マタイ5:9 9 平和をつくる者は幸いです。その人たちは神の子どもと呼ばれるから。
ローマ12:18 あなたがたは、自分に関する限り、すべての人と平和を保ちなさい。
あなたは平和の人ですか? それとも、争いの人ですか?
I. 一致を作り出す特質:謙遜、柔和、寛容、?
1ペテロ5:6 だから、あなたがたは、神の力強い御手の下に、自らを低くしなさい。時が来れば神はあなたがたを高くして下さるであろう。5:7 神はあなたがたをかえりみていて下さるのであるから、自分の思いわずらいを、いっさい神にゆだねるがよい。
3 平和のきずなで結ばれて御霊の一致を熱心に保ちなさい。
II. 聖霊の働きによる一致
4 からだは一つ、御霊は一つです。あなたがたが召されたとき、召しのもたらした望みが一つであったのと同じです。
5 主は一つ、信仰は一つ、バプテスマは一つです。
6 すべてのものの上にあり、すべてのものを貫き、すべてのもののうちにおられる、すべてのものの父なる神は一つです。
III. 教理的一致
Community of Peace and Unity
Sunday Service on January 28, 2023
Scripture: Ephesians 4:1-6
Today's theme is the need for the church to be a community of peace and unity. Peace and unity are the key for us to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth. History tells us how difficult peace is. Someone once said, "The only time humanity is at peace is when it is preparing for the next war.” In fact, it is almost impossible for mankind to have peace and unity.
Children in church school listen in unison during worship but fall apart during their free time. Children playing in the park do not naturally mingle and play together. They fight over toys, and somewhere, there is a crying child and a lone child. The girls play make-believe with only their best friends. The boys are the energetic ramblers and the quiet ones. Now, a new child joins the group. The child has a hard time joining in and is intimidated. This is the same with adults.
The Bible speaks of two things today. First, we need peace and unity. And second, how can we create peace and unity?
First, the Bible challenges us to seek peace and unity with humility and meekness. Humility and meekness are things that all people practice to some degree. Humility and meekness are not bad things. Even outside the church, everyone likes humble people, and people gather around humble people. However, the Bible tells us to be completely humble and meek. The Bible says, "Be complete," which means to maintain humility and meekness to the very end, no matter what. This demands that we make great efforts for peace and unity.
Unity also requires two things: "Show tolerance and love one another.” This is to "show forbearance and be patient with one another in love.” When we have these four things: humility, meekness, forbearance, and love, we will bear the fruit of the "unity of peace.
Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.
Romans 12:18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
When Jesus came to earth, He did not spread the Kingdom of God by force of arms. There was no fighting between Jesus and His disciples. The image of Jesus is that of peace. Therefore, it is God's calling for Christians to repent from quarrels, divisions, and the like. “Are you a man of peace, or are you a man of strife?” Where Jesus went, there was unity and peace. Even if the church is just a community of unity and love, it will have an impact on society. That is because unity and peace are difficult.
I. Qualities that create unity: humility, meekness, tolerance, ?
Let us examine the four qualities that create peace and unity. First, humility is not even about feeling inferior. True humility means knowing God and yourself. In other words, humility is knowing God's greatness so you can see your own smallness. It is someone who knows that he or she is a creature of God. Humility is not comparing yourself to others but comparing yourself to God. Humility is being humble before God because you are always looking up to God.
1 Peter 5:6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. 7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
One fruit of humility is a worry-free life. Humility is trusting God and relying on Him, not on our imperfect selves. If you live your life trusting God the Father, you have security and freedom. Therefore, true humility is a life in which we do not have to rely on our own imperfections to live in peace.
Next, Meekness is a quality that everyone wants to approach. Jesus rode on a donkey when He entered Jerusalem. This shows that Jesus was meek. How many of the leaders and rulers on earth have been approachable by ordinary people? Royalty, presidents, and prime ministers cannot be approached by people lower in the hierarchy. You will never see Prime Minister Trudeau commuting on a train or bus and talking normally with the people sitting beside him. But Jesus is the King of the entire universe, yet He is so meek that Mary Magdalene, Matthew the tax collector, and the hated Zacchaeus can eat with Him. Let us be meek people. There is an atmosphere of security and openness, where newcomers can come in and feel free to enter.
Next, Tolerance is the ability to forgive many times and to continue to accept. We need to know how much we are accepted by the Lord God with forgiveness. The Lord says, "I will not forsake you; I will not leave you.” This is not because we are in a good state, but rather when we are in a bad state. Peter thought that when his brother sinned against him, forgiving him about seven times was forgiveness enough. But Jesus told him to multiply seven times by seventy (Matt. 18:22).
Being accepted creates security. We can feel secure in God. It is important for that security to flow around us.
Now, the fourth is not love but the work of the Holy Spirit. Let’s read the verse 3.
3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
II. Unity through the work of the Holy Spirit
The difference between a community and a crowd is whether or not there is commonality, purpose, or goal. If there is nothing in common, it is just a group. It is no different from a crowded station platform. Tennis clubs have one thing in common: tennis. The church has one thing in common: the Holy Spirit. Christians are a group of people who have the Holy Spirit inside them. The church also has the purpose of gathering around God and worshipping the Lord.
When the Holy Spirit unites the church, He brings it to unity in three areas. Let’s read the verse 4.
4 There is one body and one Spirit-- just as you were called to one hope when you were called--
First, the children of God who are being saved are one body. Each is an organ with Christ as its head, each connected to the others. The body is not divided but in harmony. Jesus is the head, which means that the church is moved by the word of Jesus. The Holy Spirit teaches us the words of Jesus. So, to follow Jesus is to be led by the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, the church functions like a body when everyone hears the voice of the Holy Spirit. That's because the body moves according to the commands from the brain. The pastor teaches the church the Bible revealed by the Holy Spirit in an easy-to-understand way. The church needs to pray for the pastor to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit well. God not only speaks to the pastor, but also to the congregation. However, it is impossible for the pastor and the congregation to hear different voices. Therefore, it is important for everyone to listen to the Holy Spirit. To do this, we should always be praying for each other. Since no one is perfect, let us always pray for each other so that we all receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Next is the calling. This calling is not a vocational calling, but rather a goal given to all Christians. We are all given the same goal. This goal is to be transformed into the image of Jesus. Our life is not only about salvation. God's plan is for us to be saved and to show His glory by becoming more like Jesus. To draw near to the character of Jesus is to show God's glory.
Now, let's look at verses 5 and 6.
5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
III. Doctrinal Unity
Third is doctrinal unity. Some people think that only love is necessary for the church and that doctrine is unimportant. However, the doctrine is necessary to go to heaven. Heresy exists in every age. Heresy twists the Bible and takes the sheep away from the church. Remember, the reason the Bible was written was to protect Christians from heresy.
Doctrinal unity is, first of all, who Jesus is. Jesus is the same God as God the Father according to the Bible. Accepting Jesus as God and not just as Savior is proper faith. Faith is accepting and trusting the words of Jesus as the Word of God. Therefore, faith that makes Jesus a prophet or a teacher of ethics and morality is not proper Christian faith. Second, baptism symbolizes salvation. Salvation is this belief in the cross of Jesus. Being baptized is not salvation, but believing in the cross of Jesus for one's sins is salvation.
Next, God is righteous. There is only one God. Some say that all religions point to the same God. Mount Fuji can be climbed to the top from anywhere. That is absurd. It is like saying that all bags are Louis Vuitton. A little research into religions reveals how different their gods are. You say that the God of Islam is the same as the God of the Bible. Then, the Koran and the Bible should be in fundamental agreement. But they do not.
The Bible is a book that God gave to man so that he would not be mistaken by men. If we leave this book, we will not understand God. God is the Creator of the entire universe. There is no other God but God. This God is the Father of humankind. To be able to call Him Father is salvation. This is the meaning of Christ's coming and the central message of the Bible.
Let me conclude by considering the meaning of the word, “peace.” Peace is “Shalom” in Hebrew. Shalom means the English word "wholeness" or the Japanese word “perfection." It is a state of health in body, mind, soul, or spirit. In other words, peace means a good relationship with God. According to the Bible, our relationship with God is broken by sin. So, our souls are not healthy. Peace does not begin with our relationship with our neighbor, but with our relationship with God. When our relationship with God improves, then our relationship with ourselves improves. And then our relationship with our neighbors will improve.
However, the world is doing the opposite. First, we try to get through reality by improving our relationship with our neighbors. But after a while, mental problems arise. You have to solve the mind problem. It is reconciliation with oneself. But it ends there. You can have peace with yourself and peace with your neighbor, but without peace with God, you are broken at the root.
To study English, I am watching a drama called New Amsterdam. This drama aired for 5 seasons from 2018 to last year. I am now watching the third season. What is unique about this drama is that it treats the problem of the mind as the root of health. And it plays the message that if the mental problems are solved, things will go well. But is this really true? If that were the case, the U.S. would be on its way to becoming a better and better country, and the world would learn from the U.S. But in reality, America is heading toward more division and murder. One cannot be a good person or have a good life just by having one's problems solved. They cannot be on the path to true peace unless they are reconciled with God and the spirit part of their lives becomes better.
The gospel is the good news that leads to reconciliation with God and the path to perfect peace.
Let us pray.