聖書箇所:1テサロニケ 5:18 すべての事について、感謝しなさい。これが、キリスト・イエスにあって神があなたがたに望んでおられることです。
すべてのことに感謝するとは、まず、神が全能であり、統治者であることを前提にしています。英語では、sovereigntyと言います。これはすべてのことが神の許しなしには起こらないという消極的な面と、神が全てをご自身の栄光のために計画し、実行しているという積極的な面があります。多くの人は、歴史とは私たち人類が作っていると思っていますが、歴史という英語はHistory、つまり、His Storyであり、神様の書いている物語なのです。
I. 痛みの中でも感謝
詩篇23:4 たとい、死の陰の谷を歩くことがあっても、私はわざわいを恐れません。あなたが私とともにおられますから。あなたのむちとあなたの杖、それが私の慰めです。
5 私の敵の前で、あなたは私のために食事をととのえ、私の頭に油をそそいでくださいます。私の杯は、あふれています。
6 まことに、私のいのちの日の限り、いつくしみと恵みとが、私を追って来るでしょう。私は、いつまでも、主の家に住まいましょう。
II. 未来がわからなくても感謝
- 風が吹く
風が強く吹くと、砂ぼこりが舞い上がります。 - 砂ぼこりで目を患う人が増える
砂ぼこりによって、目に障害が起きたり、目が見えにくくなる人が増える。 - 盲人が増える
その結果、視力を失う人が増える。 - 盲人は三味線を弾く
伝統的に、視力を失った人々の中には、三味線を職業にする人が多かった。 - 三味線の需要が増える
三味線がよく使われるようになると、その原料である猫の皮の需要が高まる。 - 猫の数が減る
猫の皮が使われるため、猫の数が減少する。 - ネズミが増える
猫が減ると、ネズミが増える。 - 桶がかじられる
増えたネズミが木製の桶をかじる。 - 桶の需要が増える
その結果、桶を新しく買い換える人が増える。 - 桶屋が儲かる
ローマ人への手紙8:28 神を愛する人々、すなわち、神のご計画に従って召された人々のためには、神がすべてのことを働かせて益としてくださることを、私たちは知っています。
III. 感謝する習慣の必要性
Let's Make 2025 a Year of Thanksgiving
January 5, 2025
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:18 "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." (ESV)
Canada changes every year, and in fact, the entire world is transforming at an unprecedented pace. In the past, time seemed to resolve issues, but now, time feels like it leaves us behind. However, amidst this ever-changing era, there are eternal words that remain unshaken: the words of the Bible. The Bible is full of messages that are vital for us living in the modern world. Today, let’s reflect on one of these messages: “Give thanks in all circumstances.”
The Sovereignty of God and Giving Thanks
Giving thanks in all circumstances is rooted in the premise that God is sovereign and almighty. In English, we use the word sovereignty, which has two aspects:
The passive side—that nothing happens without God’s permission.
The active side—that God plans and executes everything for His glory.
Many people believe history is something we humans create. However, the word “history” itself can be seen as “His Story”—a story written by God.
At the same time, we are given free will to make choices in life. Every day, we decide what to do or not do. God’s sovereignty encompasses even these choices. Before the foundation of the world, God knew every decision we would make, even our sins, and yet He still loves us.
An Illustration of Guidance
Imagine a lost ant. By blocking certain paths, we can guide it back to its nest. Although the ant chooses its route, it ultimately arrives where we intended. Similarly, God lovingly guides us, even as we make our own choices.
Take a moment to recall a time in your life when you thought you made a free choice. Upon reflection, was it truly free, or was it the only real option available?
In life, we often find ourselves making decisions under pressure. Consider the example of a robber pointing a gun at you and asking, “Your money or your life?” You have a choice, but the value of life makes the decision clear.
This is why we can give thanks in all circumstances—because God is lovingly orchestrating our lives.
Three Points for a Year of Thanksgiving
I. Giving Thanks in Pain
First, we can give thanks through faith. Life takes us through various paths, and even Christians experience pain. It’s not natural to be thankful for pain itself. Pain is painful, and sorrow is sorrowful. However, through faith, we can trust that God has allowed us to walk the path we are on.
Psalm 23:4: "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."
God not only plans our lives but also walks with us. Thus, even in the darkest valleys, we need not fear, for God is with us in His almighty power.
Psalm 23:5: "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows."
