
ピリピ1:3 私は、あなたがたのことを思うごとに私の神に感謝し、
I. 神のしてくださったことに感謝する
 4 あなたがたすべてのために祈るごとに、いつも喜びをもって祈り、5 あなたがたが、最初の日から今日まで、福音を広めることにあずかって来たことを感謝しています。

 II. 神の働きに感謝する
6 あなたがたのうちに良い働きを始められた方は、キリスト・イエスの日が来るまでにそれを完成させてくださることを私は堅く信じているのです。

III. 信仰によって感謝する
エペソ1:4 すなわち、神は私たちを世界の基の置かれる前から彼にあって選び、御前で聖く、傷のない者にしようとされました。
ローマ5:3 そればかりではなく、患難さえも喜んでいます。それは、患難が忍耐を生み出し、4 忍耐が練られた品性を生み出し、練られた品性が希望を生み出すと知っているからです。


Christian's Thankful Life
August 11, 2024
Scripture: Philippians 1:3-6
 Last week, we talked about what it means to be a Christian. It is important to know that we are God's servants, that we are saints, that we belong to God, and that we are partakers of His work.
 Today I will talk about our life of thanksgiving as such. As I told you last week, when Paul wrote his letter to the Philippian church, he was in prison. But he did not fall into anxiety or fear; rather, he exhorted others and spoke the gospel with conviction. It is the same as when he started the Philippian Church. Ten years before this time, he was put in jail for speaking the gospel in Philippi. But he praised by faith. When Christians express their gratitude differently from the gratitude of the world, the gospel moves forward and the church becomes stronger.
 Now, today we begin with verse 3.
Philippians 1:3 I thank my God every time I remember you.
What we see here is that the object of thanksgiving is God. This is a big difference between Christian thanksgiving and non-Christian thanksgiving.
 When we want to be thankful for something, we inevitably need people or things to be thankful for. In other words, we are influenced by our environment. But if we are thankful to God, we need only trust that God will do what is best.
I. Thank God for what He did
 In fact, the Philippian church was on the verge of schism at this time. There were also Judaists who wanted to twist the gospel and bring heretical teachings into the church. But even under these circumstances, Paul was thankful to God. This was because God had done great work in creating the Philippian church.
 When Paul and Silas followed God's command and went to Philippi in Macedonia, God first let them meet Lydia. Through the conversion of Lydia and her family, the Philippian church was born. Later, they were put in prison. However, when a great earthquake occurred there, Paul and Silas did not run away, and the jailer and his family were saved and connected to the church.
 When they remembered this sequence of events, they could give thanks to God. We can likewise remember and give thanks for past blessings.
 Even if the current situation is not good, we can remember and thank God for the past in which He has worked.
 Whenever I lose sight of God's grace, I remember the grace of the past. The God who has done good things in the past is the same God who will do good things in the future. The Christian always remembers the past and gives thanks for it. We should not judge things by looking only at the present. If God has done good things in the past, He will do good things in the future. One of the qualities of God is truthfulness. In English, it is faithful. People may betray us, but God is 100% perfect. God who has done good in the past will do good in the future.
 Next, verses 4 and 5.
Philippians1:4 In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy 5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now,great work

 II. Thank God for His work
 Next, we thank God for His work up to the present. In English, this is in the present perfect tense.
By "God's work" we mean the Philippian church's participation in spreading the gospel. In the original language, the word “koinonia” is used, meaning that they are doing it together. In other words, the Philippian church supported Paul's ministry with donations. They gave donations to Paul many times.
 Mission is not only done by missionaries, but missionaries and those who support missionaries are doing missions together. Missionaries and pastors are people who have decided to do God's work rather than the world's work. But they can do it because they actually have people behind them who support them and their families so that their lives are protected.
 Paul wrote this letter to thank you for the offer. The Philippian church gave the offering to Paul, who was living as a prisoner in Rome, through a church member named Epaphrodite. Paul was pleased with this. It was not that he was happy that they gave him the money, but rather because the Philippians knew well the will of God. In other words, they knew that God was working in the Philippian church.
 There are two possibilities when a person does something good. Either he is doing it for himself or he is doing it for God. If he is doing it for God, then the Holy Spirit is at work. If the Holy Spirit is at work, then God's plan is being fulfilled.
 In any case, a church that is dedicated to missions is a church that is being used by the Holy Spirit. The cross of the Lord Jesus is for those who believe. If you do not believe, you cannot receive salvation. God always works in churches that are zealous for missions and uses them in every age.
 Yesterday, there was a Japanese festival in Calgary. It was Japanese style, compact and neatly organized. In the midst of it, Gospel Church and Crossover Church were handing out church tracts. Even in the afternoon, the tracts were still piled up, but I think the message was conveyed that there are Japanese Christian churches in Calgary. Some of the youth were wearing Sunnyside T-shirts with "Glory to God" written in Japanese. I think this is a good way of proselytizing that is not too pushy.
 Also, giving an offering shows your faith in God. You don't have to give money to a religion. We give because God is really there. It is our choice whether to accumulate wealth on earth or in heaven. However, we cannot give faithfully without the work of the Holy Spirit.
 Next, Paul's thanksgiving turns to the future.
6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

