


 10 私は、キリストとその復活の力を知り、またキリストの苦しみにあずかることも知って、キリストの死と同じ状態になり、
11 どうにかして、死者の中からの復活に達したいのです。




I. 過去から現在
3:12 私は、すでに得たのでもなく、すでに完全にされているのでもありません。ただ捕えようとして、追求しているのです。そして、それを得るようにとキリスト・イエスが私を捕えてくださったのです。

 ところで、神学用語で罪の性質のことをtotal depravityと言います。日本語では全的堕落と言います。つまり、完全に堕落して良いものは何一つないということです。ルターは、自伝の中で「私は神を憎んでいた。なぜなら、私は『神の義』という言葉を嫌い、憎んだからだ。」と書いています。これは、正直な告白であると共に、一つの真理を教えています。つまり、人はみな神の義が嫌いだということです。

ローマ3:10 それは、次のように書いてあるとおりです。「義人はいない。ひとりもいない。




3:15 ですから、成人である者はみな、このような考え方をしましょう。もし、あなたがたがどこかでこれと違った考え方をしているなら、神はそのこともあなたがたに明らかにしてくださいます。


1ヨハネ3:6 だれでもキリストのうちにとどまる者は、罪を犯しません。罪を犯す者はだれも、キリストを見てもいないし、知ってもいないのです。


3:16 それはそれとして、私たちはすでに達しているところを基準として、進むべきです。
3:17 兄弟たち。私を見ならう者になってください。また、あなたがたと同じように私たちを手本として歩んでいる人たちに、目を留めてください。






哀歌3:22 私たちが滅びうせなかったのは、主の恵みによる。主のあわれみは尽きないからだ。3:23 それは朝ごとに新しい。「あなたの真実は力強い。」






Press on to make it my own

November 24, 2024
Philippians 3:10-17

Last time, we learned that Paul considered everything unrelated to Christ as rubbish because those things distracted his eyes and heart from Christ. Today, we will learn that Paul had a clear life goal. To achieve that goal, he concentrated his time and energy, much like an athlete who discards unnecessary distractions to perform at their best. Paul’s way of life is our model. Let’s first examine verses 10 and 11.

Philippians 3:10-11:
10 that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death,
11 that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead.
These are difficult expressions. They describe sanctification. Sanctification is possible only through the power of Christ's resurrection, not by our own efforts. Sanctification involves suffering because the power of sin's temptation and bondage is strong. Aligning our hearts with God is not easy. Jesus suffered to the point of sweating blood in Gethsemane. Though Jesus was sinless, the full force of temptation to doubt the Father, rebel, or choose his own way was upon him. Even the smallest deviation would have been sin, and our salvation would have been lost. If he had sinned, he could not bear the sins of others.
The resurrection mentioned in verse 11 seems to refer to a state of minimal sin, not a sinless body. We will receive sinless bodies at Christ's second coming or at physical death. However, the meaning here refers to a state of minimal sin, which is theologically possible. We are born again with new sinless life in us. If we live through that new life, we can live lives with minimal sin. However, practically speaking, this is rarely achieved. Instead of living lives with minimal sin, we often choose lives filled with sin. Is it because Christ lacks power? No, it’s because sanctification requires our will cooperating with God’s power.

Our environment almost completely opposes sanctification. Temptations of the world are strong, and unless we retreat to a mountain, it’s nearly impossible to overcome them. Even in solitude, sinful thoughts arise. Yet giving up or becoming complacent is not true faith. Paul called everything that tempted him garbage, set his goal on becoming like Christ, and concentrated his life on that goal.

This is 90% of today’s message. Now, let’s continue with verses 12-16. To understand these verses, it is helpful to recognize that Paul speaks in three tenses: past, present, and future. Let’s first look at the past to the present.

I. From Past to Present
Philippians 3:12:
12 Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own.

Paul describes his life from the moment he became a Christian to now. This is in the present progressive tense. He encountered Christ, realized his previous way of life was wrong, and sought sanctification thereafter. Knowing Paul, he must have passionately worked to discard sin.

In theology, the sinful nature is called “total depravity,” meaning complete corruption where nothing good exists. Luther confessed in his writings, “I hated God because I hated the phrase 'the righteousness of God.’” This honesty reveals a truth: all people naturally hate God’s righteousness.

Some say that everyone strives to be good. This is humanism. The problem lies in the motivation behind being good—it's often self-serving. If doing good brought no benefit but only loss, would they still choose to do good?

Total depravity means that both the mind and heart are tainted by sin. Not only are we unable to do what is right, but we also dislike righteousness itself.
Romans 3:10:
“As it is written: None is righteous, no, not one.”

How does God turn totally depraved individuals toward sanctification? The answer lies in the latter part of the verse: Christ Jesus has made us his own.

Salvation and sanctification are interconnected. Salvation redirects a person’s life. Christ's cross not only saves but empowers sanctification. Sanctification begins with an awareness of sin. Before salvation, you may have learned ethics and morals or felt remorse for wrongs, but it likely did not transform your life. Through regeneration by the Holy Spirit, sin becomes clear, God becomes real, and the need for salvation is understood. The Holy Spirit continues to guide us toward righteousness, inputting a desire for holiness.

