マリヤの信仰 2

25 兵士たちはこのようなことをしたが、イエスの十字架のそばには、イエスの母と母の姉妹と、クロパの妻のマリヤとマグダラのマリヤが立っていた。
使徒の働き 1:14 この人たちは、婦人たちやイエスの母マリヤ、およびイエスの兄弟たちとともに、みな心を合わせ、祈りに専念していた。



III. 主の働きを見守る信仰
 ウィニペグでコリ―・テン・ブーム(Corrie ten Boom)姉の親族に会いました。彼女はコリ―・テン・ブームのお父さんの兄弟の子孫です。オランダ人で、当時オランダはナチスに協力するかナチスと戦うかの二者択一だったそうです。コリーテンブーンのお父さんは、ナチスをかくまったことで家族ごと強制収容所に入れられたのです。そこで、父、妹がひどい目に遭わされ死んでしまいました。本人も死ぬ直前で解放されました。
すると、コリ―の心に神の愛が流れ込みました。彼女は自分でも信じられないほどの力で、その男性の手を取り、こう言いました。「あなたを許します。」(『The Hiding Place(わたしの隠れ家)』より)


 ローマ人への手紙8:28 神を愛する人々、すなわち、神のご計画に従って召された人々のためには、神がすべてのことを働かせて益としてくださることを、私たちは知っています。

IV. 復活の希望を共有する信仰
使徒の働き 1:14 この人たちは、婦人たちやイエスの母マリヤ、およびイエスの兄弟たちとともに、みな心を合わせ、祈りに専念していた。  
詩篇90:10 私たちの齢は七十年。健やかであっても八十年。しかも、その誇りとするところは労苦とわざわいです。それは早く過ぎ去り、私たちも飛び去るのです。
1コリント15:42 死者の復活もこれと同じです。朽ちるもので蒔かれ、朽ちないものによみがえらされ、
1コリント 15:20 しかし、今やキリストは、眠った者の初穂として死者の中からよみがえられました。
忠実: 立場や役割にかかわらず、神の前では忠実であり続けることです。この後、マリヤは聖書に出て来ません。中心は初代教会に移りました。しかし、マリヤは忠実に自分の働きを行い続けたでしょう。神の前に大切なことは、派手な行動ではなく、忠実さです。
忍耐: 神の計画の成就を信じ、忍耐を働かせることです。信仰にはいつも忍耐が要求されます。私たちには自分の時間があります。しかし、神には神の時間があるからです。マリヤの生きている間にイエスの再臨はありませんでした。忍耐とは、信仰を維持するための力と言う事もできます。
祈り: 祈りを通して、マリヤは他の人々を支え、励まし、神の働きに貢献しました。神の働きは教会という共同体として行われるのです。


The Faith of Mary(Part2)

December 22, 2024
Scripture Reading: John 19:25
"But standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene." (ESV)
Acts 1:14
"All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers." (ESV)

In our last message, we reflected on Mary’s faith in trusting the Word of God until the end. When Mary received the announcement from the angel Gabriel that she would bear the Son of God, she responded in faith, saying, “Let it be to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38). Despite fear and uncertainty, Mary held firmly to the promise given to her by God. This teaches us the importance of believing in God’s Word, no matter the circumstances.

We also considered Mary’s faith in participating in God’s work. At the wedding in Cana, Mary informed Jesus of the lack of wine, initiating His first miracle (John 2:3). She believed in the power of God’s work and played her part in making it happen. Like Mary, we are called to take action, participate in God’s work, and involve others in faith-filled endeavors.

Today, we will look at the third and fourth aspects of Mary’s faith.

III. Faith to Observe God’s Work
Mary closely observed Jesus’ growth and ministry, patiently waiting for the appointed time for His public work to begin.

When Jesus was 12 years old, He astonished the teachers in the temple with His understanding. In response to His mother’s concern, He said, “Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” (Luke 2:49). Mary treasured these words in her heart (Luke 2:51). Mary sought to understand Jesus’ words and actions deeply, quietly praying and trusting in God’s plan.

Similarly, we are called to observe and seek to understand the work God is doing in our lives. Sometimes, we may not comprehend what God is accomplishing. Yet, even in moments of uncertainty or hardship, we must hold onto our faith and trust that God’s work is perfect.

Corrie ten Boom’s story offers a profound example. I had the privilege of meeting a relative of Corrie ten Boom in Winnipeg. This relative shared how their family faced a choice during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands: collaborate with the Nazis or resist them. Corrie’s father chose to protect Jews, leading to the family’s imprisonment in a concentration camp. There, her father and sister Betsie suffered greatly and lost their lives. Corrie herself was miraculously released just before she would have faced execution.

One day, after the war, Corrie gave a lecture in Germany on forgiveness and reconciliation. After the talk, a man approached her—a former concentration camp guard who had caused her family much suffering. The man, now a Christian, sought Corrie’s forgiveness, extending his hand to her. Overwhelmed with memories of pain and fear, Corrie initially felt she could not forgive him. But she prayed, “Lord, I cannot forgive this man, but You can. Please fill my heart with Your love.” God answered her prayer, enabling her to take his hand and say, “I forgive you.”

