
2024年1月14日 聖書箇所:民数記13:25-33 
 さて、民はどちらの言葉を信じたでしょうか? 多数決で言えば、2対10です。指導者モーセは当然、カレブとヨシュアの意見と同じでした。


I. あなたは誰なのか
 2コリント11:29 だれかが弱くて、私が弱くない、ということがあるでしょうか。だれかがつまずいていて、私の心が激しく痛まないでおられましょうか。 2コリント1
 2コリント12:10 ですから、私は、キリストのために、弱さ、侮辱、苦痛、迫害、困難に甘んじています。なぜなら、私が弱いときにこそ、私は強いからです。
ピリピ4:13 私は、私を強くしてくださる方によって、どんなことでもできるのです。

II. 何を信じていますか
民数記13:2 「人々を遣わして、わたしがイスラエル人に与えようとしているカナンの地を探らせよ。父祖の部族ごとにひとりずつ、みな、その族長を遣わさなければならない。」
19 アブラハムは、およそ百歳になって、自分のからだが死んだも同然であることと、サラの胎の死んでいることとを認めても、その信仰は弱りませんでした。
20 彼は、不信仰によって神の約束を疑うようなことをせず、反対に、信仰がますます強くなって、神に栄光を帰し、
21 神には約束されたことを成就する力があることを堅く信じました。


III. 神の主権(sovereignty)を信じましょう

How to be Positive in a Pessimistic Environment
January 14, 2024
Scripture: Numbers 13:25-33 
Pastor, Ichiro Okiebisu

 Life is full of peaks and valleys for us. The valleys may be rather more numerous. During those valleys, it is easy to become negative and pessimistic. But it is in those times that we need to be positive and proactive.
Incidentally, today's message is not to say that it is God's will for Israel to occupy the land of Palestine in this day and age. This is a time of grace and mission. The Bible does not justify the invasion of any country by any other country. Killing God's created human beings for one's own gain or hatred is contrary to the commandment of the Ten Commandments, "Thou shalt not kill."
 Today's passage is taken from Israel as one example of the failure to believe God's promises fully.
 In today's passage, Israel had just completed the Exodus and was about to enter the long-awaited promised land of Canaan. As their life in the wilderness had been difficult for a while, now it was coming to an end. Here, they could enter the promised land if they trusted in God Almighty and went ahead.
 First, they sent 12 spies. They represented the 12 tribes. They scouted the land of Canaan for 40 days and came back to report. Then they said. The land that God promised us was a wonderful land. But they added something very negative to their report. They said, “The problem is that the inhabitants of that land are strong. No matter how much God promises, the impossible is impossible. We have no choice but to give up.”
 However, Caleb and Joshua, among the 12, countered. “What are you saying? What the Lord promised, He will do even if it is practically difficult. It should have been God's one-sided miracle that made the Exodus possible, not ours. God will let us enter that wonderful land again by His miraculous power, just as He promised. He will do it if we trust in Him."
 Now, which word did the people believe? By a majority vote, it was two to ten. The leader, Moses, of course, agreed with Caleb and Joshua.
 The people, unfortunately, believed in the real difficulties rather than the Lord. They believed that God's promises were only what was practically possible. They thought that Caleb and Joshua were simply irresponsible dreamers. They did not even think of the miraculous works God had given them in the past and present. Their unbelief made them cry out loudly, then they were deprived of God's right to enter that promised land.
 The Old Testament is written for our admonition. It is so that we will not repeat the mistakes of Israel. Indeed, this is the New Testament age, the age of God's patience. We will not be subjected to the same judgment as in the Old Testament. Yet, the spiritual principles are the same. What we can learn today is the faith to believe God's promises in all circumstances.
Today's title is about living positively in the midst of pessimism.
 Now, let us suppose that we are in a pessimistic situation, in the dark. Suppose we have just lost our family and home to the Noto Peninsula earthquake and tsunami on New Year's Day. When joy and hope are lost, if you are a Christian, you can get up by these.

I. Who are you?
 First, who are you? You must re-identify and be certain of your relationship with God. Correct self-knowledge is what is needed in times of pessimism.
 By the way, what was Israel's self-awareness?
 Israel was a people owned by God. They were a people who had been given God's promises. They were people who had received forgiveness for their sins. They were a people loved by God. But what did they think of themselves, if you read verse 33, they referred to themselves as “locusts,” meaning weak and unworthy.
 Now, what about us? Who are you? What is your relationship with God? Are you worthy? Are you loved? Or are you small and unimportant? If you think of yourself as small and unworthy, you will never get over your pessimistic situation. But if you remember how much God loves you, you can rise up. Sure, you may be weak and small. Paul confessed as much.
2 Corinthians 11:29 Who is weak, and I do not feel weak? Who is led into sin, and I do not inwardly burn?
2 Corinthians 12:10 That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
Philippians 4:13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength. .
 Doesn't God make us strong as He made Paul strong? Am I an exception? 
 The question depends on our faith. We are loved by God through Jesus, who was crucified for our sins. Those who do not know Jesus are also loved by God, but God does not extend more than general grace to those who do not believe in His Son. But to those who believe in Jesus, He gives the privilege of being made children of God. They are God's people and recipients of special grace. Give thanks for the vindication of the cross, and then be assured of your relationship with God. And rely on God as you rely on your worthy and powerful parents.
 If you are anxious today, seek God more and pray that you may be convinced that the cross of Jesus was for me. Then, repent of your unbelief and trust God the Father more and more. If you do not yet believe in Jesus, God will not reject those who seek Him. Accept Jesus as your Savior and be baptized.

