2024年6月2日 メッセージ 牧師 沖胡一郎
28 神を愛する人々、すなわち、神のご計画に従って召された人々のためには、神がすべてのことを働かせて益としてくださることを、私たちは知っています。
II. できごとよりも、根源的なものに目を向ける
ヤコブ1:17 すべての良い贈り物、また、すべての完全な賜物は上から来るのであって、光を造られた父から下るのです。父には移り変わりや、移り行く影はありません。
詩篇34 ダビデによる。彼がアビメレクの前で気が違ったかのようにふるまい、彼に追われて去ったとき
1 私はあらゆる時に主をほめたたえる。私の口には、いつも、主への賛美がある。
2 わが魂は主によって誇る。苦しむ者はこれを聞いて喜ぶであろう。
3 私とともに主をほめよ。共に、御名をあがめよう。
III. 主の恵みを体験すること
34:4 わたしが主に求めたとき、主はわたしに答え、すべての恐れからわたしを助け出された。
34:6 この苦しむ者が呼ばわったとき、主は聞いて、すべての悩みから救い出された。
7 主の使いは主を恐れる者の回りに陣を張り、彼らを助け出される。
創世記22:12 御使いは仰せられた。「あなたの手を、その子に下してはならない。その子に何もしてはならない。今、わたしは、あなたが神を恐れることがよくわかった。あなたは、自分の子、自分のひとり子さえ惜しまないでわたしにささげた。」
8 主のすばらしさを味わい、これを見つめよ。幸いなことよ。彼に身を避ける者は。
A life of Always Thankful
June 2, 2024 Message from Pastor Ichiro Okiebisu
Bible: Psalm 34:1-8
Since the Bible says so, we know that we need to be thankful. However, it is difficult for us to be thankful in our daily lives, which are full of hardships. So today, let's think together about the need to be thankful.
Recently, more and more people are becoming thankful because they know that being thankful is good for one's health. But in the Bible, Paul commands us to be thankful for everything.
Now, gratitude may be easy for those who are habituated to it, but it is usually very difficult. People are usually thankful when things go well. But they soon forget about it. So, even if they try to be grateful, they cannot do it.
The first step is to find something to be thankful for. If you are in Calgary, you can be thankful for the good scenery and events in the spring. It is also a good idea to eat good food from time to time. Also, making a gratitude notebook can help you remember what you enjoyed in the past and thereby look forward to the future. It may be necessary to write down what you are thankful for and look at it from time to time.
From today's Psalm, let us learn about David's life of gratitude. He made thanksgiving and praise the center of his life.
I. Change the way you look at things to gratitude
The key to a life of gratitude is to make gratitude a habit. Once you get into the habit, it is not so difficult. Usually, people interpret events. The event itself is neutral. Even if it is an illness or injury, it can be interpreted in many ways.
For example, an illness can cause a family member to worry about you, which can deepen the family's affection for you. Also, if a person is removed from work because of an injury, it is a good thing that he or she was not there at the time if the work becomes a major problem.
In other words, the event itself is neutral. We all have our own quirks and habits in interpreting them. Some people always interpret things negatively, while others think of bad things in a positive way.
For example, when someone compliments you, you may think, "But, they usually look at me in a bad way," or you may think, "This person doesn't really feel that way in their heart," and you may not be pleased, while others appreciate the opportunity to correct their shortcomings, even if they are told something a little harsh. Some people smile and say, "The weather is good today," or, "One good thing has made up for all the bad things," while others feel unhappy about their lives when something bad happens.
There is a Chinese proverb that says, “Saio ga uma.” The episode of this legend goes like this.
In the north of China, there lived an old man who was good at fortune-telling. Further to the north lived a different tribe called the Hu, and there was a fortress on the border. One day, the old man's horse ran away in the direction of the Hu country to the north. Many of the horses in this northern region were good horses and could be sold for a high price, so the neighbors felt sorry for the old man and went to console him. The old man, however, did not seem sorry and said, "This does not necessarily mean that you will not be happy.”
One day, the horse that had run away came back with many good Hu horses. When the neighbors went to congratulate him, the old man shook his head and said, "This may not turn out to be a disaster."
After a while, the old man's son fell off the horse and broke his leg. The neighbors felt sorry for him and went to console him, but the old man said flatly, "This doesn't necessarily mean that you won't be happy."
A year passed, and then the foreign tribes of Hu attacked. All the young men near the citadel went to fight. And although they managed to repel the Hu attack, many young men died in that war. The old man's son, however, did not go into battle because he had a wounded leg, so he survived.
If we believe in God's presence, it is not wise to interpret it only in terms of the time. For God is the one who works all things for good.
Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Therefore, it is important to make gratitude a habit. Christians would do well to replace the word interpretation with faith. In other words, faith is "receiving things positively and positively in every situation because we trust God.”
II. Look to the root rather than the event
Next, instead of forcing yourself to be grateful, think of reasons why you can be grateful.
To be thankful, we must know the root of things well. In other words, realize that all good things come from God.
James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
In other words, every good thing comes from above, from God. This is because God's character is good.
Everything that happens in our daily lives seems to happen by chance, but God's will is behind it all. Therefore, if we believe in God's good character, even if we cannot be thankful for the event itself, we can be thankful to God who is behind it.
Let us read today's passage together.
Psalm 34 Of David. when he pretended to be insane before Abimelech, who drove him away, and he left.
1 I will extol the LORD at all times; his praise will always be on my lips.
Here, David was placed in mortal danger. He was King Saul's best vassal, but he was too capable to be a hindrance to the king. Saul feared David and wanted to kill him. As a result, David was forced to live on the run in the wilderness. The Abimelech mentioned here is not an actual name but is thought to refer to the Philistine king of the time. A similar passage is found in 1 Samuel 21:10-15. David went to the king of the Philistines, his enemy, and was almost killed there as well, but he pretended to be mad and escaped the difficulty.
It is amazing that David, fleeing in the wilderness, not knowing when he would be killed, praised the Lord at all times. He does not praise because things are going well. He is thankful because he knows that God is good, even in ungrateful circumstances.
Let's read verses 2 and 3.
2 My soul will boast in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and rejoice.
3 Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together.
Here he says, "The afflicted will hear my praise and rejoice.” He also invites them to "praise the LORD with me.” His conviction involved the people around him. There are those who involve people in bad things, but we are those who involve people in good things. We must remember that we are there to share the Lord's greatness with those around us. The world, in particular, is full of difficulties. There are many people in unfortunate circumstances. They need hope. Only Christians can give them real hope. Faith must lead to conviction. Conviction changes you and those around you. We must always trust in the Lord, even when hard things happen in our daily lives.
III. Experiencing the Lord's grace
David goes on to testify in verses 4 and 6.
4 I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.
6 This poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles.
Last week, Paul's prayer was, "May you know the love of Christ that far surpasses all human knowledge.” Christians do not just understand Christ's love; they experience it and communicate it. To experience God, we need prayer. Prayer is the way to move God's hand. Without prayer, the experience of God answering prayer cannot happen. We ask God in prayer, and God responds through His Word. The Word encourages, strengthens, and protects us.
Next comes verse 7.
7 The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he rescues them.
And the Lord will bless those who fear Him. To "fear the Lord" is not to be afraid. It is about showing respect to the Lord and obeying His word.
When Abraham offered Isaac, the Lord said, "I know that Abraham fears the Lord.”
Genesis 22:12 "Do not lay a hand on the boy," he said. "Do not do anything to him.Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son."
You cannot say I fear God while ignoring His will and Word.
Those who seek God and follow Him experience God. They then share their testimonies and tell of God's splendor.
8 Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.
For the Christian, thanking God is not only for himself. There is also a missionary perspective. People around us see God as they see us. If we are always sad and live in misery, the world will think that the Christian God is a bad God. But if we experience God's greatness and are filled with gratitude, we will think, "The Christian's God is a good God.”
Christians have much to thank God for. We just forget to do it. Those who always try to be thankful will live thankful days. And when the waves of real difficulties come, it is okay. As the ships at sea suffer the damage of the waves, it is quiet under the sea. In the past, when the waves were strong in Hawaii, I always went under the waves. Then the waves would go over the top.
In the life of a Christian, there are also illnesses, accidents, and troubles. But in the depths, the Lord is protecting us.
Those who are ungrateful say, "Think about reality.” But that is the message: "Be negative.” We have no reason or obligation to be negative. A negative mind hurts us and depresses those around us.
A life of gratitude is a good life. I encourage you to spend this week thinking only of good things and looking for things to be grateful for as much as possible. When we change our habits, we change our lives. When we have the determination to be thankful, our hearts are protected.
Today we looked at Psalm 34 with a spotlight on gratitude. Next week we will continue.
Let us pray.
Father, we remember that your grace and love are true. Forgive us for our stubbornness in not always being thankful. And lead us to make declarations of thanksgiving. Also, in our daily lives come problems and difficulties that we have no control over.
Please lead us to stop once and give "thanks to the Lord" and review our lives.
The Lord created us to praise and be thankful. However, we have become sinners who complain more than thankful and grumble more than praise. But by the power of Your grace, give us faith and trust within us, and help us to see things in a different light. Also, the streets are filled with unhappy people. Please use us to tell them that there is real hope.