
2024.1.21    メッセージ 牧師 沖胡一郎

メッセージ 音声録音

  詩篇119:71 苦しみに会ったことは、私にとってしあわせでした。私はそれであなたのおきてを学びました。




I. 神は苦難によって人生を導く


ルツ 1:16 しかしルツは言った、「あなたを捨て、あなたを離れて帰ることをわたしに勧めないでください。わたしはあなたの行かれる所へ行き、またあなたの宿られる所に宿ります。あなたの民はわたしの民、あなたの神はわたしの神です。


II. 神は苦難にある人こそ(?)用いる



2コリント12:9 しかし、主は、「わたしの恵みは、あなたに十分である。というのは、わたしの力は、弱さのうちに完全に現れるからである」と言われたのです。ですから、私は、キリストの力が私をおおうために、むしろ大いに喜んで私の弱さを誇りましょう。





ルツ 1:20 ナオミは彼らに言った、「わたしをナオミ(楽しみ)と呼ばずに、マラ(苦しみ)と呼んでください。なぜなら全能者がわたしをひどく苦しめられたからです。



 III. 神は完全なタイミングで事を運ばれる




 もし、ルツがナオミの言葉に従ったのは、それが神様から来ていると感じたからでしょう。 人生は、神のみ言葉に素直に聞くと良い方向に変化していきます。






Let us follow the true God
2024.1.21 Message from Pastor Ichiro Okiebisu
Bible: Ruth 1:16-20

Today's message in a nutshell is the following Bible verse.
 Psalm119:71 It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees.
 There is suffering in life. We think of reasons for suffering.

And religions come up with reasons. But most of them are negative reasons. But the God of the Bible does not.
 The book of Lutz tells us that.
 Naomi's family left the land of Judah because of famine and went to a foreign country. The land of Moab. After they went to Moab, tragedy struck the family. Their husband dies and their two sons also die. Could it be that this happened because they left the land of Judah and went to the land of Moab? We can think so. But there is God's profound plan.

 Some consider suffering to be God's punishment. Many religions use this suffering, regret, and punishment to make expensive purchases. But the God of the Bible does not punish. God is a God of love, forgiveness, restoration, and blessing.

 This is our first point for today.
I. God guides our lives through suffering.
 Naomi tried to return to the land of Judea through the Tribulation. This is God's leading to make Naomi happy through suffering. People seek God more when they are sad than when they are happy. It would be better if we could be zealous in times of joy, but that is not possible.
 Therefore, there is no need to fear hardship. We can think of tribulation as the beginning of God's blessing.

Now, God's plan becomes clear when Naomi is about to return to Judea. First, Ruth's conversion occurs.

 Ruth was God's specially chosen vessel. The faith that dwelled in Ruth was hardly the faith of a novice. Ruth helped Naomi and restored her family. Not only that, Ruth is the great-grandmother of King David. There is no doubt that David's God-focused heart was inherited by Ruth's faith.
Ruth 1:16 But Ruth replied, "Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.

 The God of Israel is the real God, and Ruth made a decision to walk in faith in this God his whole life. He realized that what God wanted for him was to help and live with his mother-in-law, Naomi.

II. God uses those who are in distress

 Strangely, however, what the foreigner Ruth saw was not the blessed Naomi family. Rather, on the contrary, he saw one tribulation after another coming to Naomi's family. Why did Ruth come to believe in God when he saw those who were suffering? Herein lies the mystery of God. We want to imitate those who are doing well. But faith is the opposite. God works in weakness.

 Do you know how to tell the real from the fake? When a fake is placed in a bad environment, the plating will come off. They may look alike, but the material and design are different. The Christian has God's life and God's plan in him.

 That is why Paul tried to boast of his weakness.

2 Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.
 My power is manifest in weakness. My strength is the power of God. God's power does not come when we are in good health or when we are overweening, but when we are able to rely on it in our weakness.
 People are not interested in the Christian, but in God. If God is real, they want to believe in him, too.

 Therefore, the strength of the Christian is in his weakness. God works when we are weak. In other words, God does not care how weak we are.

 God used Naomi, who was in the midst of suffering, to help Ruth have faith.

