人生の成功者2 時代を読む
哀歌 3:40 40 私たちの道を尋ね調べて、主のみもとに立ち返ろう。
I. 二つの人生観
II. ヒューマニズムの道
Imagine by John Lennon
Imagine there's no Heaven it's easy if you try
天国がないと想像してごらん そうやってみればできるよ
No Hell below us Above us only sky
地獄もないのさ 上にはただ空しかない
Imagine all the people Living for today
想像してごらん 今生きている 全ての人々が
Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do
国境なしに生きることを それは難しくないよ
Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too
Imagine all the people Living life in peace
想像してごらん 皆が平和に暮らすことを
You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one
君は僕を夢想家というだろう でも僕だけじゃないはずだ
I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one
いつか君も参加するといいね 世界はひとつになるんだ
Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can
想像してごらん 誰も所有しないことを 君はできるだろうか
No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man
欲張りも飢餓もなく 皆が兄弟なんだ
Imagine all the people Sharing all the world
想像してごらん 人類が世界を共有することを
III. 創造論の道
IV. 正しい道を選びましょう
伝道者の書12:13「 結局のところ、もうすべてが聞かされていることだ。神を恐れよ。神の命令を守れ。これが人間にとってすべてである。」
Successful Life 2: Reading the times
June 30, 2024
Lamentations 3:40 Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the LORD.
Isn't the modern view of life that we should enjoy living today because we don't know what tomorrow will bring? There was once a movie called "Bonnie and Clyde," and this is the modern people's sense of the times.
We are living in an era in which the values that have been protected for so long since the end of World War II are being undermined from the bottom up. And Covid19 has accelerated this further.
I saw a movie called, “Oppenheimer.” He was a scientist who applied his research to the atomic bomb in order to win the Second World War. He knew that this weapon of mass destruction would lead mankind into a new era, but he rushed to build it because he thought it would be better for America to have the atomic bomb than for the Nazis to have it. As a result, the world escalated to an even more destructive hydrogen bomb. In the film, Einstein says, “It is not good for one country to have an atomic bomb. For the sake of peace, teach it to other countries.” In the end, he was right, and today nine countries have atomic bombs. Oppenheimer's invention only triggered the atomic bomb race. He became a hero but was treated like a criminal after he turned against the even more destructive hydrogen bomb. Although it was President Truman who actually dropped the bomb on Japan, Oppenheimer lived his life regretting having created the bomb.
It is hard to know that this is the right thing to do, and to be encouraged by those around you to work hard and achieve results, only to discover that it was a mistake and meaningless. If we continue to live our lives with wrong values, we will only regret it in the end. In these changing times, we need to think about what is right.
I hope that through this time today you can think about what I am about to say. Human beings are creatures that can think. It is important to think.
Today we will consider two views of life.
I. Two Views of Life
I will talk about two views of life. All views of life can be divided into these two categories. The first is humanism. This humanism does not refer to love of humanity, but rather to a bible-denying ideology that has existed since the 16th century and took shape in the 18th century as the “Enlightenment." In other words, it is material-centeredness. And since Darwin's "Origin of Species," it has persuaded the world through the theory of evolution. It is an ideology that scientists are pushing and involving people all over the world. I too believed in this ideology until I was 21 years old. If God is denied, man becomes God. And we can live as we wish.
Under this ideology, man is fundamentally good. It is the environment and DNA changes that make him bad. However, man can determine his own destiny. Humans can also choose to do what is right. There is no absolute standard; the standard is what the majority of people think is good for the time. They also involved some Christians. They are called “Liberal Theology.” Liberal theology trusts scientists more than the Bible. They remove all miracles from the Bible and do not believe in Jesus as Savior. They do not know God. They are people who need the gospel.