III. Thank God for what He is going to do
 In order to thank God for the future, we need faith. This is because when we look at reality, sometimes our expectations are not fulfilled, and sometimes the help we need does not come. Gratitude by faith is to be thankful while looking at the future that God has planned for us.
 We naturally thank God when good things happen. When bad things happen, we are thankful because we "still believe that God is allowing it for a good plan.” Therefore, we cannot be thankful unless we are aware of the existence of God. Christian gratitude is always by faith.
 Here, “good works” are about sanctification. When it comes to sanctification, we are often disappointed in others and in ourselves. But God's plan is for us to be transformed daily into holiness.
Ephesians 1:4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.
 God is perfect and He never fails. Therefore, if you are a Christian, your heart will always change and your actions will always change.
 God can see the present from the future. This is similar to a parent looking at their child. Parents see their children 20 years from now. When they raise a child of 2 or 3 years old, they expect that one day this child will become independent and will be filial to their parents in the future. Even if the child is naughty, even if the child does poorly in school, the parents believe in the child's future.
 Therefore, Christians always expect and give thanks to God. They give thanks, believing that "the Lord will surely work."
 The life of faith is like a game. It is a game of how far we can trust God's truth and plan in the circumstances we find ourselves in. You may think that it is impossible to believe in an unseen God because it is difficult even to believe in people, but you have the help of the Holy Spirit. We have the help of the Holy Spirit, and working in partnership with the Holy Spirit, we will finish in heaven by believing in the Lord's grace.
 The fruit of faith is gratitude and joy. This is essentially different from the world's teaching that we should be positive thinkers or positive personalities. We cannot successfully navigate the stormy waters of life by simply changing our thinking. It is in the midst of tragedy and hardship that we can trust God's truth and plan with the help of the Holy Spirit.
 Paul and Silas praised God in prison. However, they were whipped before that. They were in pain and did not know what would happen to them in the future, but they praised God. The Christian life is a series of trials and tribulations. But in the midst of it all, we realize God's plan and give thanks to Him.
Romans 5:3 Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope.
 Here we have a refined character, which is sanctification. We cannot be completely sinless on earth, but God will give us a perfect body when we get to heaven. That is the hope. In this light, we can see that tribulation and perseverance are God's plan. Sanctification also includes humility. Humility is a difficult thing to acquire. Pretending to be humble can be learned. But we find that true humility is quite difficult. Our ego is so strong that we feel uncomfortable unless we are at the center. Last week I said that a Christian is a servant of God. A servant lives for his master. We should not make our Master our servant. We should live to praise God, but we should not use God for our own praise.
 From the 1980's until recently, two false teachings have entered the church. They are positive thinking and prosperity gospel.
 Positive thinking is an idea that people in the world have become addicted to because it is taught along with the law of success. It is the law that if you think positively and positively about everything, things will go well. The prosperity gospel is also the teaching that if you believe in the gospel, things will go well, especially if you get rich. It has been adopted by some Christians, but it is not a biblical teaching. Nowhere the Bible says that believing in Jesus will make you a worldly success. Rather, the opposite is true.
 Positive thinking and prosperity gospel do not say grating things like becoming a disciple of the Lord or obeying His Word. Nor does it say that we are sinners before God, foolish beings incapable of sinning. He tells us that "you are wonderful, that you have potential, that your life would be better if you harnessed God's power. " And many of those who believed this kind of teaching eventually left the church. Because that is not God's plan. Because they feel that blessings come to others and only trials come to them. God does not work according to false teachings.
 To sum up today's talk, Christians thank God for His grace that works in the past and in the present. They are also thankful for God's grace that will work in the future as well. Not only are we thankful, but we rejoice by faith and have peace by faith. We also live in God's plan. That plan is to sanctify us. Let us be thankful that God is working for that. Let us thank God that the Holy Spirit is at work.

Let us pray.