David speaks of having peace and provision even in the presence of his enemies. This peace comes from the assurance of God’s presence.
Psalm 23:6: "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever."
To dwell in the house of the Lord means that our hearts are kept in His presence. This psalm teaches us that even in the midst of tense situations, we can live a life of peace through the Lord’s grace.
II. Giving Thanks Despite an Unknown Future
People who struggle to give thanks often judge life solely by the present moment. If today is painful, they assume tomorrow will be painful too. But life is an adventure, and the future is unknown.
One of my favorite Japanese sayings is “When the wind blows, the cooper makes money.” It describes how seemingly unrelated events can connect through a series of indirect causes.
1 The wind blows
When the wind blows strongly, dust and sand are stirred up into the air.
2 More people suffer from eye problems
The dust and sand cause eye issues, leading to an increase in people with impaired or weakened vision.
3 The number of blind people increases
As a result, more people lose their eyesight.
4 Blind people play the shamisen
Traditionally, many blind individuals took up playing the shamisen as a profession.
5 The demand for shamisen increases
With the shamisen being played more frequently, the demand for its primary material—cat skin—rises.
6 The number of cats decreases
Because cat skin is used for making shamisen, the population of cats declines.
7 The population of mice increases
As the number of cats decreases, the population of mice grows.
8 Wooden buckets are gnawed by mice
The increased number of mice gnaws on wooden buckets.
Ultimately, it is the barrel maker who benefits. This story illustrates the complexity and unpredictability of cause-and-effect relationships. It helps us understand how things can influence each other in a chain reaction, especially when considering business or social phenomena. For Christians, it means that God always brings about good outcomes. This is because He works all things together for good.
Romans 8:28
"We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."
So far, we have learned that God is almighty, that He plans and executes our lives, and that He loves us. Moreover, as people who cannot foresee the future, we should not rush to make judgments but instead learn to give thanks, trusting in God's promise to work everything for good. The third step is practical application.
III. The Necessity of a Habit of Gratitude
However, the problem lies in how we grow accustomed to living without gratitude in the pessimism of life. Babies are born with smiles. Yet, after decades of hardships, people frown and grow into elderly individuals who can only view life negatively. Thus, transforming life into one of gratitude is essential.
The key to practicing gratitude is understanding that it is a decision and a habit. For instance, when we fall ill, our bodies feel pain. But if we decide to be grateful, our hearts are protected. Rather than focusing on the pain we cannot be thankful for, we should look for things we can be grateful for. That is the process of cultivating a habit of gratitude. At first, it might be necessary to create a gratitude journal and make a habit of recalling things to be thankful for.
I have also been keeping a gratitude journal since the end of last year. In my case, my journal has two columns: gratitude on the left and prayer requests on the right. I write about things that happened that day under gratitude. Concerns about myself or others go into the prayer section on the right. I review this journal daily. Interestingly, as I write in my journal, I begin to notice daily events in a way that makes me think, “This is something to include in my journal.”
Being thankful in all things can be rephrased as being thankful for small things. If we look, there are plenty of things to be grateful for. Gratitude for good health, for being able to wake up, for being able to sleep, for seeing a beautiful view, for enjoying delicious food, and for having things to be thankful for—all these are reasons to give thanks.
Among you, some are already practicing a life of gratitude. Please continue this lifestyle. Even if the day comes when you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, continue living with gratitude. Why? Because gratitude is truth. For those who worship a God of love, there is nothing that cannot be thanked for. When someone cannot be grateful, it is their way of thinking that is mistaken.
A patient who becomes angry at a doctor for causing pain while trying to heal them is mistaken. A child who rebels against a parent teaching them the right things is mistaken.
God is always doing what is best. There are no errors or failures in Him. Therefore, being grateful is not foolish. Christians who are thankful understand God best.
Let Us Pray
Heavenly Father,
We thank You for planning our lives and doing what is best. As David confessed, we sometimes walk through the valley of the shadow of death, yet You are with us. Job faced great trials in his life, but the Bible reveals that You allowed those temporary trials to bless Job. You are almighty and loving. There is no failure or error in You. Worshiping, praising, and living for You is a blessing, and we are grateful for it. Please help us to make gratitude, which is a right decision, a part of our daily lives. Through the Bible, teach us how right it is to live a life of gratitude. Bless this year so that it may be a year where we continue to rely on You.