
1 キリスト・イエスのしもべであるパウロとテモテから、ピリピにいるキリスト・イエスにあるすべての聖徒たち、また監督と執事たちへ。
2 どうか、私たちの父なる神と主イエス・キリストから、恵みと平安があなたがたの上にありますように。

 昔アーサーホーランド宣教師が口癖のようにこう言っていました。「キリスト教はreligion ではなくて、relationshipである」と。







ピリピ1:1 キリスト・イエスのしもべであるパウロとテモテから、ピリピにいるキリスト・イエスにあるすべての聖徒たち、また監督と執事たちへ。

I. キリスト・イエスのしもべたち






II. キリスト・イエスにある聖徒たち




ピリピ1:6 あなたがたのうちに良い働きを始められた方は、キリスト・イエスの日が来るまでにそれを完成させてくださることを私は堅く信じているのです。


エペソ2:10 私たちは神の作品であって、良い行いをするためにキリスト・イエスにあって造られたのです。神は、私たちが良い行いに歩むように、その良い行いをもあらかじめ備えてくださったのです。



III. 教会を作り、成長させる者たち

2テモテ2:2 多くの証人の前で私から聞いたことを、他の人にも教える力のある忠実な人たちにゆだねなさい。


 2 どうか、私たちの父なる神と主イエス・キリストから、恵みと平安があなたがたの上にありますように。

IV. 恵みと平安を祈る者たち IV. Prayers for Grace and Peace









Christian ID
August 4, 2024
Scripture: Philippians 1:1-2

 As missionary Arthur Holland was fond of saying, "Christianity is not a religion, but a relationship.”
 Religion is intellectual and one-sided. In Islam, Buddhism, and other religions, people read the scriptures and study them very hard. They try to connect with God through the teachings of those scriptures. Many other religions are one-sided, seeking God from the human side. They think they know God through a few spiritual experiences, and they seek God through prayer, zazen, and other forms of ascetic practice. On the other hand, the God of the Bible is a God who seeks to teach Himself. This is not only through knowledge, but also through spiritual fellowship. The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is the story of people who had personal communion with God. Abraham lived his life according to what God told him to do. Moses talked with God, and David had daily communion with God and wrote many Psalms. God was not satisfied with that, and finally God Himself came in human form. The people of that time, including the 12 apostles, were able to communicate with God through words. Today, God the Holy Spirit is inside. We do not just read the Bible. The Holy Spirit teaches us the Bible. We do not just pray vaguely. The Holy Spirit leads us in prayer, and we can have spiritual communion with God.

 If you believe in God based only on knowledge and fragmentary spiritual experiences, you will not be able to rely on God in the midst of hardships or have patience in the midst of difficult times. After all, it is God who is connected only by knowledge. In other words, we don't know if He is really there. But those who have fellowship with God can trust Him. They seek God's help rather than human help. Even if it is hard, we can persevere if we know it is God's plan. That is the life of faith.

 Today I would like to begin our study of the Epistle to the Philippians. The main theme of Philippians is "Rejoice in the Lord.” means to trust and rejoice in God's promises and blessings, which we cannot see at this time, rather than in the reality we can see.
 Paul is thought to be in a Roman prison when he wrote this letter. He was allowed a certain amount of freedom so he could write the letter, but being a prisoner also meant that he could be executed at any moment.
 He wrote this letter after hearing about the situation of the Philippian’s church from a man named Epaphroditus and feeling the need to write a letter.

 Let's review a little about the Philippian church. On his second missionary journey, Paul was thinking of missions in the Asian region, west of what is now Turkey. However, he had a vision in which a Macedonian appeared to him in a dream and said, "I want you to come over to Macedonia and help us.” So he crossed over to Macedonia. He went to Philippi, the first colonial city in Macedonia. There was no Jewish synagogue in Philippi. Normally, he would go to a synagogue to evangelize. So he went to a place where there was a prayer gathering. There, he shared the gospel with a woman named Lydia. She accepted the Lord Jesus and was baptized. Her family was also saved. Her house later became the Philippian Church.

