
7 私があなたがたすべてについてこのように考えるのは正しいのです。あなたがたはみな、私が投獄されているときも、福音を弁明し立証しているときも、私とともに恵みにあずかった人々であり、私は、そのようなあなたがたを、心に覚えているからです。 
7 It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart; for whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel, all of you share in God's grace with me.

2コリント8:1 さて、兄弟たち。私たちは、マケドニヤの諸教会に与えられた神の恵みを、あなたがたに知らせようと思います。
1 And now, brothers, we want you to know about the grace that God has given the Macedonian churches.
2 苦しみゆえの激しい試練の中にあっても、彼らの満ちあふれる喜びは、その極度の貧しさにもかかわらず、あふれ出て、その惜しみなく施す富となったのです。
2 Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity.
 直接関係ないかも知れませんが、西洋文化で、食事前に「恵みを言ってください」という言葉があります。 “Who say Grace?” と言います。誰かが証をするのかなと思って見ていると、誰かが食前の祈りを始めるのです。つまり、これは「誰か祈ってください」という意味なのです。ここでも、恵みとは行動することです。
8 私が、キリスト・イエスの愛の心をもって、どんなにあなたがたすべてを慕っているか、そのあかしをしてくださるのは神です。
8 God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus.

 II. 愛の心が与えられる
 次に大事なことは、愛の心です。キリスト・イエスの愛の心ですから、神から来るものでなければなりません。イエスの愛とは、人間の愛とは違います。その愛は、相手によらずに愛する愛だからです。人間の愛は常に条件がついています。if、 becauseの愛と言えます。あなたが大事だから、または、あなたが私の役に立つからという条件です。その条件が消える時に、愛も消えます。これは、罪によってそうなってしまったのです。罪がない世界に行けば条件が消えます。主イエスには罪がないので、相手にかかわらずに愛することができるのです。私たちも聖霊の働きがある時に、相手によらずに愛する力が与えられます。
9 私は祈っています。あなたがたの愛が真の知識とあらゆる識別力によって、いよいよ豊かになり、
9 And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight,

III. 正しい愛を知る
1コリント13:6 不正を喜ばずに真理を喜びます。
6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
10 あなたがたが、真にすぐれたものを見分けることができるようになりますように。またあなたがたが、キリストの日には純真で非難されるところがなく、
10 so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ,
 11 イエス・キリストによって与えられる義の実に満たされている者となり、神の御栄えと誉れが現されますように。
 11 filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ--to the glory and praise of God.

Christian Grace and Love

September 1, 2024
Scripture: Philippians 1:7-11 

 Are Christians to be loved and praised? Or are they hated and attacked?
 There are two sides. When we follow the Bible and do righteous deeds, sometimes people have a good impression of us and sometimes they hate and criticize us. If we always want to be “liked and praised,” we must make a decision not to follow certain biblical passages. And if we do not want to be hated by everyone, we must obey the Bible. But in any case, we must know that when we do what is right, we will not be liked by everyone. Both the Lord Jesus and the Apostle Paul are admired by some. But not by all. What they both have in common is that they were executed even though they were not criminals in the worldly sense. Were they born in the wrong era? No. The times are always the same. From the prophets of the Old Testament to the apostles of the New Testament, all have obeyed the Word of God with the same result. Sometimes they are praised, sometimes they are hated. Sometimes by the same people.

 Now we are studying the letter to the Philippians. Paul wrote this letter from prison. He was put in prison because he was hated by the Jewish leaders of his people. He was almost killed, but because he was a Roman citizen, he appealed to Caesar and was put in jail in the time before his trial. He was informed by the Philippian church. Not from the Internet, as it is now, but from one young leader from Philippi who came to Paul out of desperation. Paul prayed for the Philippian church and was led to write this letter.

 In the last message, I spoke about Paul's assurance of faith that God would surely sanctify the Philippian church because it had been chosen by God. This applies to us and to our brothers and sisters. We are discouraged, but not disappointed, because God is at work. Disappointment comes from thinking that our own wisdom and abilities determine everything. If we hold on to the promise that God will work, the more disappointed we are in ourselves, the more we rely on God. That is God's plan.

