良い考えから良い行動へ 1



8 最後に、兄弟たち。すべての真実なこと、すべての誉れあること、すべての正しいこと、すべての清いこと、すべての愛すべきこと、すべての評判の良いこと、そのほか徳と言われること、称賛に値することがあるならば、そのようなことに心を留めなさい。
真実とは、ギリシャ語 で「ἀληθῆ(Alēthē)」です。、「真実である」「誠実な」「偽りがない」「本物の」という意味を持ちます。この言葉は、単に事実を述べることだけではなく、「信頼に値するもの」「変わらないもの」「神の真理に基づくもの」 を指します。イエス・キリストご自身が「真理」であり、「偽りのない完全な存在」です。ですから、聖書の言葉は、誤りのない、信頼に足る真理なのです。
誉れあることとは、ギリシャ語 「σεμνός(semnos)」 です。これは、「尊厳のある」「高貴な」「気高い」 という意味です。この言葉は、単なる名誉や名声ではなく、品格や道徳的な高さを持つことです。これは、人の目を意識した「外面的な名誉」ではなく、神の前で品格を持ち、尊厳ある生き方をすることです。

正しいこととは、ギリシャ語 「δίκαιος(Dikaios)」です。これは、「正義」「義」「公平」「神の基準に適ったもの」 という意味です。自分が正しいと思っていることを主張する主観的なものではありません。神の基準である聖書的に正しいことです。神が善悪の基準を決めています。本来、正義とは、絶対的な正しさ、公正さです。それは人間の義とは異なり、変わることのない基準です。人間は自分の努力で完全に義に達することはできません。ただ、キリストの贖いによって信仰によって義とされます。

ミカ6:8 主はあなたに告げられた。人よ。何が良いことなのか。主は何をあなたに求めておられるのか。それは、ただ公義を行い、誠実を愛し、へりくだってあなたの神とともに歩むことではないか。

清いこと:このギリシヤ語はハギアという言葉です。「ハギア(ἁγια, Hagia)」と は 「聖なるもの」「清いもの」「神に属するもの」 という意味を持ちます。この言葉は、神の性質を表し、また神に区別されたもの(聖別されたもの) に対して使われます。言い換れば、純真ということです。清さは心の態度や思いの中になければなりません。不純な思いを取り除き、神の御前で純粋な心を持つことを求める。清さを求めるには、世の価値観や不道徳な文化から距離を置くことも重要です。例えば、娯楽・メディア・悪い交友関係などの自分の霊的成長を妨げるものを見直すことです。

愛すべきこと:この言葉はギリシヤ語で「プロスフィレス(προσφιλής)」です。意味は、「好ましい」ということです。この言葉は、新約聖書では ピリピ4:8 のみで使われています。にがにがしい思いではなく、心が温かいことです。「愛されるにふさわしい」人格や行動を持つこと を意味します。例えば、親切、誠実、礼儀正しさ、寛容、優しさなどです。具体的には、批判的な言葉ではなく、人を励まし、慰め、祝福する言葉を選ぶことです。高慢や無関心ではなく、思いやりを持ち、人に対して親切で優しくあること。やさしさや笑顔の人には、近づきたくなります。逆に、とげとげしく、近づくと何をされるかわからない人からは遠ざかります。あなたに近づくと、「はげまされ、慰められる」でしょうか、それとも「傷つけられるのでしょうか」
すべての評判の良いこと:ギリシャ語で「評判の良いこと」にあたる言葉は 「εὔφημος(euphēmos)」 で、「称賛されるべき」とか「立派な行為として認められる」ということです。これは、人からの評価のために良いことをするのではなく、神の栄光を現すことが目的であるべきです。
マタイ5:16 このように、あなたがたの光を人々の前で輝かせ、人々があなたがたの良い行いを見て、天におられるあなたがたの父をあがめるようにしなさい。
そのほか徳と言われること:ギリシャ語で「徳」にあたる言葉は 「ἀρετή(aretē)」 で、「優れた人格」「道徳的な卓越性」「美徳」 という意味です。英語の 「virtue」 も同様に、高潔な人格、道徳的に優れた資質 を指します。聖書において「徳(aretē)」は、単に良い行動をすることではなく、神に似た性質を持つことです。徳を持つことは、神の性質に近づくことであり、キリストに似た者となることです。これは「良い人」と言われる以上のレベルです。正直で誠実な人格であり、忍耐と寛容を持つ人です。つまり、すぐに怒らず、感情をコントロールします。困難な状況でも希望を持ち続けます。家庭や職場で思いやりを持って接する人です。また、物事を深く考え、いつも神と人から知恵を求めます。徳は長い年月をかけて、聖書を学び、それを少しづつ実践することで身につきます。
賞賛に値すること:ギリシャ語で「賞賛に値すること」にあたる言葉は 「ἔπαινος(epainos)」 です。それは、「尊敬される行い」「評価される善行」です。これは、人間的な称賛だけでなく、神の前で正しく、神に喜ばれることです。
これは「神の視点から見て価値があり、人々にも模範となるような行動や人格」 です。まず、神の前に正しい動機で行動することです。人の目を気にせず、神に喜ばれる行動をします。また、クリスチャンですから、信仰によって生きることです。つまり、困難な状況でも神を信頼し、信仰に基づいて判断します。「仕える」「奉仕する」という言葉が当てはまります。まず、仕える心を持つことです。教会や地域社会で奉仕し、他者のために尽くすことです。主は仕える姿をもって地上にこられました。

