人生の成功者4 リーダーシップ









 創世記 39:21 しかし、主はヨセフとともにおられ、彼に恵みを施し、監獄の長の心にかなうようにされた。 




ローマ5:3 そればかりではなく、患難さえも喜んでいます。それは、患難が忍耐を生み出し、4 忍耐が練られた品性を生み出し、練られた品性が希望を生み出すと知っているからです。





I. 心を純粋に保つ Keep your heart pure 
 1 ヨセフは、そばに立っているすべての人の前で、自分を制することができなくなって、「みなを、私のところから出しなさい」と叫んだ。ヨセフが兄弟たちに自分のことを明かしたとき、彼のそばに立っている者はだれもいなかった。2 しかし、ヨセフが声をあげて泣いたので、エジプト人はそれを聞き、パロの家の者もそれを聞いた。





II. 赦し、愛し続けること Forgive and continue to love

3 ヨセフは兄弟たちに言った。「私はヨセフです。父上はお元気ですか。」兄弟たちはヨセフを前にして驚きのあまり、答えることができなかった。

4 ヨセフは兄弟たちに言った。「どうか私に近寄ってください。」彼らが近寄ると、ヨセフは言った。「私はあなたがたがエジプトに売った弟のヨセフです。


11 ききんはあと五年続きますから、あなたも家族も、また、すべてあなたのものが、困ることのないように、私はあなたをそこで養いましょう』と。



III. 主の良い計画があることを信じること
5 今、私をここに売ったことで心を痛めたり、怒ったりしてはなりません。神はいのちを救うために、あなたがたより先に、私を遣わしてくださったのです。

8 だから、今、私をここに遣わしたのは、あなたがたではなく、実に、神なのです。神は私をパロには父とし、その全家の主とし、またエジプト全土の統治者とされたのです。





Successful People in Life4 "Leadership"
July 14, 2024
Scripture: Genesis 45:5, 8

 There was a time when "leadership theory" was popular in the Christian church. A leader is someone who leads someone in a different direction rather than someone who stands above many people. In other words, you move people from group A to group B. There are two ways to do this. One is to show and lead that Group B is better than Group A. The other is to show them that it is dangerous to stay in group A and that they must move to group B. In this sense, if there are two or more people, one of them is the leader. The mother who tries to lead her child correctly is the leader. Therefore, anyone who tries to lead a person in a good or right direction is a leader. A Christian is a leader to a non-Christian because he is trying to lead the non-Christian to heaven. A pastor is a leader of his church because he is leading his congregation to obey the Word of God.

 The other day I entered Stampede for the first time. I went there because it was a free day. There was a competition there where a sheepdog moved three sheep. The shepherd cannot move. He signals to the dogs only by whistle or voice. The dogs move the three sheep to different places. Although there were only three sheep, each of them moved on their own, and the dog would make sure that they did not go down the wrong path. It was like watching Jesus and the church, the pastor and the congregation. 30 minutes of watching and only one of the 10 or so pairs of shepherds and sheepdogs made it through all requirements.

 But today's message is not about leadership techniques. Techniques may be necessary to lead sheep on the right path. But technique alone is not enough to move people. Unlike sheep, people are complex. Even if you take the first step in the right direction, they will stop and backtrack.

 There are many different leaders in the Bible. The best leader is the Lord Jesus. When I think of a leader who is similar to Jesus, a certain person comes to mind. It is Joseph. I don't think there is anyone in the Bible who is closer to the Lord Jesus than Joseph. When we look at Jesus and Joseph, we see that a great leader is one who has great love, and in that love is great forgiveness.

 So far the "Successful People in Life" series has been about oneself. Handling money right, reading times, and being good in relationships are all about oneself. But these do not make you a successful person. A person who leads others in the right direction and gives them a good life is a successful person.

 The story of Joseph is well known, but for those who have forgotten, I will explain the important parts of the story. As for Joseph, there are 12 chapters from Genesis 37 to 50, not counting chapter 38, which is the story of Judah. Since the story of Abraham is from Genesis 12 to 24, Joseph is positioned as the hero of Genesis along with Abraham.