Another view of life is creationism. This is a view of life that believes the Bible as the Word of God in no error. God is the center of everything. God is eternal and created the universe and all living things on earth. At first, man had freedom, but lost it when sin entered the picture. Since then, mankind has not only been a sinner before God, but also cannot overcome the power of sin. God is absolutely good and righteous. He Himself is the standard of goodness, and He judges those who disobey Him. But at the same time, because He is the One of love, He forgives all the sins of those who seek Him and accept Jesus as their Savior, the only way of salvation.
Let us examine ourselves to see which we have chosen and which path we are following. After Joshua crossed the Jordan River, he said, "But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." This is a decision and a way of life. To believe in God is to reject the idea of not believing in God. To accept both is to believe in neither.
Let us check out both paths as Jeremiah says in today's passage.
II. the path of humanism
Materialistic Values
Today we will discuss humanism from three points of view. First, is materialism. The difference between the two ways of life becomes clear in the consumer culture I talked about last week. Overconsumption, busyness for consumption, and the belief that material fulfillment is the path to happiness is humanism. Science and technology support humanism. In other words, the message is that if you are materially fulfilled, you will be happy. It believes that the more good things we have, the happier we can become as individuals, families, and societies.
Prodigality in the Name of Freedom
Second, humanism's motto is “freedom." Since humanism is built on relative values, "no idea, no way of life, no person is right or wrong." The Enlightenment is the first of its kind. The Enlightenment has entered the postmodern era. This is the denial of values as absolute as it is. It is a way of life that says, "Let no one say that everyone is right and no one is wrong," and "Doing what you want to do to the best of your ability is the path to happiness." In other words, do as you desire”.
Survival of the Fittest
The third word is “Survival of the fittest.” Humanism is, in other words, evolutionary. In World War II, the Nazis failed to embrace this idea in any way, and since then, it has not been expressed. The world has chosen to fight for survival over cooperation and collaboration. Evolution is the theory of evolution from animals, so at its root, it is about the survival of the fittest, the weak and the strong. In other words, the idea is that only the best will survive. Now we are protected by a sense of justice and ethics and morality, but if times get bad, the whole world will be covered by the idea that "the weak may be weeded out.”
Consider here the lyrics of a famous song. It was written by the now deceased John Lennon, and it pursues the ideal of peace for mankind. He was from Ireland. For a long period of time, Ireland was in a civil war due to religious conflicts between Protestants and Catholics. He must have been disappointed with the religion of Christianity in that context. And he wrote this song because he thought that peace could be achieved by human power without relying on God. However, John Lennon's wish did not come true. He died from a bullet from someone who hated him.
This song contains the freedom and ideals that humanism speaks of.
Imagine by John Lennon
Imagine there's no Heaven it's easy if you try
No Hell below us Above us only sky
Imagine all the people Living for today
Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too
Imagine all the people Living life in peace
You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one
Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people Sharing all the world
This is a song from 1971, so the song is more than 50 years old. The message was sent out that by denying God, mankind can be happy. However, instead of peace, the world without God has gone further toward killing each other. In the past 50 years, we have gone from national wars to ethnic wars. Different ethnic groups within the same country are killing each other, and the number of refugees has skyrocketed. Also, instead of becoming one, the world is becoming more and more divided. The world is divided into several groups that are hostile to each other. Rather than abolishing borders, border guards are being increased and border crossers are being shot and killed. In addition, the wealth of the world is monopolized by a few rich people, and the gap between the rich and the poor continues to widen.
Certainly, religious Christianity has no power. I agree with that. But even if Christianity goes down the wrong path, God is present, and only through His power is peace, love, and reconciliation possible. It is in the sinlessness of Christ, who loved and prayed for those who would kill him on the cross, that there is hope for all mankind. Next, is creationism.
III. The Way of Creationism
Forgiveness and Deliverance from Sin
Today I will discuss two key points of creationism. First, forgiveness of sin and deliverance from sin. No matter how idealistic we may be, as long as the sinful nature exists within humanity, the ideal will end in disappointment. The essence of the problem is not disease, environment, or birth, but sin. This nature cannot be controlled by our own power. Bad words and bad actions come from within. If that inside changes, you change, your surroundings change, and the world changes. Therefore, creationism is the path of realizing inner sin and becoming happy through inner change.