From Good Thoughts to Good Actions I
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Scripture Passage: Philippians 4:8-10 (ESV)

A person’s actions stem from their thoughts. What we think eventually shapes our words, attitudes, actions, and ultimately, our lives. In other words, the Christian life is about cultivating the right way of thinking and putting it into practice. As we study the Bible and learn to think biblically, our thoughts will naturally be reflected in our actions.

Today, let us explore the theme "From Good Thoughts to Good Actions." How can we align our thinking in a way that leads us to live out our faith in practical ways?

First, we must acknowledge a fundamental truth: there is joy in doing what is right. For example, loving brings more joy than hating. Living in righteousness brings more peace than living in sin.

However, in reality, it is not easy to love, to think rightly, and to act accordingly. This is because of the inclinations that exist within us. We tend to seek only what we desire, eat only what we like, and do only what we prefer. We categorize people based on our likes and dislikes. We are constantly tempted by evil and impurity. Pride leads us to look down on others.

In other words, our inner selves naturally generate negative thoughts, which then translate into actions. This is why we must regularly read the Bible and renew our minds.

By immersing ourselves in God's Word, we can transform our way of thinking, allowing it to guide us toward actions that are good, righteous, and pleasing to God.

Let us take this time to reflect on how we can cultivate a mindset that leads to godly actions and a life that glorifies Him.

I. Learning to Think Rightly
Let’s begin by reading Philippians 4:8 again.
Philippians 4:8 (ESV): Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

Let us reflect on what this verse teaches us.
Truth (ἀληθῆ, Alēthē)
The Greek word "ἀληθῆ (Alēthē)" means "true," "honest," "genuine," and "without deceit." It does not merely refer to stating facts but denotes something trustworthy, unchanging, and based on God's truth. Jesus Christ Himself is "the truth" and the embodiment of absolute, unfailing integrity. Therefore, the Word of God is infallible and worthy of our trust.
Living truthfully means eliminating falsehood. It requires a lifestyle of honesty and sincerity. Lies break trust, and no one would entrust an important matter to a habitual liar.
Application: Living truthfully means making fair judgments, avoiding dishonesty, and rejecting bias. We should not be driven by rumors or speculation but prioritize facts and treat people with fairness and impartiality.

Honor (σεμνός, Semnos)
The Greek word "σεμνός (Semnos)" means "honorable," "noble," and "dignified." This is not about worldly recognition or fame but rather about a life of dignity and moral excellence in God’s sight.
This quality is especially expected of church elders and leaders.

Titus 2:2: Older men are to be sober-minded, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness(ESV).

The word dignified in this passage is σεμνός (Semnos). Leaders are called to display maturity and integrity.

In the world, honor is often equated with success, but in the Bible, honor is about living a life that holds value before God. It means remaining humble even in success, giving thanks to God, serving others, and avoiding selfishness.
Application: In relationships, living honorably means avoiding conflicts, speaking calmly, and building healthy relationships with others.