 But then the famous story happened. It was those who hated Paul and Silas who spread falsehoods about them and put them in jail. Ordinarily, this would have been discouraging, and they would have grumbled and whined, but not Paul and his friends. They praised in the Lord in prison. Then there was an earthquake. In those days, the jailer was severely punished if he let a prisoner go out. So the jailer tried to commit suicide. However, Paul did not run away from the earthquake but told the jailer about the gospel. When the jailer learned of this, he came to believe in the Lord Jesus because of their praise and Paul's actions toward him.

 This praise in prison should have continued to be spoken in the Philippian church. It is likely that Paul wrote his letter on the theme of joy to remind them of this. First of all, Paul himself was a prisoner as he was then, and he himself was "rejoicing in the Lord" as he was then.

 So much for the background, let's look at verse 1.

Philippians 1:1 Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, To all the saints in Christ Jesus at Philippi, together with the overseers and deacons.

I. Servants of Christ Jesus
 First, the epistle begins, "Servants of Christ Jesus.” This teaches Paul's humility. For Paul, he is a man who can say either "I am a great apostle" or "You are what you are today because of me.” However, he places himself in the position of "servant," or slave.

 Many people think that pastors and teachers are servants of the Lord. But we are not the Lord's servants alone. This is all of us who believe in the Lord. The identity of a Christian is "servant of the Lord.

 Some people may resist the status of servant. Slavery is a bad system. But being a slave of God is a very high level position. God is the top being in the world, so how high a level is being His servant? Also, being a servant means that God needs and uses you. How privileged is that? The Lord Jesus is the one who even calls us "friends" even though we are His servants.

 In fact, we are all under someone, that is, under some authority. Parents, presidents, schools, nations, etc. It is important to obey those human authorities, but people betray and exploit us. The only One in whom we can truly trust and obey even if we surrender everything to Him is God. God is the one who even gave His only begotten Son because He loves us so much.
 Therefore, being a servant of God is a privilege and a blessing.

 Now, Paul mentions the name Timothy here. Timothy is a third-generation Christian. His grandmother was a devoted Christian. That faith was passed on to his mother, and then to Timothy. He had a pure and honest faith. That is why he was Paul's right hand man.

 The reason why Timothy is mentioned here is that Paul had sent Timothy to the Philippian church. So they had received instruction from Timothy as well.

II. the saints in Christ Jesus
 Next, the letter is addressed to "all the saints in Christ Jesus at Philippi. Saints is saints in English. However, saints are not those who have done some great work or hold some great position.

 First of all, saints do not mean those who live holy lives, that is, those who live clean and righteous lives. The word "holy" means sanctified, that is, set apart. When the Bible uses this word, it is to be on God's side. That is, people who have moved from the kingdom of sin to the kingdom of God. That is, people who believe in God and live a life of faith. We are also saints.

 But there is another meaning of saints. We are "saints" because we are convinced that God will eventually transform us into "pure ones.” This is true when we look at ourselves, and it is also true when we look at other Christians. Although we are unclean now, we will eventually be made holy through the work of the Holy Spirit. Some people do not need faith to believe this, but others need great faith. But God's promise and power make it possible.
 Some Christians, however, misunderstand and say, "Well, now my sins are forgiven, so that's good enough for me." But this is not so.

 In the Bible, God first forgave our sins with the goal of making us holy. Let's read and look at verse 6 a little later in today's passage.

Philippians 1:6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

 In other words, it is in God's plan that we become holy.

Ephesians 2:10 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. In other words, our becoming holy is a natural process that God has ordained. But some people resist God's grace. They continue to choose the path of sin. But it is a path that involves pain and hardship. If we leave it to the Lord, we will naturally become holy.

