聖書箇所:1テサロニケ5:17 「絶えず祈りなさい。」
マタイ6:8 だから、彼らのまねをしてはいけません。あなたがたの父なる神は、あなたがたがお願いする先に、あなたがたに必要なものを知っておられるからです。
I. なぜ、祈る必要があるのか。
創世記50:20 あなたがたは、私に悪を計りましたが、神はそれを、良いことのための計らいとなさいました。それはきょうのようにして、多くの人々を生かしておくためでした。
ヨハネ16:24 あなたがたは今まで、何もわたしの名によって求めたことはありません。求めなさい。そうすれば受けるのです。それはあなたがたの喜びが満ち満ちたものとなるためです。
ルカ11:9 わたしは、あなたがたに言います。求めなさい。そうすれば与えられます。捜しなさい。そうすれば見つかります。たたきなさい。そうすれば開かれます。
10 だれであっても、求める者は受け、捜す者は見つけ出し、たたく者には開かれます。
II. 何を祈るか。
ヤコブ4:3 願っても受けられないのは、自分の快楽のために使おうとして、悪い動機で願うからです。
1ヨハネ2:16 すべての世にあるもの、すなわち、肉の欲、目の欲、暮らし向きの自慢などは、御父から出たものではなく、この世から出たものだからです。
III. いつ祈るか。
1テサロニケ5:17 絶えず祈りなさい。
ローマ人への手紙8:26 御霊も同じようにして、弱い私たちを助けてくださいます。私たちは、どのように祈ったらよいかわからないのですが、御霊ご自身が、言いようもない深いうめきによって、私たちのためにとりなしてくださいます。
マタイ18:19 まことに、あなたがたにもう一度、告げます。もし、あなたがたのうちふたりが、どんな事でも、地上で心を一つにして祈るなら、天におられるわたしの父は、それをかなえてくださいます。
2コリント12:8 このことについては、これを私から去らせてくださるようにと、三度も主に願いました。
Let's Make 2025 a Year of Prayer
January 19, 2023*
Bible Verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (ESV)"Pray without ceasing."
As we begin the year, we’re in the third installment of our series encouraging us to set plans for the year. This time, we’re focusing on making this year a year of prayer.
Prayer is essential to the Christian life, but in the midst of our busy lives, we often go through our days without praying. Today, I’d like us to focus on three key points to help us make this year a year of prayer:
- Why do we pray?
- What do we pray for?
- When do we pray?
Let’s begin with the first point: Why do we pray?
In my message, I’ve spoken about the sovereignty of God. This means that nothing happens without God’s permission, and everything is planned and carried out by Him. I’ve also shared that God always works for the best.
Naturally, this may lead to the question: “If God has already planned and is executing everything, why should we pray?” God has already planned everything before the creation of the world, knowing all our choices. So, if He knows and plans everything, does that not eliminate the need for prayer?
The Bible even says:
Matthew 6:8 (ESV)
"Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him."
In other words, God knows our needs and fulfills them. Doesn’t this mean we don’t need to ask for anything?
First, let’s think about why we need to pray.
I. Why Do We Need to Pray?
If we misunderstand God's sovereignty, it can lead to fatalism. Fatalism is the belief that everything is predetermined and that events will unfold exactly as they are destined to, without any possibility of change.
God is omnipotent and has determined all things; however, this does not mean fatalism. In fatalism, our decisions cannot change our future. But in reality, this is not the case. Our daily decisions shape our future. Diligence, kindness, sincerity, politeness, and faithfulness create a good future, while laziness, anger, and irresponsibility lead to a negative future.
From a spiritual perspective, worship, reading the Bible, quiet time (QT), praise, thanksgiving, and prayer lead to a spiritually fulfilling life. In other words, life is like a blank canvas, and each day we write on it with our choices and actions.
Moreover, it is through our own will and decisions that we commit sins. God does not cause us to sin. What are the consequences of sin? If we hurt others, we will be hated. If we commit crimes, we will face judgment. If we ignore God, His blessings will fade away, and we will no longer experience spiritual fulfillment. Simply put, our decisions lead to consequences.
This raises an important question: “If my choices determine the outcome, does that mean God’s plan may not come to pass?” The answer is no. God knows all our decisions and is able to use them all for His glory.
A clear example of this is the story of Joseph. Joseph suffered greatly due to the envy of his brothers. He was sold into slavery and thrown into prison. His brothers acted out of their own will and made poor choices.
However, Joseph was given the ability to interpret dreams. Through this, he interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams and used his administrative skills to save Egypt from famine. As a result of the famine and Joseph’s leadership, Jacob’s family was able to live in Egypt under favorable conditions.
In other words, God used the brothers’ wrongful actions to fulfill His plan of bringing Jacob’s family to Egypt. Joseph said:
Genesis 50:20 (ESV)
"As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today."
Humans make free choices, and God uses those choices to fulfill His plans.
This is why we pray. When we pray, God hears us, and our lives improve—not in the sense of getting everything we want or becoming wealthy, but by living a life filled with God’s blessings.
Jesus said:
John 16:24 (ESV)
"Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full."
And the famous passage:
Luke 11:9-10 (ESV)
"And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened."
As Christians, we have the amazing privilege of praying to the Almighty God. And the promise is that our prayers will be answered.
II. What Should We Pray For?
Many people think of prayer as a way to get their wishes fulfilled. Indeed, in many religions, prayer is offered for such purposes. At shrines, people pray while offering money for things like passing exams, finding a job, marriage, childbirth, traffic safety, or financial success.
Christians also pray in this way. However, such prayers often go unanswered because receiving these things does not necessarily lead to a good life.
James 4:3 (ESV)
"You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions."