Justice (δίκαιος, Dikaios)
The Greek word "δίκαιος (Dikaios)" means "just," "righteous," and "aligned with God's standard." It is not about subjective personal opinions of right and wrong but rather about what is biblically correct according to God’s standards.
God determines what is right and wrong. True justice is absolute righteousness and fairness, unlike human ideas of righteousness, which can change. Humans cannot attain perfect righteousness through their own efforts; it is only through faith in Christ’s atonement that we are made righteous.
Application: In daily life, choosing justice means aligning our actions with God’s standard.

Micah 6:8: He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?(ESV)

Examples include living honestly, rejecting financial corruption, and leading a morally upright life. It also involves standing up for justice in society, ensuring that oppression and injustice are not ignored.

Purity (ἁγια, Hagia)
The Greek word "ἁγια (Hagia)" means "holy," "pure," and "belonging to God." It represents God’s character and refers to things set apart for Him (sanctified things). In other words, it signifies inner purity.
To cultivate purity, we must remove impure thoughts and seek to have a heart that is clean before God.

Application: Maintaining purity requires distancing ourselves from worldly values and immoral influences. This includes evaluating our entertainment choices, media consumption, and friendships to ensure that they do not hinder our spiritual growth.

Loveliness (προσφιλής, Prosphilēs)
The Greek word "προσφιλής (Prosphilēs)" means "pleasing," "worthy of love." This word appears only in Philippians 4:8 in the New Testament. It refers to having a heart that is warm rather than bitter.

Living out loveliness means cultivating qualities that make one lovable, such as kindness, sincerity, courtesy, patience, and gentleness.

Application: This includes choosing words that encourage, comfort, and bless others. It means being thoughtful and caring rather than arrogant or indifferent. People are naturally drawn to kind and cheerful individuals but avoid those who are bitter and harsh. How do others feel when they approach you? Are they encouraged and comforted, or are they hurt?

Commendable (εὔφημος, Euphēmos)
The Greek word "εὔφημος (Euphēmos)" means "worthy of praise" or "recognized as honorable." It is not about seeking approval from others but rather about bringing glory to God through our actions.

Matthew 5:16: In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.(ESV)

Application: Living commendably means earning trust in society—keeping promises, fulfilling responsibilities, and acting with integrity. It also means recognizing others' good qualities, expressing gratitude, using positive words, engaging in service, and helping those in need.

Virtue (ἀρετή, Aretē)
The Greek word "ἀρετή (Aretē)" means "excellence," "moral virtue," and "outstanding character."In the Bible, virtue is not just about doing good deeds but developing a godly character. It is about becoming more like Christ.

A virtuous person is honest, trustworthy, patient, and self-controlled. They do not react impulsively in anger but remain composed and hopeful even in difficult situations. They treat others with kindness and thoughtfulness.

Application: Virtue is developed over time through studying Scripture and applying it little by little. It does not come instantly but is cultivated through consistent effort and obedience to God’s Word.

Praiseworthy (ἔπαινος, Epainos)
The Greek word "ἔπαινος (Epainos)" means "worthy of praise" or "deserving respect." It refers to actions that are not only good in human eyes but also pleasing to God.

Living in a praiseworthy manner means acting with sincerity and the right motivation before God. It means living by faith, trusting God in difficult circumstances, and making decisions based on faith.

Mark 10:45: For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. (ESV)

Application: This includes having a servant’s heart, volunteering, and dedicating oneself to helping others. Jesus Himself came not to be served but to serve.

The world emphasizes efficiency and self-interest, but the Bible calls us to a different path. The qualities listed in Philippians 4:8 are not about receiving but about giving.

As Christians, we are commanded to be the light of the world. Light shines in darkness and reveals the right path. We must walk according to the correct path shown by Scripture. To do this, we must fill our hearts with God’s Word, reject negative and faithless thoughts, and continually seek His righteousness.

Let’s pray.
"Heavenly Father, before us, there are always two paths. One is the way of the world—a path that changes with time and culture. Many people walk this path, yet it cannot be called the right way. The other path is the way taught by the Bible. It is a path that goes against our flesh, a path we may not want to take. However, deep in our hearts, we know that this path is good and right.

Please grant us the wisdom and strength to align ourselves with Your Word. Fill our daily thoughts with the truths taught in Scripture. Protect us so that our minds are shaped by Your Word. And when the opportunity arises, help us put good thoughts into practice.

We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen."