人生の成功者シリーズ1 「お金」
I. お金に対して持つ希望
「もう少しお金があれば...」とは、欲しいものがもっと手に入れば幸せになれるという事です。富は満足を与えると思っているのです。しかし、本当にお金で満足を得る事ができるでしょうか? 問題は、人はいつでも自分の稼げるお金以上の物が欲しいという事です。お金に満足を見つけようと追い求めても、いつも「もう少し欲しい」のです。
II. 実際にお金が私たちにもたらすもの(11-15)
III. お金を使う知恵
IV. 聖書はお金をどう扱うように教えているか
お金から自由になりたいと思いますか? そのためには、「もう少し、お金があれば.。」という考え方を捨てることです。お金から自由になるとは、たくさんお金を持つ事ではなく、少しのお金で満たされる事なのです。
お金にすべての信頼を置かない Do not put all your trust in money
Successful People in Life series 1 "Money"
June 23, 2024
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 5:10-20
Since the screen is small today, I will read the Bible. If you have a Bible, please look at it, and if you do not have one, please listen carefully and read the Bible later.
I have been thinking a lot since the recent incident with Ippei Mizuhara, who was Otani's interpreter. What drove him into a debt of 2.5 billion yen. I think it was partly his weakness. But he was earning 75 million yen a year, several times what most interpreters earn. With that much, he could have lived an elegant life even in expensive Los Angeles. He could have saved enough money to live on until retirement, even if he quit his job as an interpreter. What was the reason for him to go into debt, even if he had to give up his job to do so? I meditated on the fear of money in the modern world. For the next few weeks, starting today, I will be giving a message titled Successful People in Life. Let's think together about who the real successful people are. Today is the first installment. Let's learn from the Bible about money and wealth.
Here is the question. How much money would you be satisfied with?” In this context, let's take a moment to think about how much money would make you happy. Let's see,
Who would be satisfied with 10% to 20% more money?
20% to 40, More than 50%, 100%, 200%,
Let's analyze money and our minds today. And let's think about how much would make us satisfied. To do this, let's consider three key points.
*The hope we have for money
*What money actually brings
*How the Bible teaches us to handle money
I. The hope you have for money(10)
Verse 10 says, "Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless."
If only I had more money…" means that if we could have more of what we want, we would be happy. They think that wealth gives satisfaction. But can money really give satisfaction? The problem is that people always want more than they can earn. Even when we pursue to find satisfaction in money, we always, always "want more.”
In other words, money cannot make you happy. That is because "you can never get everything you want". You may think rich people are happy, but they, just like you, want "a little more.”
Money gives you self-worth.
If you have wealth, you hope that "people will value you" and "respect you" and that you will "have power" and "honor and status. Status, which increases one's sense of inferiority, can also be obtained as long as one has money. We have the illusion that people will respect us as long as we have money. However, the Bible teaches us that a person's worth is not in his possessions. Even if you have a high-dollar check issued by a bank, others are more interested in that check than in the person who has it. A person's value is not in his possessions but in his character. When an American millionaire had his grandson kidnapped, he was unwilling to pay the ransom. The criminal then cut off his grandson's ear. Do you think that after the crime is solved, the grandson honored his grandfather? A person's value is not enhanced by his possessions.
Peace of Mind
If only we had enough money, we would feel secure, but that is impossible. Wealth can disappear overnight. My friend's father owned a business. He owned his own house when he was about 40 years old. However, he fell victim to a bad scam, and in an instant, the company was taken away from him, the house was taken away, and he was saddled with huge debts. His family fell apart and divorced. Money can never provide stability. Money flies like a bird with wings. Therefore, any hope we have for money brings disappointment. Next, let us consider what money actually brings.
II. What money actually brings us (11-15)
More consumption (11)
As income increases, so does spending. There is no limit to where you can spend your money, so you need not have any difficulty in spending all the money you have available to you. Rather, it is a struggle to keep within the limits of the money you have. That is basically the same no matter how much income you have. People without cars want Corollas, people with Corollas want RAV4s, Jeeps, and trucks, and on top of that there are always more expensive BMWs and Mercedes Benzes and so on and so forth. Verse 11 says, "As income increases, so do the people who spend it.” There will be more people who will spend your money: specialists, counselors, lawyers, tax accountants, consultants, accountants, and so on, after all.
Worry Much (12)
Next, it says that if you own a lot of money, you will not sleep well at night (12). In other words, because they think about how to make sure they don't lose their money, how to increase it as much as possible, and how to invest it better. When a person who has no money finishes his work for the day, he takes it easy and rests until the next day. For him, when he presses his time card that day, he goes home, watches TV, enjoys himself with his family, and goes to bed soundly. However, this is not the case for someone who has money and wants to make some more of it. When the work is done and they go home, they have another job. They go to bed with a lot of anxiety and fear, reexamining every risky deal they made to protect their money, looking for a few more alternative investments, and researching other companies to make sure they don't fall behind the times. His family is all asleep, but he cannot sleep. He wakes up again and goes to his desk and computer, anxious about unfinished business and the tasks he needs to have taken care of. In other words, the more money he has in his wallet, the more anxious and stressed he becomes.
More pain when you lose it (14)
What money actually brings is pain. Losing a little money is a shock, so when you lose a lot of money the shock is tremendous. After the Covid19, the world have an inflated economy and many companies have restructured or gone bankrupt. People who lose a lot of money usually have their lives changed afterwards. They lead a bitter life of sadness, disappointment, and anger. When you have a big debt, you have fear and disappointment that you can no longer have wealth, anger that money has betrayed you, and always regret why you lost your money, and a sad life awaits you.
Without wisdom, it will instead harm you (13).
