I. いつも賛美する
1 私はあらゆる時に主をほめたたえる。私の口には、いつも、主への賛美がある。
使徒の働き16:25 真夜中ごろ、パウロとシラスが神に祈りつつ賛美の歌を歌っていると、ほかの囚人たちも聞き入っていた。
26 ところが突然、大地震が起こって、獄舎の土台が揺れ動き、たちまちとびらが全部あいて、みなの鎖が解けてしまった。
II. 賛美は神様を誇ること
第2コリント12:910 しかし、主は、「わたしの恵みは、あなたに十分である。というのは、わたしの力は、弱さのうちに完全に現れるからである」と言われたのです。ですから、私は、キリストの力が私をおおうために、むしろ大いに喜んで私の弱さを誇りましょう。ですから、私は、キリストのために、弱さ、侮辱、苦痛、迫害、困難に甘んじています。なぜなら、私が弱いときにこそ、私は強いからです。
34:2 私のたましいは主を誇る。貧しい者はそれを聞いて喜ぶ。
34:3 私とともに主をほめよ。共に、御名をあがめよう。
III. 賛美は周囲の人を主に導く
Let's make 2025 a Year of Praise
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Scripture: Psalm 34:1-3
Last week, we talked about making this year a year of gratitude. The secret to gratitude lies in focusing on small things and not overlooking the blessings God gives us daily. We acknowledged that finding gratitude during trials and pain can be difficult, but ultimately, we are called to be grateful for the ability to be thankful.
This week, let’s discuss another habit to cultivate this year: living a life of praise. While praise is similar to gratitude, they are slightly different. Gratitude is about thanking God for what He has done, while praise is about exalting God's greatness. This is one of our primary missions.
In this world, if God’s children do not praise Him, who will? Nonbelievers or those who follow other religions are not going to do so. It is we, His people, who are called to praise the Lord. However, many Christians struggle to praise God because they are so focused on their problems.
Years ago, a man named Merlin Carothers wrote a book titled Power in Praise, which created a significant impact. I’ve read it myself. The book emphasizes how praising God can improve situations. The Bible also records stories where God’s power is revealed through praise, changing circumstances for the better.
Praise is not only our mission but also a way to strengthen our faith. Sometimes, God demonstrates His greatness through our praise. In this sense, it is not wrong to praise God with great expectations.
Let us learn from today’s scripture about the power of praise.
The title of Psalm 34 gives us the background: it is a song by David when he feigned madness before Abimelech, who drove him away, and he departed.
The author of this psalm is David, and it was likely written during the time when he was fleeing from King Saul. The reference to "Abimelech" here aligns with the story in 1 Samuel 21, where David went to King Achish of Gath, seeking refuge.
David may have hoped that this Philistine king would help him. However, Achish, aware that David was a prominent Israelite general—even though he was being pursued by Saul—sought to kill him instead. To escape this danger, David pretended to be insane, and Achish let him go.
If this psalm reflects that moment, David wrote it as praise to God for delivering him from a life-threatening situation.
Does this mean that praise is only for times when God delivers us or when things go well? Absolutely not.
I. Praise Always
Psalm 34:1 "I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth."
Here, David emphasizes always: praise is not reserved for good times but must continue even in bad times. The Bible provides examples of this.
In Acts 16, Paul and Silas were imprisoned in Philippi, their feet bound in chains. Instead of succumbing to despair, they prayed and sang hymns of praise.
Acts 16:25-26 "About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them; and suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken. And immediately all the doors were opened, and everyone’s bonds were unfastened."*
Paul and Silas, like David, praised God at all times. Their praise was a habit, unshaken by their circumstances.
What about us? When we come to church on Sundays, we always include time for praise. Yet, there are times when we feel, “This isn’t the time to be singing,” or “I just don’t feel like praising today.”
However, while gratitude is a response to what God has done, praise is about glorifying God’s unchanging nature. No matter our circumstances, God’s love and faithfulness remain constant. He is the great King and Creator. Unlike worldly leaders like presidents or prime ministers, God is on an entirely different level.
It’s fine to criticize Prime Minister Trudeau—he’s just a human, after all. He doesn’t deserve our praise. Leaders merely do their jobs and receive salaries like everyone else. But God is different. He is not a ruler chosen by us; He is the sovereign King. He is our Creator, and He deserves praise at all times.
God doesn’t need to please us. Love doesn’t depend on the worthiness of its recipient. God’s love is centered on Himself, not on us. This is why He loves sinners—even when we don’t deserve it.
Human beings have no right to criticize or make demands of God. He is not only great but also gracious. God has prepared countless blessings for our lives. In response, we are to be a people who continually praise Him.
II. Praise Boasts in God
When Adam sinned, sin entered humanity. Like a virus, it has infected everyone, and no one can escape it. It’s as if it’s written into our DNA. Sin is rebellion against God—living life as we please. In other words, living as we please means making ourselves god. It’s the attitude of thinking, "I’m important, I can do anything in my own strength, and I will live as I want."