II. What do you believe?
 Next to relationship, the word of promise is important. To go forward without a promise is not faith, trust, but recklessness and recklessness. There is a difference between recklessness and faith.
 Now, what promises did God give to Israel?
Numbers 13:2 "Send some men to explore the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the Israelites. From each ancestral tribe send one of its leaders."
 Israel was given a promise. But they did not believe this promise. Is this not disrespectful to God? Is God incapable of carrying out His promises, or is He one who breaks His promises? The Bible says that God is the Almighty and that His word is forever unchanging.
 To trust God's promises, we need to hold on to what He has said.
 Romans 4:19-21
19 Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead--since he was about a hundred years old--and that Sarah's womb was also dead.
20 Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God,
21 being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.
 To hold on to God's Word, we must commune with Him day in and day out. If it is truly God's will, the Holy Spirit will strengthen our faith.
 Someone was so busy that he only read the Psalms at night, but as he read the Psalms, he was able to regain his trust in God from his busy, negative reality.
 As he read the Psalms, he was convinced. If God is, it will be! If it is His will, it will be done!
 What promises have you been given? To be free from sin. To be guided in life. That long-standing prayers will be answered. To be given needs. The power to evangelize. Healing of the heart. These are all God's promises, ladies and gentlemen.
 They are also promises of the fruit of the Spirit of love, generosity, kindness, meekness, peace, and joy.
 The Bible is a book of promises. We can make the promises of the Bible our own. To do that, you have to hold on to those promises.
 I knew a couple who could not have children. The wife hated her husband. The husband had given up. The husband was the cause. I prayed with the husband. Then, a child was given to them. Now, they have another child, and he is a pastor.
 Now, let us consider this from a slightly different angle.
 There is a difference between understanding and believing. No matter how well you understand the Bible, if you say in real life, "Well, reality is harsh." then you are no different from the Israelites. Then, you will not receive God's promises. Faith is a decision, but faith is also a practice, a perseverance until God's promises are realized.
 Some people go back and forth between realism and idealism. It is difficult to be realistic. They have families, they have jobs, they have never done such a thing, etc., and they do not take a step forward, trusting in the Lord's word. But the Bible says to hate even your family in order to follow God. This means to put the Lord first rather than actually hating them. It means that we should not be influenced by even the most important people in our lives, like our family, if they hinder our walk of faith.
 I am the first Christian in my family. My father, mother, brother, children, and niece are all Christians. However, when I believed in the Lord, my father told me not to be a pastor and not to take my brother to church. However, I did not obey both of those commands. Next was to come home early on Sundays. However, I had an evangelistic meeting in the evening at church and went home late on Sundays. I was so disobedient to my father's commands that I was temporarily disconnected when I went to seminary. However, the Lord first saved my grandfather, then my brother's family, then my father, and then my mother.

Conclusion: The Book of Numbers represents our life of faith. Israel's deliverance from Egypt, given the Law, trained, and on the path of blessing, is our picture of being saved by Jesus, walking as Christians, given the Bible, given training, and on the path of blessing.
 God sees our faith. Our faith decisions and practices change our lives. It is up to you to choose to move forward on the path of blessing or to go round and round in the wilderness like Israel who ignored the words of Joshua and Caleb.
 I will end with a story. This is a testimony that was published long ago in Alliance Life, a publication of C&MA. A forward-thinking eighteen-year-old young man in Detroit, Michigan, complained of head pain. He went to the hospital, where a CT scan revealed a small tumor. This testimony was written by his mother, a pastor’s wife, and the couple who had served God diligently. She said that when she heard about the tumor, she was filled with disbelief. Finally, the day of the surgery came. The surgery was scheduled much later, and even then, the surgery was very partial, with only a portion of the tumor removed. The father asked his doctor why the surgery was rescheduled. Curiously, on the morning of the surgery, he said, "A friend called me and told me to check the location of the tumor again. And when he checked again, he was told that if he tried to remove the entire tumor, there was a strong possibility that it would damage the functions that control memory. The doctor realized this and changed the surgery. When the couple heard this, they thanked the Lord with all their hearts. The friend was not a close friend of theirs, but that day, he felt a strange stirring in his heart and called them because he was concerned about this young man's surgery.
 Matt entered college and did his best, but because of the tumor, his memory was weak, so he could not keep up with his schoolwork. Then, another severe headache struck Matt. Another CT scan revealed a new tumor. Finally, the day of the surgery arrived. As they were preparing for the surgery, the start of the surgery was delayed again. Then, quite late, the doctor in charge came. He said, "I have good news for you. I have good news for you. The tumor was gone. And compared to the picture taken three weeks earlier, the tumor was clearly gone.
 Neither the doctors nor the people involved could deny that God had intervened. 
Which do you believe? No, do you want to believe? Almighty God? Or the reality you are experiencing? 
 Let us pray.