Also, matter cannot make a person happy. People have not only a physical body but also a mind and spirit. The mind and spirit cannot be satisfied by matter.
Freedom is not the ability to live according to one's desires, but the ability to do what is right. Mankind has lost its freedom because of sin. However, people still have a sense of righteousness and morality. By using these, and by making right choices under the power of the Holy Spirit, Christians can be freed from sin.
God's grace
The second characteristic is “God of grace.” God meets those who seek and forgives the sins of those who believe in Jesus, and the Holy Spirit frees them from sin. Man cannot cancel or control evil by himself. God's grace makes it possible.
The crucial difference between humanism and creationism is the value of man. In humanism, man determines the value of man. Naturally, a high value is placed on those who are useful. Creationism, on the other hand, as the saying goes, God created everything. God loves all creation as parents love their children. And although He justly judges sinners, He accepts those who turn to Him.
Finally, let us think about how to live as a believer of Creationism.
IV. Choose the Right Path
Today's scripture was written about 2,500 years ago. The meaning becomes clearer when we understand the history of Israel at that time.
Israel was a nation that believed in the God of the Bible and made the law given by God the law of the nation. The second king was called David, who established the nation by willingly setting an example of obedience to God's law and prophets rather than his own authority and power. But then his successors began to adopt the customs and religion of the surrounding nations. Out of pure faith in God, they began to adopt impurities. In particular, they adopted the gods and customs of the economically successful nations around them.
God sent prophets to warn them to return to the Law, to worship the true God, and to return to a God-fearing life, but the kings and nations of Israel lived according to the times and did not inspect their way of life.
Before long, the Law disappeared from their midst and worship disappeared. God, through a prophet named Jeremiah, warned that if this continued, the nation of Israel would be destroyed and the people taken captive to foreign lands. However, not only did they not take Jeremiah's words seriously, they persecuted him and tried to kill him. Then, the prophecy came true. Israel was destroyed and the people were taken to Babylon as slaves. In the midst of his grief, Jeremiah speaks, “Now is the time to inspect the path we have taken.”
If we do not inspect our lives, we are drifting away from the truth. The result will be God's judgment. It is sad that the Old Testament concludes that the Jews were a people apart from God, but it is a very effective warning to us.
So, we need to do to succeed in life is to grasp the truth and hold on to it without being carried away by the times. The Bible declares the truth of every age. We must listen to the words of the Bible and make sure we are not straying from the path.
Humanism, which I spoke of today, is one value that is hostile to the Bible. But there are many others, all rooted in disregard and hostility to God the Creator.
Ecclesiastes concludes,
Ecclesiastes 12:13: "Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole {duty of man."
Happiness away from God is not true happiness; unhappiness with God is actually happiness. If you leave God, you leave the truth; if you return to God, you return to the truth.
Times change. But God does not change. It is more stable to stand on a hard rock than to surf well in the shifting times. No matter how good a surfer is, he will be swallowed by the violent waves.
But the world says, "What is wrong with being against God? What's wrong with being hostile to God, isn't it enough if life is enjoyable?"
But we must know that God is love, but in those who oppose Him, God's character of justice comes out. Justice is expressed in the form of the judgment of sinners. Even in our society, we cannot say to criminals, "If you are happy, so be it.” For those who commit crimes, that is, those who break the rules of society, the judge will pronounce a guilty verdict.
This is the scarier thing. At the end of life, it is not enough to say, "My life was good, I was able to do what I wanted to do, and I was happy.” After death, we stand before a just God.
Success in life is not determined by one's earthly life alone. In baseball, this life is like the bottom of the 8th inning. There is still the ninth inning left. In golf, it is the end of the 17th hole. Christians must not let their guard down.
Do you want to be successful in life? If so, then see and judge things on an eternal scale.
Let’s Pray.