This verse highlights two problems. First, the phrase "ask wrongly" refers to misguided prayers—prayers that, if answered, would not glorify God or benefit us. Life always presents us with two paths: the way of worldly prosperity and the way of spiritual blessings. This is similar to the decision made by Abraham and Lot. Lot chose worldly prosperity, while Abraham chose spiritual blessings. The outcome is clear: Lot not only lost his spiritual integrity but also his family. Worldly possessions cannot bring lasting happiness to Christians.
1 John 2:16 (ESV)
"For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world."
God, as our Father, does not give us things that would harm us.
Next, consider the word "passions." The original Greek word is hedone, from which the term "hedonism" (the pursuit of pleasure) is derived. Hedonism is not just about seeking physical pleasures or temporary enjoyments like food, sex, or entertainment. It also includes intellectual or aesthetic satisfaction that we consider good. However, the problem with hedonism is the belief that pleasure is the most important thing in life. In modern terms, it is similar to the pursuit of happiness. The issue is that this pursuit centers life around our desires, leaving God out of the equation.
God is not an employee whose job is to help you pursue happiness. Instead, humans were created as servants to live for God’s glory. And when we live this way, we experience true joy.
So, does this mean we should not pray for our desires? No, we should. However, we need to focus on two key points when praying:
- Pray for a life that glorifies God.
- Pray for a life that receives God’s blessings.
III. When Should We Pray?
Let’s revisit today’s verse:
1 Thessalonians 5:17 (ESV)
"Pray without ceasing."
Taken literally, this means "pray continuously without stopping." But does this mean praying 24 hours a day? That’s not realistic. We can’t pray while sleeping, and we need to eat and work. What Paul is saying is to "always remember to pray and remain in God’s presence."
While you cannot pray while sleeping, you can pray before you sleep and when you wake up. You cannot pray while eating, but you can pray before and after meals. You may not be able to pray aloud during work, but you can silently pray during moments when focus is not required. In simple terms, "pray whenever you can."
Prayer is also an act of reliance on God. Continuously ask God for help, wisdom, peace, and the filling of the Holy Spirit. These prayers don’t need to be spoken aloud.
Additionally, prayer is not just about making requests. Since prayer is spiritual fellowship with God, expressing gratitude, praising Him, or seeking His guidance while taking a walk is also prayer. Quiet Time (QT) involves seeking God’s meaning and application through the Bible, which is also a form of prayer. Always relying on God and communicating with Him is what it means to "pray without ceasing."
Such prayer is less about receiving answers and more about maintaining a good spiritual state. If prayer is only about making requests, you’ll eventually say, "I have nothing left to pray for."
Christian prayer is spiritual because the Holy Spirit helps us pray.
Romans 8:26 (ESV)
"Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words."
The Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf, asking the Father to enable us to pray. This makes prayer a two-way communication, not a one-way monologue. We are not praying to a distant or nonexistent God, but to a God who spiritually connects with us. His answers may not come in words but through His presence, peace, and reminders of Scripture.
Finally, let’s discuss corporate prayer. This is when two or more people gather to pray. Jesus said:
Matthew 18:19 (ESV)
"Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven."
The "two" here refers to two or more people. In other words, prayer with brothers and sisters is encouraged. This is what we call a prayer meeting, and it comes with the wonderful promise: "If you agree in prayer, it will be done for you." While God answers individual prayers, corporate prayer often yields even greater results.
The key point is that when two or more people pray together, the work of the Holy Spirit becomes stronger. Since both individuals are being guided by the Lord, the prayer topics are naturally aligned with God's will. Additionally, intercessory prayer increases because God reveals the needs of others. In this sense, a church prayer meeting is different from personal prayer, as it allows for a broader range of prayers to be offered for God's glory.
However, sometimes, despite calling it a prayer meeting, most of the time is spent on other things, and the actual prayer ends with just a brief word. That is not a true prayer meeting.
In this church, during prayer meetings, each person prays in turn. We pray together over shared topics, and occasionally, as the Holy Spirit leads, additional prayers are included. Short prayers are also welcomed because if everyone prays for too long, it can be difficult to conclude the meeting.
It is also important to pray for each other's needs. When struggles in faith and battles with sin are shared, God’s healing power works in our midst.
Finally, let’s address prayers like "Please take away my suffering." Some may feel discouraged if such prayers go unanswered. God’s sovereignty means He has decisions for every situation. Suffering can fall into two categories: suffering allowed for a good purpose and suffering that is not.
When suffering is for a good purpose, it may not be removed even if we pray. Jesus could not avoid the cross. Paul was not relieved of his illness.
2 Corinthians 12:8 (ESV)
"Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me."
Even Paul, who prayed three times, did not have his request granted. God’s decision was different from his desire. Similarly, Peter was saved from death, but James was killed. There is no suffering unknown to God, nor is there suffering caused by His mistake. God always works for our best, though His best may not align with our desires.
Prayers that seem unanswered will eventually make sense. Prayer is an act of trusting God. Gratitude and praise also require faith.
In 2025, let us practice a life of faith filled with gratitude, praise, and prayer. If you forget parts of today’s message, you can refer to the full manuscript and audio recording available on our website each week.
Let us pray:
Heavenly Father, Thank You for being a Father who listens to our prayers. When we pray, “Our Father,” we understand what we should pray for. Help us to pray rightly, always guided by the intercession of the Holy Spirit. Let us not settle into a life where we think we can manage without prayer, even in the busyness of life. While life may seem manageable without prayer, we recognize that it is insufficient. Help us to seek the power of prayer in our lives. Allow us to remember the needs of the world and those around us in our prayers. Many are in desperate need of Your power. For those brothers and sisters who are in pain or despair and unable to pray, help us to offer intercessory prayers on their behalf. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.