Money is like a test of life. Money is useful if used with wisdom. But without wisdom, it does more harm than good. Money attracts most people. Perhaps fascination is not the right word. Rather, it is domination. What it means is that most people spend their lives thinking about how to make money, how to save it, how to spend it, how to increase it, and how to use their lives for money. It would be no exaggeration to say that our lives are ruled by money. If we have money, our hearts will show up. That heart is how mature we are in character, how clean we are, how loving we are, etc., will show when we let money hold us.
Did you know that Jesus spoke more about money than anything else in the Bible? More than heaven or hell, Jesus talked about money. You cannot use your life effectively without having a firm idea about money. If you have more money, you have more responsibility before God. Next, let us consider what is wisdom in spending money.
III. Wisdom in Spending Money
Realize that money can only be used in this life.
No matter how much money you save, you cannot take it to heaven. An old woman starved to death. Everyone was saddened that she had nothing to eat. However, a huge amount of money was found in the basement of the old woman's apartment. The old woman had saved money, but she could not spend it effectively. Money is useless if it is not used effectively.
Inheritance may not end well.
Those who have wealth think they can make their children happy by leaving it to them. But in many cases, children cannot effectively use wealth that is not their own hard-earned. They inherit a legacy and then ruin it, or worse, the large sums of money ruin the child.
There was a king in the Bible named Solomon. He left more wealth to his children than anyone else on earth. But his child, Rehoboam, could not handle wealth that did not come from his own strength. He dismissed wise people and placed morally corrupt people around him. He failed to take responsibility as king and instead ruined the nation according to his own desires. Because of him, the nation of Israel was divided.
What children need is not wealth but an example. They need the example of parents who live responsibly with their money. If there is only wealth without it, it will ruin children like a drug. Verse 15 says, "Naked a man comes from his mother's womb, and as he comes, so he departs. He takes nothing from his labor that he can carry in his hand." So, finally, what does the Bible teach us about how to handle money?
IV. How the Bible teaches us to handle money(19)
With Gratitude
The Bible teaches us to receive with gratitude what God has given us. Everything you own was given to you by God as a gift. Even if it is by labor, the ability and guidance to do that work are God-given. Wealth is a blessing from God, therefore, first of all, have gratitude to God for the money you have.
Have joy.
Second, have joy. The Bible says, "When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider”(7:14) God gives us good times and bad times in order to teach those who trust in wealth the uncertainty of it. Money is when you have it and when you don't. To enjoy is to enjoy what you have. Happiness is not about getting what you want, but enjoying what you have. Which of the following do you think is happier? One is to enjoy what you have, and the other is to want what you don't know if you can have, and your mind is filled with desires and anxieties. You are not satisfied because you always want more than you have. Many people are so desperate that they don't even have time to enjoy what they have.
Verse 19 ”Moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work--this is a gift of God.”
Do you want to be free from money? To do so, you must let go of the idea that "If only I had a little more money…" To be free from money means to be free from the idea of "I wish I had more money.” To be free from money is not to have a lot of money, but to be content with little money.
Spending for the sake of others
Second, the Bible teaches us not to spend money only for ourselves. The principle that God blesses is when people use their money for others, not for themselves. God's interest is not that you have more wealth. God's concern is that you become more like Christ. Becoming more like Christ means becoming more giving. Christ is the one who gave even his life for us. God is a giver. The Bible contains the principle, "Give, and you will receive.” If we give generously, we will also receive generously. Above all, if we give, it is stored up in heaven. As a pastor, I often wonder about financially blessed people, if they had more wealth, would they use it more for themselves or for others? It is difficult for the rich in this world to become rich in heaven.
Do not put all your trust in money
The Bible warns those who are rich in this world, "Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, ..”(1 Timothy6:17) Who are the rich? If you own a house, you are in the top 3% of the world. If you own a car, you are in the top 6% of the world. The more money we have, the more we try to rely on it. But money can easily betray our trust. Nothing on earth is secure. Money is the best example. You never know when money will run out.
Not controlled by money
Fifth, the Bible teaches us to live our lives not controlled by money. Today, we live in an age of materialism. The problem with materialism is not to own things, but to be owned by things. If you cannot get rid of what you have, you end up being controlled by it. The more you want to increase your possessions, the greedier and greedier you become. What is Scrooge's problem with the novel, “A Christmas Carol?” He was ruled by money. People who are controlled by money are stingy, and everyone hates them. So what should we do? It is the opposite of materialism: give, not get. But there is a wiser way to spend money.
Spending money for eternity.
The Bible teaches that we cannot serve both wealth and God. This means, in other words, which do you prioritize, God or money? If you prioritize money, then the only way is to be ruled by money. But if we put God first, our wealth will be piled up in heaven. When we put God first, money becomes a weapon for our eternal work. Money is necessary for the work of the church and for the work of evangelism. To send one missionary, one salary is needed. We also need money to help others. The Bible says, "To give money to the poor is to lend it to God.”(Pro.19:17)
Money can be seen better when we put on the glasses of the Kingdom of God and eternal wealth. When we try to use it not for ourselves but for God and for others, we are not ruled by money but rule money. To do this, we must let what God gives flow where it is needed. Money flows like a river. We are not to stop it ourselves, but to let it flow where it needs to go. A clean river is not only beautiful to look at, it attracts people. A cesspooled river gradually becomes muddy, its creatures die, and it decomposes.
Let us pray.
Father God, we thank you that you always bless us. However, even the good things we have, the devil twists and turns them into something bad for us. Money and wealth in itself is not bad, but it creates desires, and worst of all, it enslaves us. The Lord has set us free so that we can be free. Please help us to do so. Also, help us to trust God more than we trust money. The world is all about what it sees. But we know God by faith. Please bless us to always keep our eyes on God's love and grace.