 When I was pastoring, I met a very promising couple. The husband became a teacher at a university, which was his dream. The university offered him a special post, and life was smooth sailing. He and his wife were from the same university, in the same circles, and they were a close couple. They were a happy couple with no problems.
 However, the husband got cancer. His wife had a sister who was a devoted Christian. She was always praying for their salvation, but the couple did not want to have faith. But as the cancer gradually progressed, they joined us in Bible study. And they were about to finish the prescribed study.
 I humanly thought that it would be impossible for this couple to have faith. I didn't think they could accept the word that God loves you in the midst of such a tragedy. Sure enough, the wife seemed to be trying to postpone her decision. But the husband declared unequivocally, "I believe. I believe. I will be baptized.’ I was surprised, and so was his wife.
 The husband continued to study the Bible diligently and was baptized. His wife was baptized together with him. The husband's conviction led his wife to faith.
 However, the husband died in a hospice without any treatment. I was worried about his wife's faith. In the end, the couple's wish was not fulfilled. A time of sorrow followed for a while. However, after that, this wife began to come to church with great devotion. We held a memorial service for her husband every year. One time, it was held in the hall of the university. She shared the gospel with many people, including her professors and students.

 When we finish our life on earth, we open the door to heaven. As for the wife, “I look forward to seeing my husband in heaven. I will live my life on earth for my husband," she says, leading a positive life.
But the problem is that in the midst of suffering, God's love and grace are hard to see.

Ruth 1:20 "Don't call me Naomi, " she told them. "Call me Mara, because the Almighty has made my life very bitter.

 I believe that many Christians feel the same way as Naomi. It is a painful confession that the Almighty has afflicted me.
 But it is important to realize that everything God does is all for blessing. In fact, Naomi will experience that in her life. Naomi means enjoyment. However, until then, Naomi's enjoyment was not real enjoyment. From this point on, she experiences real enjoyment of her life.

 First of all, she has a wonderful relationship with Ruth as a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law. The relationship between a wife and mother-in-law is the most delicate relationship in the world. But Ruth became like a real daughter to Naomi. 

 III. God is perfect in His timing.

 Another thing we can learn today is that God moves in perfect timing. Later, Ruth was to go to Boaz's field. This is God's providence. This Boaz was a bachelor, but he was old. God was preparing Boaz to be Naomi's son-in-law.

 Now, Ruth is a woman, so he is happy to marry again. Boaz was the ideal man for Ruth. It is important to note that Naomi had regained her strength with Ruth's encouragement. So now Naomi tries to make Ruth happy. There is a beautiful relationship here. This is because they trust the same God.

 Naomi tried to bring Ruth and Boaz together. Then Naomi taught him how to approach from the woman's side. Nowadays, a woman proposes to a man, and he accepts her proposal, but back then, society was dominated by men. This must have been embarrassing for women.

 However, Ruth followed Naomi's lead. Faith is important for a Christian, but honesty is equally important.
 If Ruth followed Naomi's words, it was because she felt that they came from God. Life changes for the better when we honestly listen to God's Word.
 Peter was a fisherman, and when Jesus told him to go out to sea and catch fish, he obeyed, saying, "It is God's word, so let's do it. From there, Peter's life completely changed.

 One night, while Boaz was sleeping, Ruth was lying at his feet. Boaz knew that Ruth was the woman who would accept his proposal. So Boaz became excited and could not sit still. Immediately, he wanted to make Ruth his wife, but here, Boaz was also a faithful man of God. He knew that there was a preferred person who could make Ruth his wife rather than him. He obeyed the Torah without letting his own desires pass him by. This is what it means to obey the Word of God. It is obeying God's Word when what you want to do is different from what God's Word says. That is what it means to obey.

 Boaz was not happy, but to his surprise, the person who bought him back did not know Ruth well. Even a woman of Ruth's stature is not known to those who do not have a discerning eye.

 Now, Boaz was next in line. He was overjoyed to have Ruth as his wife.

 Naomi's life changed dramatically from the time she tried to return to the land of Judah. But it is also according to God's plan. God led Naomi through her tribulations. And through Ruth, He made Boaz and Naomi's life good.
 This is the true power of God.
Today, I spoke from three points.

  1. everyone has times of hardship. But if we trust in the Lord's plan, we will be blessed.
  2. The Lord uses people in tribulation. For it is in weakness that God's power is revealed.
  3. God will carry out His plan in perfect timing. Sometimes, it seems too late, but God's clock is ticking.