 But this does not mean a passive life, leaving everything up to God. It does not mean a life of laziness and not doing what you need to do. Believing in the Lord Jesus is more like living actively, trusting in God's grace. Let us read the text together.

7 It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart; for whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel, all of you share in God's grace with me.

I. Grace is given.
 The important phrase here is "those who share in God's grace." This has a different nuance from merely receiving God's grace together. While grace often brings to mind an image of being unilaterally given by God and just receiving, this is not the case here.

 It's fundamentally different from envying someone who seems to have only good things happen to them because they are receiving grace. Of course, we can say this in terms of salvation—God unilaterally saved us in our weakness. However, in daily life, grace actually means being called to work.
2 Corinthians 8:1: And now, brothers, we want you to know about the grace that God has given the Macedonian churches.

 Whether this refers specifically to the Philippian church or includes it is not entirely clear, but it is certain that it refers to them. This grace is specifically described in the following verse:

2 Corinthians 8:2: Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity.

 This passage continues to verse 6, but essentially, grace here refers to giving. Grace is not "receiving," but rather "giving." More precisely, it is the flow of giving that has come from God’s own giving. It is not grace to hoard what one has received. In other words, Paul’s phrase "those who share in grace with me" means those who have used their gifts for God’s work. Many people misunderstand grace as merely receiving, but grace is the power to give, which is given by God.

It might seem unrelated, but in Western culture, there is the phrase "Say Grace" before a meal. When someone asks, "Who will say Grace?" it seems like they are asking for a testimony, but in reality, someone begins a prayer of thanks. This shows that grace here also refers to an action.
Our physical bodies, health, and abilities are gifts from God. Those who truly understand grace are those who use these gifts for God's work. Next, verse 8:

8 God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus.

II. The Heart of Love is Given
Next, what is crucial is the heart of love. Since it is the heart of the love of Christ Jesus, it must come from God. The love of Jesus is different from human love. His love is unconditional, meaning he loves regardless of the recipient. Human love always comes with conditions. It can be described as love that depends on "if" or "because." For instance, "I love you because you are important to me" or "because you are useful to me." When those conditions disappear, so does the love. This is a result of sin. In a world without sin, conditions would vanish. Because the Lord Jesus is without sin, He can love regardless of the recipient. Similarly, when we are under the influence of the Holy Spirit, we are given the power to love irrespective of the recipient.

 Therefore, Paul is not saying, "I love you because the Philippian church supports me financially." In fact, it might be the opposite. Paul would have loved even a church with problems and difficulties in the same way. In reality, he loved even the Corinthian church, which attacked and criticized him. The reason for this is that he received the love of Jesus. We do not love because we like someone; we love even those we do not like. We do not love because someone is valuable to us; we love because the other person needs love.

  However, to do this, we must change the source of love from people to God. To love others, we must always receive love from God. The good news is that God is the source of perfect love. God's love is eternally unchanging.

When Jesus came, those who had not been loved by society found hope. They realized that God loved them. Jesus was the hope for sinners. The church is also the hope of the world. This is not because it is a charitable organization, but because it carries the message that God can accept any sinner. The church is an organization that communicates the magnificence of God's love, and we are witnesses of God's love.

 Paul testifies that God's love is working within him. This is not because Paul was a particularly outstanding human, but because the Holy Spirit was working within him. However, God's love is different from mere kindness.

9 And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight,

III. Knowing the Right Kind of Love
In verses 9 to 11, Paul speaks about the necessity of knowledge and discernment in love. This is a crucial point today. Love must be based on correct knowledge. Humanism also proclaims a noble form of love, such as slogans like "Let’s love humanity. Every person is valuable." However, humanism is a rebellion against God and the Bible. Their love is blind and not based on true knowledge.
Earlier, we talked about how God loves every sinner. However, God does not save every sinner's soul. In Japan, even the most heinous criminals are referred to as "buddhas" after they die. In humanism, people are considered "buddhas" even without dying. The term "Christian humanism" refers to those who have moved outside the bounds of orthodox theology.

 Here, Paul mentions "true knowledge and all discernment." What does this mean? True knowledge comes from God and is derived from the Bible, which is God’s revelation. Human wisdom or knowledge does not acknowledge God; hence, it is not true knowledge.

