31 ご覧なさい。あなたはみごもって、男の子を産みます。名をイエスとつけなさい。
32 その子はすぐれた者となり、いと高き方の子と呼ばれます。また、神である主は彼にその父ダビデの王位をお与えになります。
33 彼はとこしえにヤコブの家を治め、その国は終わることがありません。」
34 そこで、マリヤは御使いに言った。「どうしてそのようなことになりえましょう。私はまだ男の人を知りませんのに。」
35 御使いは答えて言った。「聖霊があなたの上に臨み、いと高き方の力があなたをおおいます。それゆえ、生まれる者は、聖なる者、神の子と呼ばれます。
36 ご覧なさい。あなたの親類のエリサベツも、あの年になって男の子を宿しています。不妊の女といわれていた人なのに、今はもう六か月です。
37 神にとって不可能なことは一つもありません。」
38 マリヤは言った。「ほんとうに、私は主のはしためです。どうぞ、あなたのおことばどおりこの身になりますように。」こうして御使いは彼女から去って行った。
I. 神の言葉を最後まで信じる信仰
ルカ1:31 ご覧なさい。あなたはみごもって、男の子を産みます。名をイエスとつけなさい。
32 その子はすぐれた者となり、いと高き方の子と呼ばれます。また、神である主は彼にその父ダビデの王位をお与えになります。
2サムエル7:12 あなたの日数が満ち、あなたがあなたの先祖たちとともに眠るとき、わたしは、あなたの身から出る世継ぎの子を、あなたのあとに起こし、彼の王国を確立させる。13 彼はわたしの名のために一つの家を建て、わたしはその王国の王座をとこしえまでも堅く立てる。
35 御使いは答えて言った。「聖霊があなたの上に臨み、いと高き方の力があなたをおおいます。それゆえ、生まれる者は、聖なる者、神の子と呼ばれます。
37 「神にとって不可能なことは一つもありません。」
38 マリヤは言った。「ほんとうに、私は主のはしためです。どうぞ、あなたのおことばどおりこの身になりますように。」こうして御使いは彼女から去って行った。
マタイ1:19 夫のヨセフは正しい人であって、彼女をさらし者にはしたくなかったので、内密に去らせようと決めた。
マタイ1:20 彼がこのことを思い巡らしていたとき、主の使いが夢に現れて言った。「ダビデの子ヨセフ。恐れないであなたの妻マリヤを迎えなさい。その胎に宿っているものは聖霊によるのです。
ヨハネ 19:25 兵士たちはこのようなことをしたが、イエスの十字架のそばには、イエスの母と母の姉妹と、クロパの妻のマリヤとマグダラのマリヤが立っていた。
まず、神の言葉への従順です。 神の言葉が自分の理解を超えるときも、それに「はい」と応えることです。そして、信頼です。 目に見える状況がどうであれ、神が語られた言葉が実現すると信じることです。最後に、忍耐です。 成就が遅れるように見えても、神の約束を待つことです。
II. 神の働きに参加する信仰
ヨハネ2:1 それから三日目に、ガリラヤのカナで婚礼があって、そこにイエスの母がいた。2 イエスも、また弟子たちも、その婚礼に招かれた。
ヨハネ2:4 すると、イエスは母に言われた。「あなたはわたしと何の関係があるのでしょう。女の方。わたしの時はまだ来ていません。」
ヨハネ2:5 母は手伝いの人たちに言った。「あの方が言われることを、何でもしてあげてください。」
11 イエスはこのことを最初のしるしとしてガリラヤのカナで行い、ご自分の栄光を現された。それで、弟子たちはイエスを信じた。
The Faith of Mary, the Mother of jesus
December 8, 2024
Scripture: Luke 1:31-38 (ESV)
Mary was chosen to be the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. Unlike the Catholic Church, we do not pray to Mary or regard her as sinless. Such beliefs are not in line with Scripture. However, as someone chosen by God, Mary was a woman of extraordinary faith.
The Bible does not specify Mary’s age when the angel Gabriel appeared to her. However, based on historical customs, it is believed she was in her teens—likely around the age of a modern high school student. Mary grew up in Nazareth, a small village where people primarily engaged in farming. Nazareth was situated on a hillside, and many homes were likely cave-like structures. Despite being a small community, the village had a synagogue where the Torah was taught every Sabbath. Mary regularly attended worship and learned the Scriptures from a young age.
Today, we will explore Mary’s faith through two stages:
Faith that believes God’s word to the end.
Faith that cooperates with God’s work.
I. Faith That Believes God’s Word to the End
Luke 1:31-32 (ESV)
"And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David.”
Approximately 2,000 years ago, the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, announcing that she would bear the Son of God. This was not ordinary news for a teenage girl. Yet, from this moment, Mary was given the life-altering role of becoming the mother of the Messiah.
The angel instructed her to name the child Jesus, which in Aramaic is Yeshua. In Hebrew, this name is Yehoshua (Joshua), meaning “The Lord is salvation.” Do you remember what Joshua did? He was the leader who brought the Israelites out of the wilderness into the Promised Land. In the same way, Jesus, as the Savior, leads people into God’s ultimate promise of salvation.