When we believe in the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit begins to work in us, we are led toward humility. Humility is a shift from being self-centered to God-centered. In other words, it is a posture of bowing before God. It means not living according to our own desires but according to God’s will. It also means not relying on our own strength but living with God’s help. Such a life boasts not in personal strength but in God’s strength.
Moses was a remarkable man—almost like a superhero. He was highly educated and held a high position. Because of this, he thought he could deliver Israel through his own strength, and he attempted to do so. However, his efforts were a failure, and he couldn’t save even one Israelite. He had to flee to the wilderness. Over the next 40 years, God transformed Moses into a humble servant. By the time Moses returned, all his arrogance and pride in his abilities were gone. He had become God’s servant.
The same was true of Paul. When God uses someone gifted, He often first breaks them completely. Otherwise, their pride can lead them to think of themselves as gods.
Paul suffered greatly through the Corinthian church. The very church he had planted and nurtured turned against him and even chose a leader who opposed him. As a human, Paul must have felt the deep pain of rejection. On top of that, the church he had poured himself into was heading in the wrong direction. Paul also suffered physically. He developed an illness—likely an eye condition—so severe that he couldn’t even write for himself.
In the midst of this, Paul came to understand God’s plan for him, leading to his remarkable confession:
2 Corinthians 12:9-10 (ESV)
"But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong."*
When we are weak, we rely on the Lord and seek His help. When we feel strong, we don’t think we need God. In such times, we make ourselves god. But in our weakness, pain, and struggles—when our hearts and bodies are frail—God’s power works mightily.
The world celebrates abilities—whether in academics, sports, beauty, or charisma. People who excel in these areas may delude themselves into thinking they are better than others. This often leads to pride, which opposes God. Pride prevents us from humbly kneeling before God and seeking His salvation.
David, Moses, and Paul are examples of humility. They were made humble through suffering.
Psalm 34:2 (ESV)
"My soul makes its boast in the Lord; let the humble hear and be glad."
David, recognizing his own weakness, boasted in God’s greatness. To boast in the Lord with one’s soul means acknowledging one’s limitations and weaknesses while relying on God’s surpassing power. The word "soul" refers to the deepest part of a person. To say, "My soul makes its boast in the Lord," is to express a profound trust in God from the heart’s depths.
Trust, biblically speaking, is faith. Faith is complete reliance on God. Trusting in God will never lead to disappointment because God is good and gracious.
We must understand God correctly. Satan constantly creates false images of God. God is not evil, nor does He do evil. Evil does not exist in God. We see this in Jesus’ life—He never harmed anyone or did anything wrong. There are moments when Jesus speaks harshly, but such rebukes come from a place of love.
If David had a distorted view of God, he would not have been able to continue praising Him. If he believed God was capricious—sometimes doing good and other times bringing harm—his life would not have been one of praise but of anger toward God. Yet David loved God to the end of his life and constantly sought to dwell in His presence.
This conviction, as seen in verse 3, led those around David to the Lord.
Psalm 34:3 (ESV)
"Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together!"
III. Praise Leads Others to the Lord
If you found a restaurant serving delicious ramen for $10, would you keep it a secret? Of course not—you’d tell your family and closest friends. The Gospel is the same. If you believe, you are granted entry into heaven unconditionally. There is no better deal than this!
A life of praise influences others, drawing them closer to God.
David’s confession of continually praising the Lord doesn’t refer only to singing. Praise is an attitude and a way of life. It means continually proclaiming, “The Lord is wonderful, the Lord is good, the Lord is great.”
One of my favorite praise songs is “God Is So Good.” The lyrics are simple, repeatedly affirming, “God is so good.” When I sing this song, I feel God’s presence filling my heart. Praising together transforms the atmosphere. While nonbelievers may not sing, Christians do, and it reminds us, “Yes, God is good.” This strengthens our trust in Him.
In worship, praise plays a crucial role in entering God’s presence. Simply singing would be like karaoke—focusing on performance. But when we reflect on the meaning of the lyrics and accept God’s greatness, the Holy Spirit moves, and we enter His presence. Our hearts turn toward God and become ready to receive His Word.
Good praise directs our hearts to God. Without such preparation, Scripture may seem powerless, even causing stumbling or offense. But when our hearts are ready, God’s Word becomes transformative.
Never underestimate the power of praise. A lifestyle of praise is essential for the busy modern individual. In a world of self-centeredness and pride, our faith can grow weak. But when we recall God’s grace and enter His presence, we find refreshment and strength.
Let us seek a life of praise this year. Look for good worship songs. If you enjoy singing, sing! The Psalms are full of praise—especially after chapter 100. Declare these praises aloud. Increase your praise and find restoration through it.
Heavenly Father, we thank You for David, who continually praised You. His life was full of highs and lows, yet he always turned his eyes toward You in praise. Help us to develop this habit of praise this year. Teach us to give thanks always and to praise You in all circumstances. We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.