In the Bible, the definition of love is given in 1 Corinthians 13.

1 Corinthians 13:6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

This teaches us that love is not blind. In other words, love cannot make sin disappear. Imagine a judge sees his own child in the defendant's seat, and he says through tears, "I love my child, so I will declare him innocent." Would this move the prosecutor and those in attendance to be impressed by the judge’s love? Would the victim reflect, "I am sorry that I could not love him"?

If love is defined as deviating from God's standards, then it is not love. An attitude of "sinners should not be condemned because God is love, so everything is forgiven" is merely a rebellion against God. If love is rejected and opposed, it transforms into justice. God changes from a God of love to a God of justice. God’s standard of justice is extremely high, and no one can be deemed righteous before Him by their deeds.

 Furthermore, love should lead a person toward positive change, not toward negative outcomes, which is merely indulgence. Let’s read verse 10. 

10 so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ.

 The phrase "until the day of Christ" refers to the day of Christ's return and the day we stand before Him. On that day, the direction of love is to be transformed from sin into Christ-likeness.

 For this, correct knowledge is necessary. Paul’s letters balance theology and practice. In Ephesians and Romans, theology is presented first, followed by practical applications. Without theology, practice can lead one astray. When we learn theology and base our actions on it, we can bear good fruit. 

11 filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ--to the glory and praise of God.

 The fruit of love can also be called the "fruit of righteousness." The fruit of righteousness is not about personal success in life. It is about manifesting God's glory and praise through one’s life. This is completely different from being wealthy or worldly success without character. Righteousness is about right actions. Christ and Paul did not desire worldly success but rather wished to walk the path of God’s will.

 Originally, to be saved means to live for God’s glory. Christians face two choices: to live for themselves or for God. Non-Christians live for themselves, which is the direction of sin. However, Christians have changed direction from sin to righteousness, which is the path of living for God’s glory.

 Initially, there may be mistakes. One might think they are living for God while actually living for themselves. As faith develops, the difference becomes apparent. Understanding this difference means recognizing what God's glory truly is.

 God’s glory is not merely about the work done. It is not about how many people gather for evangelistic meetings or how many come to faith and get baptized. While these are wonderful, they are not directly related to God’s glory.

God’s glory is not about the work done for God but about the character that resembles Jesus. God’s glory is manifested through Jesus working within us. This can be good news for some and bad news for others. Some may display God’s glory through small, unremarkable actions, while others who excel in grandiose tasks may not display God’s glory.
If God’s glory were measured by the size of work, I would have manifested God’s glory significantly when I was in Japan. I pastored a large church, built a large church building, and preached the gospel in venues accommodating nearly a thousand people multiple times. I was also active in missions, sending missionaries and serving as an officer in mission organizations. I was dedicated to combating hunger, serving as a board member of a hunger relief organization, and visited impoverished countries. I served as the PTA president of a famous school in Osaka for five years. Every day was a work for God. I carried out everything without hesitation, believing it was for God. However, these works are not God’s glory. How many people who met me saw the greatness of God through me? Youth may have passion, but God’s glory is revealed more through one’s character than through actions.

 Our internal transformation and how Jesus works within us—how we live like Jesus—is the crucial point. And this is always because the Holy Spirit works within us.

 Last week, many people gathered in Banff for a joint worship service. What mattered was not the number of people gathered or the enjoyment, but that a correct biblical message was preached and everyone listened earnestly. Even if only five people had gathered, if God’s word was faithfully preached and everyone listened attentively, it would have been a good service. We need to learn and be transformed daily. For that, we must understand the Bible correctly—knowing God’s nature, God’s plan, and what God expects from us.

Today, we learned about Christian grace and love. Grace is about receiving it in its true form when shared. Love is different from worldly love; it does not distinguish between likes and dislikes. However, love and humanism are different. Love must be based on the truth of the Bible.

 Let us pray.
 Heavenly Father, we thank You for loving us and granting us grace. Please help us not to waste that grace. We desire to be transformed to be like Jesus. Bless us so that we live not by our ego but in a Christ-like manner. Forgive us for the times we live for our own glory rather than for Your glory, and help us to embody the character of Jesus.