The angel further declared that God would give Jesus “the throne of his father David.” Here, “father” can also mean “ancestor.” This fulfills God’s promise in the Old Testament that the Messiah would come from David’s lineage:
2 Samuel 7:12-13 (ESV) "When your days are fulfilled and you lie down with your fathers, I will raise up your offspring after you, who shall come from your body, and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.”
This message revealed that the long-awaited Messiah of Israel would soon be born—not just as a human child but as the very Son of God. The chosen mother of this Messiah was a poor young woman from the humble village of Nazareth.
This shows us how God’s plans differ from human expectations. God does not prioritize wealth, status, or titles but looks for hearts that are directed toward Him.
Luke 1:35 (ESV) "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy—the Son of God.”
This was an extraordinary message—not just for Mary but for all humanity. The idea of a virgin giving birth to a child was unheard of, both then and now, from a medical perspective. Yet Gabriel affirmed:
Luke 1:37 (ESV) "For nothing will be impossible with God.”
This statement recalls the words spoken by an angel to Abraham in Genesis 18 when Sarah laughed at the idea of having a child in her old age. Just as God fulfilled His promise to Abraham and Sarah, He would fulfill this promise to Mary.
Mary responded with faith and submission:
Luke 1:38 (ESV)
"Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word."
Mary accepted not only the role of being the mother of God’s Son but also the incredible process by which this would happen.
Faith often involves trials. Mary’s journey of faith began with doubt from her closest ally—her betrothed, Joseph:
Matthew 1:19 (ESV) "And her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly.”
Joseph initially did not believe Mary’s explanation of the angel’s message. He planned to break off the engagement and send her away.
It might seem surprising that the Bible describes Joseph as a “just man” given his decision. However, Joseph believed Mary had committed adultery and thought marrying her would dishonor God. His decision was rooted in his desire to uphold righteousness according to the law.
Faith often involves believing in what seems impossible. Joseph’s doubt was addressed by divine intervention:
Matthew 1:20 (ESV) "But as he considered these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, 'Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.’"
Joseph’s faith was tested, and he chose to obey God’s word despite initial doubts. His willingness to adjust his understanding demonstrates the flexibility required of true faith.
Faith is not a solitary struggle. God provides help and intervention when needed. Mary’s greatest trial came at the cross, where she witnessed her Son’s death by the most excruciating method of execution:
John 19:25 (ESV) "But standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene.”
Mary remained at the foot of the cross, not as a grieving mother misunderstanding her Son’s fate but as a believer watching Him bear the sins of the world. Her faith did not waver, even in the most painful moments.
The essence of faith that believes God’s word to the end includes three qualities:
Obedience: Saying “yes” to God’s word even when it surpasses human understanding.
Trust: Believing God’s promises will come to pass despite circumstances.
Patience: Waiting for God’s promises to be fulfilled in His timing.
II. Faith That Participates in God’s Work
Let us open our Bibles to John 2. This is the well-known passage where Jesus turns water into wine.
John 2:1-2 (ESV)
On the third day there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus also was invited to the wedding with his disciples.
This scene takes place shortly after Jesus began His public ministry. At this time, Jesus was 30 years old. After being baptized, He started His work near Jerusalem, where He met Peter, Andrew, Philip, and Nathanael. He brought them along to attend the wedding at Cana in Galilee.
This story is familiar, so I won’t go into too much detail. In summary, during the wedding, they ran out of wine. Mary, the mother of Jesus, seems to have been on the host’s side of the event. Running out of wine at a celebration like a wedding would have been a significant embarrassment, potentially ruining the event. Seeing this, Mary turned to Jesus, asking for His help.
John 2:4 (ESV)
And Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.”
Although Mary did not know exactly how Jesus would respond, she trusted that He would act appropriately and accomplish God’s will.
God does not follow our commands, but neither does He ignore our requests. Faith that participates in God’s work means trusting in God’s methods and timing rather than insisting on our own. Mary believed in Jesus’ willingness and ability to respond to her plea, and she acted on that belief.
John 2:5 (ESV)
His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”
What follows is the miraculous transformation of water into wine. Through her faith, Mary not only witnessed God’s power herself but also enabled others to experience it. Her actions inspired those around her to participate and observe God’s work firsthand.
This event also strengthened the faith of the disciples:
John 2:11 (ESV)
This, the first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested his glory. And his disciples believed in him.
One person’s faith can lead many to see God’s glory. This is the grace of participating in God’s work. To do this, we must first be sensitive to the needs around us, pray to God, and trust in His timing and methods. Furthermore, we should involve others in the process, encouraging them to witness God’s work alongside us.
Faith, like love, is a verb. Saying “I believe” without action is meaningless. When Christians act on their faith, they move the mighty hand of God.
Not many people may wish to live a life like Mary’s, filled with challenges and suffering. However, without Mary, God’s plan of salvation would not have been fulfilled in the same way. God used this young woman to accomplish the greatest work of all: rescuing sinners through His Son.
Some argue that the Bible demeans women. But consider this: the most significant work in human history was entrusted to a woman. While Protestants do not venerate Mary as the Catholic Church does, we recognize her as an example of faith.
Next time, we will continue learning from Mary’s faith.
Let us pray.
Heavenly Father, we thank You for the great work You accomplished on earth through Mary’s faith. She believed in Your word and accepted Your plan. She trusted in Your power and persevered through trials and suffering. Bless us to learn from her faith, so that we, too, may participate in Your work and bring glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name, Amen.