 Now, Joseph is the 11th child among the 12 brothers. He was given to Rachel, who was unable to bear children. The meaning of Joseph's name is "add one more.” He was hated by his brothers because he was favored by his father Jacob. He also talked about his dream of becoming the future leader of his family without considering the situation himself, which made his brothers hate him more and more. At the age of 17, his brothers conspired to sell him into slavery in Egypt. Joseph had lost hope, but he had a talent for leadership and management. So he was given the responsibility of managing the house where he was sold into slavery. Although he was a slave, he was able to make a good living. However, his master's wife tempted Joseph. He resisted the temptation to do what was right before God, and as a result, he was put in jail. From a human perspective, he is the type of person who loses. When we try to live righteously, we suffer losses. But the Lord was with Joseph. He encouraged Joseph and made him succeed in what he was doing.

Genesis 39:21 the LORD was with him; he showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden.

 When there is no profit in doing what is right, it becomes difficult for people to continue doing what is right. Therefore, the number of bad people increases. If we are on the evolutionary theory, why do we need to do the right thing? It is "all good as long as I am good." But if we believe that God is, He sees everything. The best decision is to do what is right before God. In this respect, Joseph was the wisest of all.

 However, the Lord did not immediately release Joseph from prison. He had to stay in prison for many years. We do not know the specific number of years from the Bible, but Joseph was 17 years old when he was taken into slavery and 30 years old when he was made prime minister by Pharaoh, so we know that he spent 13 years in hard times.

 Who likes hardship?" Who wants hardship?” We basically don't like hardship. But God is the One who works out His good plan through suffering.

Romans 5:3 Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 5:4 perseverance, character; and character, hope.

 Suffering produces patience and character. The story of Joseph does not end with the success story of his becoming prime minister of Egypt. His greatness was not in his abilities but in his character.

 Later, Joseph’s brothers came to him when Joseph became prime minister. They had come to Egypt to buy food during a famine. The brothers meet Joseph for the first time in decades. However, they do not recognize Joseph. They would never have dreamed that their brother, whom they sold into slavery, had become the prime minister of Egypt. But Joseph knew. He told his brothers through an interpreter and hid the fact that he was Joseph.

 At that time, he did not see Benjamin, his younger brother who was also his mother's child, among his brothers. Joseph may have thought, "Maybe they did something terrible to Benjamin, too.” Joseph commands his brothers to bring Benjamin to him. When the brothers returned home and told their father, Jacob, their father vehemently opposed taking Benjamin with them. However, the famine became so severe that Jacob had no choice but to agree, and the brothers took Benjamin to Joseph. Joseph wanted to keep only Benjamin with him. However, Joseph reveals his true identity through how much his father Jacob loves Benjamin, how his brothers regret that they sold Joseph into slavery, and how Judah offered him to be his slave instead of Benjamin. That is chapter 45.

 Now let's learn a few points from today's Bible verses.

I. Keep your heart pure 
1 Then Joseph could no longer control himself before all his attendants, and he cried out, "Have everyone leave my presence!" So there was no one with Joseph when he made himself known to his brothers.
2 And he wept so loudly that the Egyptians heard him, and Pharaoh's household heard about it.

 It is written that Joseph finally lost control of his emotions and wept. This shows that Joseph's heart was protected even in the midst of repeated hardships.
 When people meet with suffering, they become bitter, jealous, and angry. They become emotionless, unable to laugh or cry. They become defensive all the time and put on a yoke to protect themselves from people and situations that would attack them. And they try to make others suffer what they have suffered. In other words, they cannot keep their heart pure.

Proverbs 20:5 The purposes of a man's heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out.

 The heart contains many kinds of pain. If we do not draw it out, our hearts will become polluted. There are two ways to drain the water out of our hearts. One is to always pray to the Lord as Joseph did. Joseph's pain did not turn into anger and hatred because he was always with the Lord Jesus. It was because he was receiving the Lord Jesus' healing and comfort. So, "his heart remained pure and protected.” Let us not keep any pain or suffering inside, but let us pour out our hearts to the Lord. Then you will be given the consolation of the Holy Spirit. You will realize that the Lord is with you.

