "I bear the sins of sinners and take up my cross. Therefore, accept those who accept me as their Savior." The Father replies. Of course, I will. Let us be reconciled and accept those who accept you, without any other condition.
This story is not written in the Bible, but given God's character, it is not wrong. Salvation and reconciliation are planned by God the Father, realized by Jesus the Son, and guided by the Holy Spirit.
III. The Life God Walks with Us
The gospel is a life that God walks with. It is a little different than having Superman with you, helping you out of a difficult situation right away. God is there to help us improve our lives.
But a good life does not mean that everything goes well, that we never fail, that we are healthy, and that we have more than enough money. Christians also get sick, have accidents, fail, and experience physical death.
God uses the various events of our lives to make it a good life.
Romans 8:28 Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
This "all things" includes the tragedies and negative events of life. God uses heartbreak, failure, and illness for His good plan. God uses natural disasters. God uses bad people and human disasters. All kinds of things happen in a Christian's life. But God will make their lives better.
For those who expect other things from God's being with you, you may be a little disappointed, but if God is helping you at every turn, is that life your life?
Would you seek a God like Doraemon? But can you say that Nobita is living his life? The One who helps us when we really need help. That is Jesus.
There is an old African tribal coming-of-age ceremony that goes something like this. The child walks alone at night through the dangerous jungle. He must respond to every situation with a weapon in his hand. He goes on, trembling. When he reaches his destination, he turns back. Then he is recognized as an adult. I think it is a very dangerous ritual. What if he is attacked by a beast? But there is another side to this ritual. The father is behind the child so that he is not noticed. This father is ready to help if something happens to the child. The child thinks he is alone. But in reality, the father is right behind him.
God is right beside us. And He is the One who not only helps us, but can use what we are going through to make our lives better.
There is a hymn writer named Fanny Crosby. She is the author of many famous hymns. She was blind all her life. But Crosby was a person who lived her whole life always seeing God with the eyes of the spirit. In her later years, a newspaper reporter asked her the following question: "Ms. Crosby, if you were born again, what would you do? If you were to be born again, Mr. Crosby, how would you like to be born this time? Of course, he was expecting the answer, "I would like to be born blind this time. But Crosby said, "I want to be born blind again. I want to be born blind again. Then she said, "The person I want to see the most is Jesus. I want to be able to see in heaven and see my Savior first. Therefore, I would prefer to be blind until that time."
If I had a choice, I would still choose to remain blind. for when I die, the first face I will ever see will be the face of my blessed Savior
These two are blessed to walk with God. They consider it their greatest joy.
I would like to conclude by listening to this Crosby hymn, “All the Way My Savior leads me."