Sanctification is essentially a battle against sin. Every day, we choose between righteousness and sin. Our starting points differ—some begin as criminals, harboring hatred and murder in their hearts. Others can control their actions but are filled with sinful thoughts. Regardless, we all run our own race. Through Scripture and circumstances, God leads us to abandon sin. Paul then shifts focus to the future. Before this, something important is written:

Philippians 3:15 (ESV):
"Let those of us who are mature think this way, and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal that also to you."

This is included because, both then and now, false teachings have entered the church. Currently, in our prayer meetings, we are studying the letters of John. In his time, a false teaching called Gnosticism had infiltrated the church. This belief claimed that sanctification was unnecessary if one was already saved. According to this view, what mattered was whether one was saved, and it argued that those whose sins were forgiven could continue to sin without it being a problem.

In contrast, John taught that the gospel includes not only salvation but also sanctification.

1 John 3:6 (ESV):
"No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him."

Here, “keeps on sinning” refers to those who sin without remorse or concern. Such individuals do not truly understand the gospel.

Even today, there are pastors who claim that sanctification is unnecessary. Some denominations or theological groups even use doctrine to argue against the necessity of sanctification. Denying sanctification is essentially denying salvation, and denying salvation means that one is not truly saved.

Now, let us learn about how Paul approached his life from the present to the future.

II. From Present to Future
Philippians 3:16:
“Only let us hold true to what we have attained.”
Philippians 3:17:
“Brothers, join in imitating me, and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have in us.”

We struggle with perseverance, but faith is about aiming higher. It’s easier to live with small compromises with sin. We often excuse ourselves, thinking, "I can't aim that high." Yet Paul commands us not to stop or backslide. He even sets himself as an example: “Imitate me.”

Why can we persevere? Because we have the Holy Spirit, our greatest weapon. By seeking and relying on Him, righteousness works from within.
Faith is like a marathon. Watching someone complete a marathon is inspiring—they run 42.195 kilometers to the finish line, driven by discipline, preparation, and self-restraint. Similarly, God’s crown is given to those who finish the race.

In a recent message, I shared that the life of faith is like a marathon. Watching someone complete a marathon on television is always inspiring. They may have paused briefly along the way, but they kept running until they reached the finish line. With their eyes fixed on the goal, they completed the 42.195 kilometers. This distance cannot be conquered simply by a love for running. Even professional athletes sometimes retire mid-race. Completing a marathon depends more on training and self-discipline than on ability. Behind their success lies a lifestyle of health management and avoiding anything that could harm their performance.

Similarly, God’s crown is awarded to those who persevere to the end. You might currently be running through the toughest part of your marathon of faith. Or perhaps you’ve moved beyond the challenges to a smoother stretch. However, letting your guard down during easier times can lead to a fall. When the journey is difficult, slow down; when you can run faster, pick up the pace. Keep running toward the day you will receive God’s crown, anticipating it with joy.

An essential truth about sanctification is that failure is acceptable. We fail many times, but failure does not result in the loss of salvation. God allows failure because it enables us to learn and grow. Therefore, instead of fixating on failure, focus on moving from the present to the future.

Thomas Edison, after a failed experiment caused his factory to burn to the ground, demonstrated a fearless attitude toward failure. As he watched his factory burn, he called his family and said, “You will never see a fire like this again.” They watched the fire together. The next day, Edison lay on his desk in the ashes and asked those around him, “Can you make a list of the things we need to restart?” It was this kind of mindset that enabled Edison to invent not only the light bulb but many other great things.

God’s grace is renewed every day. Just as the sun rises each morning, the past is reset, and a new day begins.

Lamentations 3:22-23 (ESV):
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."

Application: The Power of Habit

Our lives are shaped by our habits, and habits are formed through consistent actions over time. A 2009 study by the University of London found that it takes an average of 66 days for a new behavior to become automatic. The first week requires sheer willpower. The next four weeks are the resistance phase, during which many people give up. However, if this phase is overcome, the behavior gradually becomes automatic and less effortful. Therefore, the critical point is the first five weeks.

Let’s take the sin of unbelief as an example. Most people, except the wealthy, must manage their finances. When finances are positive, there is peace. However, when they turn negative, anxiety grows, leading to unbelief in God. Similarly, health issues can cause pain and anxiety, weakening one’s faith.

Instead of succumbing to unbelief, try introducing gratitude. The Bible teaches that God will provide for our needs. Trust this truth and give thanks. Reflect on how God has been faithful throughout your life and express gratitude. Even when experiencing pain, trust that God is working for your good. Even in the case of a terminal illness, it means the time to enter heaven is drawing near. Gratitude can replace anxiety and prevent unbelief from taking hold. The key is not to linger in the temptation of sin but to replace it with gratitude and praise. Believe in Christ’s presence with you and trust in the Holy Spirit’s empowering strength. Start with small steps and gradually take on greater challenges.

As Christmas approaches, what kind of gospel are you sharing? Simply saying, “Believe in Jesus and you’ll go to heaven,” can sound like the kind of religious solicitation people dislike. A gospel accompanied by the testimony of a Savior who transforms my life carries a far greater impact. Share the power of the Savior who is actively changing you.

Let us pray:
Heavenly Father, we thank You for the example of Jesus, who was sinless, and Paul, who fought against sin. We also thank You for the Holy Spirit, who continually guides and helps us. Our steps are weak and unsteady, but please continue to guard and strengthen us so that we may keep running toward the goal. Amen.