 Another way is to belong to a community. Some people don't like being with other people, but there is no one who doesn't want to talk to anyone for the rest of his or her life. You need good friends in your life. Good friends are in a good community. The church is a good community. We care for each other. Care originally means "to grieve together. And we pray for each other. Prayer is the most powerful. It is important to have people who listen to us. We also need empathy, comfort and encouragement. But more than that happens if we pray because the Lord's work will be done.

II. Forgive and continue to love
 The next important point is that Joseph, who kept his heart pure, loved his neighbor.

Let us read verse 3.
3 Joseph said to his brothers, "I am Joseph! Is my father still living?" But his brothers were not able to answer him, because they were terrified at his presence. presence.

 Verse 3 reads that the brothers were amazed. In English, it says they were terrified. The brothers were terrified because they knew that Joseph, whom they had caused to suffer, was in a position to punish them. If the brothers had been good to Joseph, they would have said, "Why didn't you just tell us earlier? Now we can get rich, too. After all, my brother is now the prime minister of Egypt.” But since they had tried to kill him and sold him into slavery, it was a situation where it was inevitable that he would take revenge on them. They are waiting for Joseph's next action with fear. If you do good to others, it may come back, and if you do bad to others, you will be avenged. But Joseph was different.
4 Then Joseph said to his brothers, "Come close to me." When they had done so, he said, "I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt!

 Now they must think that Joseph was ready to avenge. But he was not.

11 I will provide for you there, because five years of famine are still to come. otherwise you and your household and all who belong to you will become destitute.'

 Joseph not only forgave his brothers, but he also loved them. It is truly difficult to love and forgive our enemies, but Joseph had the heart of Jesus. Our situation was the same. We are sinners before God. By sinner, I mean an enemy of God who is hostile to God. We are supposed to be judged by God. But God forgives us and loves us, just as Joseph forgave and loved his brothers.

 And now let’s think about why Joseph could do that. 

III. Trusting that the Lord has a good plan for us
5 And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, for it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.

 And verse 8.
8 "So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God; He made me father to Pharaoh, lord of his entire household and ruler of all Egypt.

 If someone is subjected to what Joseph was subjected to, he or she would normally be overcome with anger and hatred. However, Joseph believed that God had a plan behind everything. He did not blame others or the environment for his misfortune but focused on God's plan.

 In the beginning, the Lord gave Joseph a vision. It was a vision of becoming a leader. He rejoiced. However, leadership did not mean ruling by power and strength but helping through love and forgiveness. For this reason, the Lord dared to put Joseph through hard times to help him grow in his inner character. If Joseph had not accepted God's plan, his heart would have been dominated by vengeance against his brothers and even he would have been angry with God. But Joseph aligned his life with God's plan.
 If you align yourself with God's plan, you are expecting God, not man. And in God's timing, God's plan came to pass. This is also the crucial difference between Jacob and Joseph. Jacob tried to acquire the vision given to him by his own strength. His life became a life of deceiving and being deceived. Joseph, in the same way, waited for God's work and God's time for the vision given to him.
 Everyone has his or her own "philosophy of life.” Many people's life philosophy ends with them winning or being successful. But it should not end there. It should be about making life better for others through you. If you are a Christian, it is important that God's good plan be realized through you.

 A leader knows that "B is better than A," and that "people must go to B, not stay in A." So, leaders move people. Good leaders have love and character. Joseph led Jacob's large family to Egypt. They were happy because of Joseph.
 God calls us to be leaders. We don't have to be the head of a group. If you want to make people happy, you are a leader. Christian leaders are to share the hope of heaven, help those in need, and show the glory of God. To do this, you must focus on God's plan. Trust God, hope in Him, and see life through His eyes. Trust that God has a plan for your life, even if it seems that your life has been made worse by bad people or circumstances. God is with you as He was with Joseph.

 Let us pray.
 Father, there is a slight difference between what the Bible says about a successful person and what the world shows. May we be successful not only in making ourselves better but in making those around us better. Also, please give us the faith to believe and expect God's plan behind it, instead of judging everything we see. Help us not to be defeated by anger and hatred. Nothing happens without your permission, and even if it is bad, we can thank you because You are the one who works everything for good.