 Therefore, we are already saints, but from now on let us be worthy to be called saints.

III. Those who build and grow the church
 The words "overseer and steward" appear. Overseer means pastor or elder. We can see that Paul, in his missionary work, built the church with the gospel and raised up leaders. No matter how much evangelism is done, without the church, saved souls will be separated from the Lord. And if the church does not nurture those souls and become church leaders, the church will disappear after a few years. Right now, churches around the world are not able to pass on leaders to the next generation. One leader has 40 years at most. During that period, he must raise up young leaders, and the next leader must stand after him.

 Paul teaches this to his disciple Timothy in another letter.
2 Timothy 2:2 And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.

 Therefore, as you care for the church now, pray for the church in the future. The blessings of the church must continue from the present generation to the next. It is also necessary for the church to move forward and continue to speak the gospel. The next generation will come from the Christian home, but also from non-Christians. Paul himself was a missionary in the Antioch church. Through them, many Gentiles believed in the Lord and became church leaders. Next, let us read verse 2.

 2 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

IV. Prayers for Grace and Peace
 Here Paul prays for grace and peace to be upon the church in Philippi. “Grace and peace" is something we all need. Grace is a gift from God. We are happy when we receive a gift. It is especially nice when it is from God. Peace is the state of a blessed heart. Joy is the state of a blessed heart. The peace that Christians have is not a life in the tranquil countryside where nothing goes wrong, but a peaceful heart that is confident that the Lord is with us when the storms blow. The peace that God gives is a peace of mind that we can have no matter what our visible condition is.

 In other words, grace is a real blessing that God gives us, but peace is a mind at peace with the truth of God, whether it is given to us now or not.

 As for me, I would have much less problems if I stayed in Japan. I could do most things by myself. I was repeating the same daily routine in the peaceful scenery of Japan. However, after coming to Canada, that is not the case anymore. First of all, I cannot communicate in English as much as I would like. In Japanese, it is impossible for me not to be able to hear what the other person is saying, no matter who he/she is. However, in English, there are times when I cannot understand what some people are saying at all.
 Second, it is my position. If you are in Japan, it is your country. If there is a problem, the government will do something about it and you have the right to receive its protection. However, in Canada, we are one of the foreigners. There is no need for Canada to protect our family, saying “If you don't like here, go back to your own country." That is the end of the story.

 At first, I could not get a driver's license. I could not even open a bank account. When I brought my passport to become a member of Costco, I was told, "You must have a Canadian driver's license.” Also, I could not get a credit card. For the first few months, I tried my best with a Japanese credit card. It was the time when Canadian dollar was going up and up, and I had to pay a lot of exchange commission. It was also hard to rent a house. However, the Lord helped me each time.

 There were two things I learned through this experience. One is that I am not in control of my life. And that you can't do that. Everything is in God's plan. When you can do many things on your own, you forget that, but when you can't do them on your own, you realize it.

 Another thing is that Christians can have peace in any situation. God's love and grace never change. God is beyond circumstances. Before God, no reality matters. If you can remember that you are a child of God, you do not need to fear or worry because God Almighty is with you. It is better to be a Christian and have the Lord with you even if you have nothing than to be a non-Christian and have everything.
 When we think about these two things, it gives us peace to know that God is with us and has everything planned out for us in a world that we cannot control.
 And this also becomes a prayer for other Christians.

 Many times when I pray intercessory prayers, I don't know the person’s problems. At that time, I pray something like this, “God, You know his or her problem. Please solve the problem in your time and way. Just give him or her peace now. And help him or her to deal with this problem with faith."

 Paul would actually have prayed this daily for the churches he pioneered. Grace and peace are what we all need, and God is the one who answers our prayers.
 We can always pray without knowing the specific request for prayer. We can also pray for non-Christians. Non-Christians may think that peace means good things happening. But the greatest peace is the presence of Almighty God.

Let us pray.