Mary, too, exemplified this kind of faith at the foot of the cross (John 19:25–27). She stood by Jesus during His crucifixion, enduring unimaginable pain as His mother. Yet, she remained steadfast, trusting in God’s plan and watching it unfold.

Faith calls us to witness God’s work, even when we cannot fully understand it. As Paul writes:
“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28, ESV)

IV. Faith to Share the Hope of Resurrection
In Acts 1:14, Mary joins the disciples in prayer as they prepare for Pentecost.
“All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers.” (ESV)

From Mary’s example, we learn the importance of prayer. Mary, who had fulfilled her role as Jesus’ mother, continued to support the early church as a prayerful presence. She helped nurture the next generation of believers, including Jesus’ brothers, James and Jude. Initially skeptical of Jesus, they later became pivotal leaders in the early church, with James becoming a key leader and Jude authoring the Epistle of Jude. Mary’s influence extended beyond her own family. She supported the growing church and its mission, praying for the spread of the gospel.

The resurrection of Christ was central to the message of the early church. This hope of resurrection is God’s greatest gift to humanity. Our lives are brief, and though we speak of a "100-year lifespan," few reach this age in good health. Life is filled with trials, yet the resurrection assures us of ultimate victory and eternal life.

Moses Writes in the Psalms:
"The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty; yet their span is but toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away."(Psalm 90:10, ESV)

Resurrection does not mean merely being revived to eventually die again. Resurrection means living forever. While we are currently given bodies subject to death because of sin, resurrection means being given bodies that will never perish.

"So is it with the resurrection of the dead. What is sown is perishable; what is raised is imperishable." (1 Corinthians 15:42, ESV)

We will be given sinless bodies and dwell eternally with God. The proof of this resurrection is found in the resurrection of Jesus. Earlier in the same chapter, it says:
"But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep." (1 Corinthians 15:20, ESV)

"Fallen asleep" refers to those who have died. The term "firstfruits" means the first portion of a harvest. In other words, Christ was the first to rise from the dead among those who believe in Him. This chapter emphasizes that the resurrection of Christ is a fact.

Mary and the disciples were witnesses of Christ’s resurrection. This is why they proclaimed the resurrection as the central message of the Church.

Recently, there has been a tendency to think that God's blessings are primarily about things going well in this life. As God is alive and we are His children, such blessings certainly exist. However, historically, the church's message has been about the hope of the resurrection and preparing for the coming return of the Lord.

Christmas is not only a time to give thanks for the Lord’s coming to bring salvation, but also a time to reflect on and prepare for His return as King. Christ may come tomorrow, and at that moment, our life on earth will end. Are there any unfinished tasks you need to address? There is one thing we cannot do in heaven, and that is evangelism. Christmas is not just a festive celebration—it is a time for Christians to deeply imprint in their hearts the truth that Christ will come twice.

The Gospel must not be reduced to a promise of worldly prosperity. The Gospel is this: if we believe in Jesus, we will not face judgment after death but will receive eternal life free from sin. Jesus died on the cross for this purpose. If God’s intention were merely to make believers worldly successes, Jesus would not have needed to die on the cross. The Son of God gave His life because forgiveness of sin was necessary.

Mary shared the hope of resurrection. After witnessing the resurrection and ascension of Jesus, she continued to pray for God’s plan to advance. Through her life, Mary demonstrated what it meant to live with hope in the resurrection, encouraging and setting an example for other believers.

To share hope requires selflessness. It also requires three key qualities: humility, patience, and prayer.

Regardless of her role or position, Mary remained humble before God. After this point in Scripture, Mary is not mentioned again. The focus shifted to the early Church. However, Mary likely continued her work faithfully. What matters to God is not grand gestures but faithfulness.

Faith requires patience, as we trust in God’s timing rather than our own. Mary did not live to see the second coming of Christ. Patience is the strength that sustains faith over time.

Through prayer, Mary supported and encouraged others, contributing to God’s work. God’s work is done as a church community.

So, we are also like Mary, let us participate in God’s work through prayer, support the community of faith, and wait for the fulfillment of God’s promises.

Let’s pray,
We give thanks for Christmas. In the world, it is seen as a joyful celebration. However, we are grateful that we can celebrate Christmas with a different perspective. Christmas is the evidence of God’s love—God Himself coming to this earth to bear the cross for our sins. Mary was the foremost witness of this. She was the one who stood closest to Jesus throughout His life. Mary accepted that God’s plan for Jesus included the cross and dedicated her life to the Gospel. Two thousand years later, the Gospel has reached us.

For Mary, watching her own son die on the cross must have been incredibly painful. Yet, that pain became hope and likely served as the driving force for spreading the Gospel.

Lord, may we follow Mary’s faith. Help us trust in Your plan and participate in Your work. Use us as a church that shares the hope of Christmas. In Jesus’s name, Amen.